They Are Not Human!

Chapter 202: go home 25


Wen Qing looked at the corners of Jiang Yan's mouth that gradually pressed down, and repeated dryly: "Don't be angry."

Jiang Yan was silent for a moment, and couldn't help laughing in a low voice: "We Qingqing don't know how to coax people."

"If you can't speak, you can coax me with actions."

With that said, he lowered his head, leaned in front of Wen Qing, pouted his lips, and pretended to be kissing.

Wen Qing looked at him numbly, and raised her hand to cover Jiang Yan's mouth: "It seems that you are not very serious."

"Why don't you use the method just now to calm you down."

Jiang Yan didn't respond to his words, but pecked at his palm and made a loud chirping sound.

Wen Qing's fingertips trembled, and she immediately withdrew her hand.

Jiang Yan bent his lips: "Okay."

Wen Qing looked up at him.

Jiang Yan explained: "I have been gently coaxed."

He raised his eyebrows and asked again, "Am I easy to coax?"

Wen Qing wiped her hands on her trousers, wiping away the strange hot and itchy touch on her palms, and nodded in agreement with Jiang Yan: "Ah, yes, yes, yes."

Time passed by, the sound of fighting outside the convenience store gradually faded away, the dust was still flying, and it looked like it was fighting in another direction.

I don't know how long it has passed, there are more bags of bread and milk under Wen Qing's eyes.

With a piece of toast in his mouth, Jiang Yan said to him, "There's nothing here, let's make do with it."

Wen Qing blinked, and pushed the bread and milk in front of him: "Don't give it to me, I'm not hungry."

Jiang Yan paused with his fingertips, looking down at Wen Qing.

His eyes are clear, his complexion is rosy, and his mental state is normal. There seems to be no problem, but it seems a bit strange when he has not eaten or watered for more than five hours.

Wen Qing didn't know what Jiang Yan was thinking, but felt his eyes looking up and down, and thought that he was thinking about some weird things again, so she quickly found a topic: "By the way, the seed planted by you last time What props came out?"

Jiang Yan swallowed the bread, shook his head and said, "It's not a prop."

Wen was slightly taken aback.

Jiang Yan sat next to him and leaned back lazily: "I have killed many people."

"That god likes humans, it is impossible to give me props."

Wen Qing looked at him: "Did you already know about this?"

"No," Jiang Yan shook his head, telling the truth, "It was just a suspicion before, and it was confirmed after the seeds were planted."

Wen Qing blinked: "So you asked me to keep it in order to confirm this matter?"

"Seeds are only related to the ultimate owner?"

Jiang Yan smiled: "Of course not, I asked you to keep the seeds at that time...the main reason was to find an excuse to see you again."

Wen Qing was stunned.

Jiang Yan held his chin, and the corners of his lips curled up: "I like you, and I always find an excuse to get in touch with you more."

"That's how we develop our relationship, right?"

Wen Qing never expected to bring up the topic of liking again, and he said dryly: "I don't have such thoughts for now."

Jiang Yan said with a smile: "Then kiss me a few more times, maybe you will change your mind."

Wen Qing: "..."

Jiang Yan continued: "If we don't have a blind date, we can do other more intimate things."

Wen Qing changed the subject abruptly: "Is it almost time? Can we go out?"

Jiang Yan chuckled, and stopped teasing him, but asked, "What about you?"

"What amazing thing did we grow lightly?"

Wen Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and said to him, "A rose."

"That flower took me away from Ji Junfeng, and my body has changed a bit since then."

Hearing this, Jiang Yan lowered his eyes, no wonder the temporary bond between him and Wen Qing disappeared.

"Aside from not eating or drinking, are there any other changes?"

Wen Qing was stunned for a moment, but Jiang Yan had already guessed it.

Jiang Yan explained: "It has been more than five hours since you and Zhou Zhou walked into the cafe."

"You haven't drunk a drop of water."

Wen lightly pursed his lips and said to him, "You don't need to sleep yet."

