They Are Not Human!

Chapter 197: go home 20


Zhang Yang: "???"

He looked at Zhou Zhou in disbelief.

What's the big deal? What husband


Zhang Yang turned his head stiffly and looked at Wang Da Wang Er beside him, suspecting that he had heard wrong.

Wang Da and Wang Er were also in shock, staring blankly at Zhou Zhou and Wen Qing in the car.

After a while, Zhang Yang stammered and asked Wen Qing, "What do you mean?"

Wen Qing was silent for a moment, then said, "Don't pay attention to him."

"He's talking nonsense."

Zhou Zhou blinked, turned his hand on Wen Qing's shoulder to one side, stroked the delicate skin on the side of Wen Qing's neck with his fingertips, and said slowly, "Since I feel that I am not a big husband..."

"Then I'll be a gentle old wife."

Wen Qing: "..."

Zhang Yang: "???"

Zhou Zhou half-closed his eyes, looked at Wen's slightly frowning brows, and curled his lips.

He leaned forward and kissed Wen Qing's lips in front of Zhang Yang and others.

Wen Qing's body trembled, Zhou Zhou pinned her down on the seat and couldn't move, unable to escape.

Zhou Zhou sucked his lips, pressed the tip of his tongue against the beads of his lips, and hooked them gently.

After a little taste, the kiss ended in the blink of an eye.

"We are just an ordinary wife-husband relationship."

Wen wiped his mouth lightly, wanting to say that it was just an ordinary kiss, but worried that Zhou Zhou would do other things after saying it, so he hesitated for a moment, but still didn't speak.

The three people outside the car were stunned, with their mouths open, watching this scene in a daze.

Zhang Yang's eyes inevitably fell on Wen Qing's lips, which were red and wet with a lustrous luster, which made people daydream.

Looking at his eyes, the smile on Zhou Zhou's face became wider, and his eyes sank.

Zhang Yang didn't notice, and still stared at Wen Qing.

The scar on the co-pilot could feel Zhou Zhou's cold air and dissatisfaction. He glanced at Zhang Yang who knew nothing, his eyelids twitched wildly, he quickly unfastened his seat belt, opened the car door abruptly, and scolded: "My surname is Zhang! Yes, watch your eyes!"

Zhang Yang was still immersed in the shock of the relationship between Zhou Zhou and Wen Qing, and looked at Dao Scar blankly: "Brother Dao, I'm fine, your skill at opening the door is very good, and you didn't hit my eye."

Scar: "..."

After Zhang Yang finished speaking, he couldn't help looking into the car again.

Scar glared at him, closed the car door, and gave the driver a look.

The driver sensibly closed the windows to block the view from outside the car.

Zhang Yang slowly retracted his gaze, heard Wang Da approaching, and asked in a low voice, "Wen Meng... is he gay?"

Zhang Yang shook his head and said truthfully, "I don't know."

"In the copy before, he had a very close relationship with a girl."

Wang Da suddenly realized: "Men and women take it all."

"Wen Mengchang is so good-looking, it's normal to like both men and women."

Wang Er nodded in agreement, and muttered in a low voice, "But he is with Brother Zhou, it's too strong."

Zhou Zhou is a well-known pervert in the West District. Unlike Ozzy, who is obsessed with clearing dungeons, he likes to play with players in the game, from psychological to physical, and because his appearance is too deceptive, players who don't know him are often deceived.

"Wen Meng looks quite normal."

"He is very nice and helped me in the dungeon."

"Then why are you with Zhou Zhou?"

"Could it be... true love?"

Listening to their whispers of Scar: "..."

The windows are covered with a film, so the inside of the car cannot be seen from the outside, but the people inside the car can clearly see the outside scene.

Sitting in the car, Wen Qing saw the eyes of Zhang Yang and others flickering over from time to time, knowing that they must be discussing matters between herself and Zhou Zhou.

He frowned slightly, lowered his head and wiped his mouth.

"Where did I say something wrong?" Zhou Zhou turned his head to look at him, and said with a smile, "If I'm not a gentle husband, I wouldn't be gentle with my wife..."

