They Are Not Human!

Chapter 75: Crazy Zoo 13


Wen Qing pinched her palms tightly, the slight tingling calmed her down, and focused her attention on Lin Xia on the beach.

There were two crooked marks on the sand behind Lin Xia. They were not footprints, but a long continuous trace. I don't know if she didn't lift her feet to walk or was dragged by something.

Thinking, Wen Qing looked at Lin Xia's profile.

Her eyes were closed, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if she had fallen into a sweet dream, and it seemed that the corners of her mouth were deliberately raised after death.

Wen Qing subconsciously looked at Ye Ye next door.

The wall was frosted, and he couldn't see Ye Ye's situation at all.

In the next second, from the corner of her eye, Wen Qing caught a glimpse of the rising tide on the seashore, and in an instant it pressed down overwhelmingly towards Lin Xia, swallowing it.

Just as Wen Qing pressed the doorknob, before she even had time to open the door, she saw that the beach was empty and there was no one there.

Where Lin Xia was standing just now, there was only a little sea water left, which slowly seeped into the beach, and soon, the beach returned to its original appearance, as if nothing had happened.

Wen Qing was so nervous that his heart beat fast.

He re-locked the door with trembling hands, remembering Sikong's words.

[Don't go out at night.]

He slowed down for a while, let out a breath, and looked straight at the sea.

No figure or body of Lin Xia was seen in the sea.

Lin Xia seemed to just disappear out of thin air.

The beach has transparent walls that only non-living things are known to pass through.

Is Lin Xia dead

The sea is calm, with waves surging from time to time, flocking to the beach.

After a while, Wen Qing's feet felt a little numb, and finally a big wave came.

The waves beat silently on the transparent wall, and the sea water trickled down the invisible wall.

Wen Qing crawled back to the bed with cold hands and feet, pressed the four corners of the quilt under her body, wrapped herself into a cocoon, with only one head exposed, sucking in fresh air.

He nervously asked 001: [001, are you there?]

001 hummed: [I am here.]

Wen Qing felt a little relieved, and he pursed his lips and asked: [What happened to Lin Xia just now is not my hallucination, right?]

001: [No.]

Wen Qing gripped the quilt tightly, and continued to ask: [Is she dead?]

001 didn't speak.

Wen Qing waited for a while, but did not wait for 001's answer. He asked in a low voice: [Can you say? Or do you not know?]

After a while, 001 sighed softly: [Can't say.]

Wen responded lightly, buried half of his face in the quilt, staring blankly at the air.

001 can't answer this question, which shows that Lin Xia's life and death are very important.

The bed gradually warmed up, Wen Qing pressed her lips tightly, her heart was still chilling, and she even regretted driving Ye Ye away.

Although Ye Ye can talk nonsense, he is a living person after all.

Staying alone in this situation, he couldn't help but think wildly, and all kinds of scary scenes flashed in his mind.

Just as she was thinking, Wen Qing heard 001 say: [You are not alone.]

This sentence is simply standard in horror movies, Wen Qing's body froze suddenly, and he clearly felt a gust of cold air creeping into the bed along his neck, making his back chilly.

He was so frightened that his eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, and water vapor appeared in his eyes.

[Who, who... What is behind me?]

001: [… nothing.]

Wen Qing: [Then why did you suddenly say that I'm not alone?]

After a while, 001 slowly opened his mouth: [Because there is still me.]

It bit the pronunciation of the words, and there was a hint of dissatisfaction in its tone.

Wen Qing was frightened, he didn't have any charming thoughts when he heard these words, he only had one thought in his mind: [But you are the system.]


001 was silent for a moment, then asked in a cold voice: [What's wrong with me, the system?]

Wen pursed his lips lightly, and whispered: [I'm still alone.]

[Our present situation is at most one-person unified.]

001: […]

Wen calmed down for a while, his back was still chilly, and he quickly asked: [Is there really nothing behind me?]

[No ghosts, ghosts or something?]

001: [No.]

Wen Qing thought to himself, why is his back feeling cold

Was something watching him from a distance

001: [...the quilt is not covered properly.]

Hearing this, Wen breathed a sigh of relief, turned his head to look, and it turned out that the quilt was not covered properly, and there was an air leak.

He pulled the corner of the quilt to plug the hole.

Because of the dialogue with the system, Wen Qing's tense nerves gradually relaxed.

He was sleepy, but didn't want to sleep, didn't dare to sleep.

Aware of his thoughts, 001 whispered: [Go to sleep.]

Wen rubbed his eyes lightly, he was worried that if something came knocking on the door after falling asleep, then he opened the door...