"It's a very strange feeling, wanting to eat but not wanting to eat, wanting to sleep but not wanting to sleep."

"It's kind of..." Wen Qing thought for a while, organized his words, and said slowly, "It's not a human feeling."

Jiang Yan lowered his eyes, covering his emotions, and asked with a smile, "Do you like this change?"

"I can't say I like it, and I can't say I hate it," Wen said after a pause, "It would be great if the real world could be like this."

Jiang Yan: "Why?"

Wen Qing blinked: "It saves money for meals, and you don't need to sleep, so you can keep making money."

Jiang Yan laughed out loud, and he laughed so hard that he didn't stop for a while.

After a long time, he asked again: "Have you thought about what you want to wish after completing the advanced task?"

Wen Qing said without thinking, "Back to the real world."

Jiang Yan tilted his head to look at him, and asked slowly: "If this wish can make you a god?"

Wen Qing was stunned for a moment: "Can this still be the case?"

"So can I still have two wishes?"

Jiang Yan shook his head: "No."

"Become a god, or make other wishes."

Wen Qing thought for a while, and had to say that the desire to become a god was indeed somewhat attractive.

"Can I go home after becoming a god?"

Jiang Yan: "Unknown."

"Maybe, maybe not, you just treat it like a big gambler"

Wen lightly said: "Forget it then."

"I want to go home."

Jiang Yan stared at him for a while, got up and opened the door, and said to Wen Qing, "Then let's go."

"I will take the first step of going home gently."

The time limit for the enchantment is up.

Perhaps because Ji Junfeng was fighting with Ozzy and Zhouzhou in another direction, the road to Dongmian was unimpeded, and occasionally encountered a few vigilant players.

The two sides looked at each other and went to their destinations.

When we arrived at the Lucky Hotel, it was early in the morning, and it was the fourth day.

Wen Qing stood at the door of the restaurant, frowning.

It seemed that a fierce battle had taken place here. Almost half of the lobby disappeared out of thin air, leaving only the uneven ground with dried blood stains faintly visible.

Wen Qing's eyelids twitched, and she looked at Jiang Yan.

Jiang Yan frowned slightly: "It was still fine when I came out."

"Go in and have a look."

Walking around the hotel, I didn't see anyone, only a mess and pools of blood.

Wen Qing hurriedly ran to the dormitory building on the side. Although the gate on the first floor was intact, all the glass windows on the second and third floors were damaged. Obviously something happened.

The two walked up floor to floor, and there were bloodstains everywhere in the dormitory building.

Wen Qing's heart sank: "Nothing will happen to them, right?"

Jiang Yan frowned slightly: "If Bai Tong is fine, nothing will happen."

The premise is Baitong.

Now Wen Qing began to worry about Bai Tong.

As soon as he walked up to the fourth floor, suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps in the corridor.

Jiang Yan took a step forward, stood between Wen Qing and the corridor door, and reminded in a low voice, "It doesn't have to be a person."

Wen pursed his lips lightly and looked at the entrance of the corridor warily.

The footsteps grew louder and closer.

It was the sound of the heels of leather shoes stepping on the floor, echoing in the corridor.

A moment later, a man appeared at the corner of the stairs on the fourth and fifth floors.

He has handsome features, but his expression is so dull that he looks straight at Wen Qing and Jiang Yan in front of him.

The man suddenly said, "Am I handsome?"

His voice was hoarse, like a broken bellows, with a little hiss.

Wen Qing froze for a moment, but didn't answer his question.

The man's facial features gradually distorted, and he rushed down the stairs in two or three steps, rushing towards them, still muttering: "Am I handsome or not!"

"Am I handsome?"

After getting closer, Wen Qing saw faces on his neck, the back of his hands and other exposed skin.

This person is obviously obsessed with his own appearance.

Wen Qing immediately said, "Handsome."

The man's footsteps paused, and he continued to walk towards them. This time, he didn't run, but approached step by step. The voice was the same as that from the corridor just now.

