They Are Not Human!

Chapter 46: Lost Track 06


Wen Qing stared at the phone screen, her cheeks gradually became hot, ashamed and angry.

No wonder I said that when the other party sent a text message to the wrong person, I had this attitude...

Recalling the conversation she had with him not long ago, the heat on Wen Qing's face almost rushed to her forehead.

He didn't realize it at first? !

Wen Qing blushed and put down her chopsticks.

He seldom swears, and there are not many swear words in his mind. After thinking about it for a while, he hit the keyboard hard: [Crazy!]

[Now I finally figured it out.]

Looking at this message, Wen Qing couldn't help but curse again: "Crazy!"

[Why didn't you reply to the message?]

[Are you scolding me?]

Wen Qing's eyelids twitched, her first reaction was how did the other party know he was swearing

Immediately, I felt that normal people would swear when receiving such text messages, it was just a coincidence.

Wen Qing's typing speed was not as fast as his, and just after typing the word "I", she received a new text message.

[What should I do, I want to fuck you even more.]

Wen Qing gritted his teeth, and tapped his fingers on the screen of the phone: [I called the police!]

After sending this text message, Wen Qing immediately hacked the number.

He switched back to the main screen of the phone, stared at the screen saver for a while, and waited for the enthusiasm on his face to subside before clicking on the WeChat dialog with Xing Ze again.

The news is still on the quarterly prison.

The previous wechat Xingxuan replied in seconds. Obviously he is busy with work now and has no time to read wechat messages.

After hesitating for a while, Wen Qing decided not to mention X harassing text messages for the time being.

Let's wait until Xing Zuo is not so busy. After all, text messages are only a trivial matter.


at night

After taking a shower, Wen Qing lay on the bed, opened Ji Prison's WeChat, and typed slowly.

He deleted, deleted, modified, and pondered for half an hour before sending out a message.

Wen Qing: [Uncle Ji, are you asleep?]

Ji Prison didn't reply to WeChat.

Wen Qing hesitated for a moment, then apologized again: [Uncle Ji is sorry.]

Ji Prison still hasn't returned.

Wen Qing lay on the bed, while watching the news, while waiting for Ji Prison and Xing Ze's reply, he fell asleep in a daze while waiting.

Half asleep and half awake, Wen Qing heard the sound of the door opening and closing.

Very light, so light that it seemed to be his hallucination.

Wen Qing whimpered and turned over, got into the quilt, covered her head, trying to isolate the sound of the outside world and sleep soundly.

Not long after, he smelled a somewhat pungent sweet fragrance.

Wen lightly pursed his lips, his mind getting heavier and heavier.

As if being pressed by a ghost, his body became heavier and heavier, unable to move.

Wen Qing's mind is chaotic, but her senses are clear.

A cold hand touched his wrist, from the wrist bone to the fingers, massaging his bones with increasing force.

Wen lightly felt the pain, and murmured vaguely.

In the next second, that hand was on top of his left hand, palms facing each other, fingers pressed together.

That hand was much bigger than his, and it could easily snap his hand back.

Soon, the metacarpophalangeal joints were sore.

Wen Qing's eyelashes trembled non-stop, and the broken hand in the flower bed suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

He whimpered softly, his eyelashes gradually stained with tears.

That hand let him go, no longer tortured him, but interlocked his fingers, holding it so quietly.

Just when Wen Qing thought it was over, he was bitten again.

The unprecedented stimulation spread along the spine to all the limbs, his whole body flushed, as if he was floating in the air, and then he was pulled into the bottom of the sea, he heard his rapid breathing and violent heartbeat.

Wen Qing raised her head unconsciously, her insteps were tense, her toes were curled up, hooked on the white sheet.

After an unknown amount of time, Wen Qing bent her fingers in a daze.

Realizing that he had regained control over his body, he slowly raised his eyelids.

He opened his eyes blankly, his vision blurred by tears, and his mind was also in a daze.

The only thing that is clear is that the underwear is cold.