001: [No way.]

Wen Qing whispered: [I don't believe in myself.]

001 Wen Sheng said: [I'll help you watch.]

Wen Qing was taken aback for a moment: [Really?]

001 hummed, and said lightly: [I'm not human.]

[No need to sleep.]

[Thank you, 001,] Wen Qing yawned, feeling sleepy, he slowly closed his eyes, and said vaguely, [Good night.]

[No thanks, good night.]


The next morning, Wen Qing was woken up by a knock on the door.

The moment he heard the knock on the door, before 001 could speak, he sat up instantly.

The frosted glass of the room turned back to transparent, and one could clearly see what was happening outside.

Seeing Li Ran standing at the door refreshed, he raised his hand and knocked on the door again.

Wen Qing got up from the bed, opened the door, let Li Ran in, and then looked at Lin Xia's room.

Lin Xia wasn't inside, but there was a tall man walking around the room with an increasingly ugly face.

He seemed to be looking for Lin Xia too.

Li Ran didn't know what happened, and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"

Wen Qing pressed her lips tightly and said to her, "Lin Xia had an accident last night."

Li Ran was stunned: "Huh?"

"what happened?"

Wen Qing was about to talk about what he saw last night, when he saw the man in Lin Xia's room rushing out, shouting: "Which of you saw Lin Xia?!"

Wen Qing didn't close the door, he and Li Ran heard the man's roar clearly.

Li Ran leaned into his ear and whispered, "This is the one named Xu Qiangfeng."

Wen Qing looked at Xu Qiangfeng, because of his voice just now, other players walked over one after another, and Teacher Fang was one of them.

"Is Lin Xia not in the room?"

"I didn't see her."

"I just came back from the lobby, I didn't see her."

"Did something happen to her?"

Xu Qiangfeng's face was ugly, and he said to everyone: "I woke up last night to pee, and saw Lin Xia open the door."

"She, she looked very strange at that time. She was a little crooked. I didn't dare to call her when I walked to the beach. Then she walked on the beach and disappeared in a flash."

He didn't speak clearly, and other players asked one after another, "Why did it disappear?"

"Why did she go out?"

"About what time?"

"She, is she dead?"


A bunch of questions popped up, Xu Qiangfeng scratched his hair, and said blankly: "It just disappeared, and in the blink of an eye, she was gone."

"I fucking thought I was dreaming last night, come here this morning..."

Wen slightly frowned, and described to Li Ran in a low voice what he saw last night.

Li Ran turned pale, and asked in a low voice, "Is Lin Xia dead?"

"Or disappeared?"

Wen pursed his lips lightly, and said slowly, "Either she died, or the wall disappeared."

Hearing this, Li Ran quickly ran to the beach, tentatively raised his hand to poke, touched the transparent wall, and immediately ran back to Wen Qing: "Brother, the wall is still there."

Wen Qing opened his mouth and was about to speak.

Suddenly a bottle of milk and a sandwich were thrown into his arms.

Wen Qing turned her head, and saw Ye Ye stuffing another sandwich with milk to Li Ran, and said, "The wall is here now, but it doesn't mean that Lin Xia was there when Lin Xia disappeared last night."

Hearing this, Wen Qing was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked: "Did you see it at night?"

Ye Ye nodded: "Who can't hear such a big movement?"

Li Ran raised his hand: "I, I didn't hear anything."

"In the past two nights, I have slept soundly, and I have a rare dream."

Ye Ye continued: "If I read correctly last night, Lin Xia should not be dead."

Wen Qing asked: "What did you see?"

Ye Ye: "When I saw her come out of the room, her eyes rolled for a while, as if she was dreaming."

Wen Qing didn't see what happened when Lin Xia came out of the room, and asked again: "Did she leave by herself? Or did the thing that knocked on the door take her away?"

Thinking about it now, Lin Xia's weird posture really seemed to be supported by some small thing, supporting her to move forward.

"I could only see a little bit of Lin Xia's face from the angle of view at that time, but I couldn't see her lower body clearly." After speaking, Ye Ye frowned and stared at Wen Qing, "What is knocking on the door?"

Wen Qing was stunned for a moment: "There was a knock on the door last night, didn't you hear it?"

Ye Ye turned cold: "Nothing knocks on my door."

Li Ran looked blank: "I fell asleep and didn't hear anything. The only thing I remember is the sound of humming."

Hearing her words, Wen Qing frowned: "I slept soundly after singing the night before yesterday."