He continued to ask, "Am I handsome?"

Jiang Yan nodded perfunctorily: "You are handsome."

Seeing that the man had no intention of attacking them, he grabbed Wen Qing and prepared to leave.

The man paused, walked up to them again, looked straight at Wen Qing, and repeated the question: "Am I handsome?"

Jiang Yan frowned, picked up a steel pipe, and slammed it on his arm.

The blow was heavy, and the man's arm was bent in a strange posture, but he was not affected in any way. He continued to ask, "Am I handsome?"

Wen Qing found that every time he praised him for being handsome, the man's movements would stop for two seconds.

"You are handsome," he answered first, then turned to Jiang Yan and said, "It seems like you are going to start."

Jiang Yan frowned: "Why is it the same as a zombie movie?"

"Don't look."

After finishing speaking, he grabbed Wen Qing's shoulders, made Wen Qing turn around, then raised the steel pipe, and slammed it down on the man's head.

Jiang Yan kicked his body into the next room, and said to Wen Qing, "Bai Tong and the others should have already left, otherwise they wouldn't have put this kind of thing here."

Wen whispered, "let's go."

Jiang Yan responded: "Go to your previous room first."

"According to Bai Tong's habit, there should be some clues."

Wen nodded lightly and walked towards 0408.

The windows in the living room are empty, and the cold wind blows in front of you.

Wen Qing glanced around, the ground was clean, without any broken glass, obviously someone cleaned it up after he was taken away by Ji Junfeng.

The rest of the household furnishings are almost the same as before he left, and it seems that there has never been a fight here.

"found it."

Wen Qing turned her head and saw Jiang Yan standing by the dining table, tapping the table with her fingertips.

There was a pile of barbecue sticks on the table, disorganized, as if they had been put on hastily.

Wen Qing glanced at it, and immediately understood: "They are walking in the direction of that barbecue shop."

Jiang Yan nodded: "Let's go."

Wen Qing and Jiang Yan walked to the barbecue restaurant where the copy started.

The barbecue shop is just three streets away from the dormitory building.

Just as Wen Qing walked into the alley leading to that street, suddenly, a pair of hands stretched out from the side wall, grabbed Wen Qing's sleeves, and dragged him into the wall.

Wen Qing turned pale with fright, and immediately backed away.

Just as Jiang Yan was about to make a move, he heard a weak female voice: "Brother, it's me, come in quickly."

It was Li Ran's voice.

Jiang Yan turned his palms, put his arms around Wen Qing's shoulders, and led him into the wall.

The wall is like jelly, wrapped around their bodies and pushed in.

Opening his eyes again, Wen Qing easily saw Li Ran.

Li Ran's eyes turned red, and he hugged him tightly, tears streaming down his face, and wept loudly: "Brother, that's great."

"I've been squatting here all day to watch the passing players, and finally I'm waiting for you, woo woo woo..."

"Brother, does your butt still hurt, woo woo woo..."

Wen Qing: "..."

Standing by the side, Jiang Yan watched Li Ran wipe her tears and snot on Wen Qing's body, and couldn't help but raised her hand to lift her by the collar, pulling her away.

He asked, "Where are the Baitong people?"

Li Ran's mood also calmed down now.

She wiped away her tears, and said with a sob: "Brother Bai and Brother Ye were both affected by the two-day game, and they locked themselves in the room and couldn't come out."

Jiang Yan raised his eyebrows and sneered, "Really."

He said to Li Ran: "Prepare a room for me too."

Li Ran stared at him for a while, and said ah: "You are the master of women's clothing that day."

"Are you staying too?"

Jiang Yan said without changing his face: "Since that guy Bai Tong has been affected."

"I'm obliged to stay and watch him in case he uses the excuse of a game to lick us."

Wen Qing: "..."

Li Ran sniffed and looked at Jiang Yan suspiciously: "It sounds like you are very experienced."