"Then am I Qingqing's master? Or do you want to be my master?"

"..." Wen wiped his mouth lightly, ignored him, thought to himself, when this dungeon is over, no one will be able to see anyone anyway, Zhang Yang and the others misunderstood how they like, how Ai and others can say.

Zhou Zhou raised his hand to hold down his movements, and stroked his lips with his fingertips: "Don't rub it lightly."

He leaned close to Wen Qing's ear and said in a low voice, "The more you rub, the more red you will become, and the more you rub, the more swollen you will be."

"Young should not want to kiss you hard now, right?"

"My kissing skills are very good now, what should I do if I gently kiss softly and wet later..."

Wen Qing's fingertips trembled, and she felt that Zhou Zhou's breathing was two points deep, and it was several degrees hot, blowing down her neck.

He didn't react to Zhou Zhou's words, but Zhou Zhou must be thinking about something when he said it...

Wen Qing pursed her lips, looked sideways, and gave Zhou Zhou the back of her head.

Ozzy stood by the car door, lowered his eyes, and glanced in.

Wen Qing raised his eyes to look at his sharp side face, and thought to himself, he used to think that Ozzy was not very good, but now compared with Zhou Zhou, Ozzy is suddenly much more pleasing to the eye.

Zhou Zhou leaned on the backrest and looked at them. Even if he couldn't see Wen Qing's eyes, he knew that Wen Qing was looking at Oz right now.

He raised his hand and tapped on the car window lightly, and said casually, "Gently, compared to Ozzy, I am not inferior, I am big."

Wen Qing: "..."

He had no idea what Zhou Zhou was referring to.

Wen Qing opened his mouth, wanting Zhou Zhou to stop talking nonsense, when suddenly, he heard a strange voice.



"Glitch... ck..."

It was like the collision sound of teeth clenching hard, one after another, the sound was very loud, even Wen Qing could hear it clearly when sitting in the car.

He frowned, looking at the dilapidated building next to him.

Zhou Zhou raised his eyelids, stopped talking, and looked straight at the second floor on the right.

After a while, apart from the sound of teeth, someone could be faintly heard talking: "Hungry... so hungry... cluck..."

Wen Qing's eyelids twitched, feeling a bad premonition.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared in front of a window on the second floor. The black shadow rushed forward, with a click, the glass window shattered, and the black shadow appeared in everyone's sight.

It was a humanoid creature about two meters tall, with a head and four limbs, but it only had a large mouth with a vertical head on its face, without any other facial features. The upper and lower rows of teeth in the mouth collided from time to time, making clucking sounds.

"Hungry... so hungry... cluck..."

The speaking sound did not come from the creature's head, but from its raised hand.

Wen Qing opened her eyes wide and looked at its hand.

It also has big mouths and teeth on the palms of its hands, which cluck.

"Fuck! What the fuck is this!"

"What kind of monster is this?"

"No, is there such an animal?"


"Hungry..." The big mouth monster's teeth collided up and down, let out a low growl, and rushed towards the off-road vehicle in front of it.

Wang Da stood at the front, directly facing the monster with a big mouth.

He hastily took out a kitchen knife from the space, aimed at the monster with a big mouth and chopped it down.

The kitchen knife cut into the shoulder of the monster with a big mouth, but it didn't affect the monster's movement at all.

Wang Da raised his hand again, but he couldn't pull out the kitchen knife, but was bitten on his wrist by the teeth in the palm of the big mouth monster.


He was about to take out other weapons, but in the next second, a cold light flashed.

The head of the monster with a big mouth fell, and it rolled twice on the ground, saying weakly that it was hungry.

Oz stood in front of Wang Da, holding a long knife in his hand, dripping blood.

"Ao, Ao..." Wang Da stammered and couldn't say a complete sentence.

"What the hell is this?" Someone asked.

Oz raised his foot and kicked the corpse on the ground, expressionless: "It's a human."

Zhou Zhou rolled down the car window and looked down at the corpse: "It seems that this game is a little more difficult than I imagined..."