"I was woken up last night by knocking on the door. When I got up, I heard singing, and I almost went to open the door. There may be something wrong with the singing."

Ye Ye frowned: "I don't feel anything."

He looked at Li Ran, then at Wen Qing.

The three of them have three situations, why are Li Ran and Wen Qing affected by the singing

Ye Ye asked: "Are you sure it's because of that singing?"

Wen Qing said hesitantly: "I'm not sure, but after the singing, I slept soundly and even dreamed."

"Me too," Li Ran nodded and said, "I dreamed that I went home, my dad came to pick me up, and my mom made dumplings for me..."

Wen Qing's face changed slightly: "I also dreamed of returning to the real world."

If the singing can make them dream of the thing they desire most, the person they want to see the most... Lin Xia, who is influenced by the singing, will indeed open the door.

Li Ran's back felt cold, and he stammered and asked, "W-why is it us?"

Why her and Wen Qing

"Why are you okay?" Li Ran couldn't help looking at Ye Ye.

Ye Ye said coldly: "It may be because you are weak."

Wen Qing: "..."

Li Ran: "..."

Li Ran tugged at Wen Qing's sleeves, and said in a low voice, "Maybe it's because of his face."

After feeling Ye Ye's death sight, Li Ran quickly said, "I'll go and find out about other people's situation."

After finishing speaking, she hurried to the players next door who were still discussing about Lin Xia.

Teacher Fang glanced at her, then glanced at Ye Ye and Wen Qing calmly, showing a kind smile: "Miss Li, why are you here suddenly?"

Li Ran said without changing his expression, "I have something to do with Lin Xia."

"Lin Xia is gone." One of the girls said.

Li Ran opened his eyes wide: "What's going on?"

"I also want to discuss singing with her."

Hearing this, Teacher Fang immediately said, "Is there something wrong with the singing?"

"We haven't seen Lin Xia since today."

Li Ran said casually: "When I was chatting with Lin Xia yesterday, I said that we had the same dream at night."

"I dreamed that we were going home."

Hearing this, the faces of the two female players changed greatly: "I, I also had this dream."

"I also dreamed of going home..."

The male players didn't respond at all. Xu Qiangfeng muttered, "I'm thankful that I don't have nightmares."

On the other side, Wen Qing glanced at Li Ran's situation while unpacking the sandwich.

Seeing Li Ran chatting with them, he breathed a sigh of relief and took a sip of milk.

Ye Ye sat opposite him, tapped the table with his fingertips, and asked straight to the point: "What did the tour guide named Sikong do last night?"

Wen Qing looked at him blankly: "How do I know?"

Ye Ye frowned: "You didn't ask him?"

Wen shook his head lightly.

Ye Ye frowned even tighter: "Don't you think there is something wrong with him?"

"He didn't come the night before, and nothing happened. He stayed in your room for no reason last night, and then something happened that night."

Wen blinked lightly, he had never doubted Sikong.

For the coincidence yesterday, he felt that Sikong wanted to do something to protect everyone, but he didn't know if something went wrong, or someone had an accident.

Although Wen Qing didn't say anything, the look on his face showed what he was thinking.

Ye Ye asked with a stinky face, "Why do you trust him so much?"

Wen Qing looked at him and said slowly, "I believe in you too."

Ye Ye was startled, and the cursing words disappeared.

"For you have vision," he hummed twice, turned his face away, and asked softly after a while, "He is you..."

Ye Ye's voice was too soft, Wen Qing couldn't hear clearly, and asked, "What is it me?"

Ye Ye cleared his throat and asked again: "Is that your ex-boyfriend?"

Wen Qing: "...No."

Ye Ye's brows were tinged with joy.

Wen Qing was a little puzzled, what's there to be happy about

Just about to follow this topic and tell him that he and Bai Tong are just friends, Li Ran ran in hastily.

She locked the door, picked up the milk on the table, gulped down the whole bottle, and said to the two, "The players affected by the singing are all girls."

Except Wen Qing.

Wen Qing was stunned, was he the only boy

Could it be because of the buff of the guide on him

So those who sing and knock on the door are all non-human

Wen Qing raised her eyelids and met Ye Ye's straight gaze.

Ye Ye stared at his beautiful eyebrows, eyes gradually moved down, the small Adam's apple, flat chest, and finally stayed on his lower body.

Wen Qing: "... I'm a man."

A trace of doubt flashed across Ye Ye's face.

Wen Qing: "... Do you want to take a look?"

Ye Ye was stunned for a while, his eyes drifted, and he said slowly: "It's okay to let me check..."

Wen Qing: "..."