After a while, Wen Qing lifted the quilt and looked down.

Yet again…

Wen Qing got up in a trance and rushed into the bathroom.

After taking a shower, his heavy mind started to work.

Something seems wrong.

How could he be doing that for two days in a row

Wen Qing wiped her body quickly, then stammered and asked the system in her heart: [Department, system, do you sleep at night?]

001: […]

001: [I'm not human.]

No need to sleep.

Wen Qing thought for a while, and then asked: [Then will you turn off the phone at night?]

001: [… No way.]

Wen gently exhaled, and continued to ask: [Then, that... Did you see anything last night?]

001 does not speak.

Wen Qing became more nervous now, and her face turned pale: [Really, is there really something?]

There will be no ghosts, right

001 was silent for a moment, and said to him: [No comment.]

There must be something wrong with things that cannot be said.

With a pale face, Wen Qing asked again: [Will there be ghosts in the human-level dungeon?]

[Can I ask this question?]

001: [No.]

Wen breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there are no ghosts.

He put on a T-shirt and continued to ponder, if there is no ghost...

In the past two nights, either he was dreaming or there was... someone

A chill rose from Wen Qing's feet.

He inevitably linked the X harassing text messages with what happened at night.

Wen lightly shivered, ran out of the bathroom in a hurry, turned on the computer that was left on the bed, and quickly browsed the face recognition records from last night to this morning.

No one showed up at the door after he went to bed.

It is even more impossible for someone to climb up the 12th floor.

Wen Qing stared at the computer screen, frowning slightly.

So he was just having nightmares

Suddenly, there was a click.

Someone opened the door of his house.

Wen Qing's heart skipped a beat, he walked carefully to the bedroom door, opened a crack in the door, and looked out.

Xing Ze stood at the entrance, looking suspiciously at the wet head behind the door: "What's wrong?"

Wen Qing breathed a sigh of relief, leaned his head against the door, and said with lingering fear: "I thought it was a thief."

Xing Ze explained: "No one answered your call, so I came in directly."

Wen whispered, "I was just taking a shower."

With that said, he pushed open the door and took a step outside.

The cold wind blows over Eggy, Wen Qing's body froze.

He forgot to put on his pants!

Wen Qing blushed, turned and ran into the bathroom.

His T-shirt was not long, and barely covered his buttocks. As soon as he took a step, the corners of his clothes fluttered, revealing his white and tender lower half.

Perhaps it was because Wen Qing's body was flushed red just after taking a shower.

Xing Ze's throat twitched slightly, until the bathroom door was closed forcefully, with a loud bang, he recovered his senses, turned around and went to the living room to drink two large glasses of cold water.

Wen Qing put on her pants and stood in a daze at the door of the bedroom.

Did Xing Ze see his ass just now

Did you see the others

It shouldn't matter if men see it


After a long while of self-comfort, Wen Qing went to the living room with a blushing face, and asked Xing Ze nonchalantly, "Don't you have to go to work today?"

Sitting on the sofa, Xing Ze smelled the fragrance of the shower gel on his body, and inexplicably felt hot in his heart.

He drank another large glass of water and explained: "I was busy last night and just came out of the bureau."

Xing Ze put down the water glass, tilted his head, met Wen Qing's face at close range, and was stunned.

Wen Qing's skin is fair, and the blue and black under his eyes are very obvious. For some reason, the ends of his eyes are also smeared red today, with an inexplicable luster, like a breathtaking ghost.

Seeing that Xing Ze was staring at him without speaking, Wen Qing asked blankly, "What's wrong?"

Xing Ze looked away with difficulty, and asked, "Did you not sleep well at night?"

Wen nodded lightly, and whispered, "I've been dreaming."

His voice was hoarse, and Xing Zao couldn't help but imagine what dream he had last night, so that he felt a little spring today

"What did you dream about?"

Wen Qing said slowly, "Nothing."

Afraid that Xing Ze would continue to question him, he quickly changed the subject: "Have you found any clues?"