A strong and pungent smell of blood lingered in the air, Wen Qing's cheeks were slightly pale, looking at the body still twitching slightly on the ground, she quickly realized what had happened.

This is human.

He wanted to eat, but was driven by desire and turned into this monster.

Wen lightly pursed his lips and looked at Wang Da.

Wang Da's desire is also to eat.

Wang Da didn't feel Wen Qing's gaze, he wiped the blood on his hands casually, and said to Zhang Yang and Wang Er: "I'm fine, just a small injury."

"Is this thing really human?" He squatted on the ground, pulled out the kitchen knife stuck on the shoulder of the monster with a big mouth, put it into the space, and couldn't help asking, "Why did it become like this?"

Zhou Zhou rested his chin with one hand, bent his lips, and said in a good mood: "Because they can't control themselves."

"If you also become like this, I will be the first to do it."

He grinned and uttered threatening words, which made Wang Da's face change in fright, and he was even more hungry, and his stomach growled twice.

Scar heard the sound of his stomach growling, stared at the wound on Wang Da's hand, frowned, and asked vigilantly, "Brother Zhou, this won't be contagious like a zombie, right?"

Hearing this, Wang Da's face became even more ugly: "No, no way."

"But I'm hungry."

Zhang Yang looked down at his wound, the blood was still normal, and comforted him: "No, before you met this thing, you kept saying you were hungry."

"Surely it has nothing to do with this thing."

Wang Da clenched his fists, couldn't help but took out bread from the space, stuffed it into his mouth quickly, and said vaguely while eating: "But I'm really hungry, I can't help it, the more I eat, the hungrier I get. "

"Eat more shit before I die."

"It won't be contagious." Oz said, putting the long knife in his hand into the space.

Wang Da paused while eating, and then put the bread he just took out back into the space.

He nodded again and again, looked at Ozzy with a fanciful expression, and echoed: "Master Ozzy said it won't be contagious, so it definitely won't be."

Zhang Yang: "..."

Wen Qing: "..."

Ozzy was silent for a moment, and said to them: "This game is about desire, and it's only about yourself."

As he spoke, he glanced at Wang Da and reminded him: "Desires cannot be satisfied."

"You just get greedier and greedier."

Wang Da nodded vigorously, raised his head and said, "Okay! I won't eat!"

Ozzy opened the car door and said, "Don't waste time, go quickly."


Wang Da stood beside the car, staring at Ozzy eagerly.

I saw Ozzy raised his hand to touch Wen Qing's lips, and then went to his side.

Wen Qing slowly moved towards Ozzy's side.

The two looked very close.

Zhou Zhou looked at them and said slowly, "I kissed you lightly just now, do you want to kiss me too?"

Oz: "I..."

The car door was closed, Wang Da didn't hear what was behind him, and stood there blankly, digesting what happened just now.

Dao Scar walked in front of Zhang Yang and Wang Dawang Er, and reminded in a deep voice: "You guys, pay attention to what you shouldn't see and what you shouldn't say, otherwise I won't be able to protect you."

Zhang Yang nodded quickly: "Brother Dao, don't worry, we have plenty of them."

Scar urged: "Hurry up and get in the car, let's go."

"Yes yes yes." Zhang Yang hurriedly dragged Wang Da and Wang Er to another car.

Wang Da asked in a trance: "Did you two hear it just now? Did you see it?"

"I see," Zhang Yang paused, and only now did he realize what Zhou Zhou meant by the big husband.

"Fuck, so, so Wen Meng has two husbands? Big husband Zhou Zhou, young husband Ozzy?"

"Put your mother's fart on," Wang cursed and said to him, "Impossible."

Zhang Yang knew that Wang Da worshiped Ozzy, so he didn't provoke him. He thought to himself, since they kissed, they couldn't be just ordinary friends.

Wang Da didn't know what he was thinking. He stared at the off-road vehicle that was gradually leaving, and said with his head held high: "Our boss Oz must be the big husband!"

Zhang Yang: "..."

Wang Er: "..."