"No," Xing Ze shook his head and said to him, "No other part of Yao Qian's body was found in the whole street, and no clues were found on the phone."

Wen lightly said: "Then what should I do?"

Xing Xuan: "Now we can only start door-to-door to check the residents of the community, and on the other hand, search for other corpse parts throughout the city."

The Nancheng community is neither big nor small, and it obviously takes a lot of time to go door-to-door.

Wen Wei slightly frowned, and asked softly, "Will that take a long time?"

Xing Ze nodded: "It does take a lot of time."

"There is another clue, and there was a new case of disappearance before that."

Wen Qing pursed her lips tightly, not knowing what to say.

The phone vibrated, Xing Zhu glanced at the screen of the phone, and said, "By the way, I came here because of my uncle."

"How does uncle know that you are suspicious of him?"

Wen Qing recounted what happened yesterday.

Xing Ze was slightly taken aback, a little strange: "Is uncle angry?"

Wen said in a low voice, "He must be angry, he stopped laughing."

Hearing this, Xing Ze chuckled lightly and said, "Uncle is really angry, that's not the case."

Wen Qing tilted his head in doubt, his hair was not dried, and it was wet hanging by his ears, revealing the reddish ear tips, and he looked very cute.

Xing Ze felt a little itchy in his heart, and moved his fingertips slightly: "Maybe my uncle is just scaring you."

Wen Qing blinked: "I also apologized on WeChat, but he ignored me."

Xing Ze chuckled and explained: "I just went to my uncle's house. My uncle went to a foreign country for a meeting. I probably didn't hear from you on the plane last night."

"I should get back to you when I see it later."

"Don't worry, my uncle doesn't hold grudges."

Wen Qing lowered his eyes, clicked on WeChat and looked at it.

Ji Prison has not responded yet.

Xing Ze couldn't help but patted his head: "Uncle likes to drink red wine, I'll order a bottle for you."

"When the wine arrives, I guess my uncle is back from a business trip, so you come to him personally to apologize."

Wen nodded lightly and thanked in a low voice.

For the next three days, the community was extremely stable, and no corpses were found.

Wen Qing still can't sleep well at night, she feels like being crushed by a ghost every day, and she can't find anything when she checks the surveillance records at the door.

Wen Qing didn't receive any more harassing text messages from X, so she put the matter behind her.

On Friday morning, he yawned and read the news on the official Weibo of Wenzhou City.

It is about the progress of the hand in the flower bed. The police did not investigate any clues, so the masses are encouraged to report and provide clues to be rewarded.

Wen lightly glanced at the comment.

[So whose hand is it?]

[I heard that she is one of the little girls in the disappearance case.]

[What happened to the disappearance? Is there a serial murderer?]

[The girl might have been kidnapped. My neighbor's daughter has also disappeared for more than ten years, and she hasn't been found until now.]

[No one will go missing this month.]

Halfway through, Wen Qing received a call from the courier and asked him to go downstairs to pick up the package.

It is said that it is a valuable item, and you need to sign for it with your ID card.

Wen Qing walked to the main entrance of the community and saw the courier brother's small tricycle.

The courier brother placed the courier box and asked, "What's it called?"

"Wen Qing."

"Yang Fan."

As soon as Wen Qing spoke, he heard a calm male voice in his ears.

He turned his head, a man in his thirties, who was also looking at him, showing an awkward but polite smile.

Wen Qing also smiled awkwardly.

The courier brother glanced over, pulled out a box, and handed it to Wen Qing: "Wen Qing's... is it wine?"

Wen nodded slightly.

The courier boy showed surprise, and asked curiously: "What wine, Moutai?"

Wen shook his head lightly: "Red wine."

As soon as the words were finished, the person named Yang Fan said, "The Merlot wine from Petrus Winery is expensive."

Wen Qing didn't know anything about the winery, so she responded dryly.

The courier brother looked at Yang Fan and asked, "Is that Yang Fan?"

"Your courier is..."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Coincidentally, it's also red wine."

"But it's not from Petrus, I didn't order it."

With that said, he looked at Wen Qing.

Wen Qing didn't look at him, holding the heavy packing box, said dryly: "I'll go first."

Just after entering the community, after walking a few steps, Yang Fan's voice sounded again behind him: "Do you live here too?"

Wen nodded slightly.

Yang Fan introduced himself: "I live in Building 1, on the 13th floor."

Wen Qing paused and turned to look at him.

Yang Fan was wearing casual clothes, with good facial features, a kind demeanor, and a gentle conversation.

In the past, Wen Qing would have a friendly conversation with him.

But now, for this kind of person who came up to say hello out of nowhere, only two words popped into Wen Qing's mind - murderer.

Wen Qing looked at Yang Fan vigilantly: "Are you okay?"

Yang Fan rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "I have no other intentions, I just want to find a drinking buddy."

Wen lightly pursed his lips: "I don't drink, this wine is for others."

"I see," Yang Fan smiled, "Sorry, I misunderstood."

Wen hummed lightly, and walked quickly into the building.

I don't know if it's his illusion, but I always feel that the eyes behind him are a little hot, staring at him all the time.

Wen Qing didn't dare to look back, and quickly pressed the elevator.

Third floor, second floor, first floor.


The elevator door opened, and suddenly someone hugged his waist.

Wen Qing was so frightened that she jumped up on the spot and almost dropped the red wine.

"Brother?" It was Ji Sheng's voice.

Wen Qing exhaled, pushed Ji Sheng away, and leaned on the elevator: "Don't scare me."

Ji Sheng looked at him strangely: "Brother, what happened?"

The elevator door closed slowly, Wen Qing looked out, and Yang Fan had disappeared.

He explained softly: "Meet a strange person."

Ji Sheng asked: "How strange?"

Wen Qing told the truth: "He came to get close to me out of nowhere, his name is Yang Fan, he said he is a resident of Building 1, do you know him?"

"I don't know," Ji Sheng shook his head.

Wen lightly pursed his lips and reminded Ji Sheng: "Be careful when you are alone, don't talk to strangers, and boys should pay attention to safety outside."

Ji Sheng burst out laughing: "Brother is the one, be careful."

The elevator quickly reached the 11th floor.

Wen Qing hurriedly asked, "Is Uncle Ji at home?"

Ji Sheng: "Daddy said he has already got off the plane, and he will arrive soon."

"Is there anything you can do with Daddy?"

Wen nodded lightly: "Yes, I'll come down later."

Ji Sheng: "Okay, goodbye, brother."

After returning home, Wen Qing unpacked the package, washed her hair and took a shower.

At eight o'clock in the evening, I guess Ji Prison had finished his meal before going downstairs again.

It wasn't Ji Prison or Ji Sheng who opened the door, but Xia Yansi.

Wen Qing called out cautiously: "Uncle Xia."

Xia Yansi glanced at the red wine in Wen Qing's hand, then turned around and took out a pair of pink slippers from the shoe cabinet.

Wen Qing changed into her slippers, sat on the sofa, glanced around, but did not see Ji Prison.

He asked in a low voice, "Is Uncle Ji not here?"

Xia Yansi said lightly: "He and Ji Sheng went to feed the cat, and I'll be right back."

Wen Qing responded, lowered his eyes, and unconsciously grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Suddenly, he felt Xia Yansi's gaze on his face.

Wen Qing's eyelashes trembled, and she raised her eyes cautiously, just in time to meet Xia Yansi's dark eyes.

He stammered and asked, "Xia, Uncle Xia... what's wrong?"

Xia Yansi stared at his face: "Have you not had a good rest recently?"

Wen responded lightly, and said in a low voice, "I didn't sleep well at night."

Xia Yansi asked lightly, "Did you have a wet dream?"

Wen Qing stared at him blankly, her face turning red inch by inch.