They Are Not Human!

Chapter 88: Crazy Zoo 26


When Xu Qiangfeng and other players heard the roar of the tiger behind them, they ran towards the exit without looking back.

After running for a while, they heard Teacher Fang's screams piercing the sky, and some people couldn't help but look back.

Seeing Teacher Fang being bitten by two tigers from a distance, the player stumbled forward in fright: "Fang, Teacher Fang was bitten by a tiger."

"Fuck it, run!"

"Didn't you say you won't attack people!"

"Don't look, run now!"


The players ran forward rolling and crawling, but no one noticed Wen Qing and Hei Tai in the lakeside.

Wen Qing was so frightened that her hands and feet went limp, she couldn't move, and was held tightly in Heiwei's arms.

Teacher Fang was lying four or five meters away. Blood gushed out from his wound and flowed along the soil into the lake. The water and the air were filled with a disgustingly strong smell of blood.

Teacher Fang was still breathing, opened his eyes, looked at Wen Qing and Heiwei in the water, and opened his mouth: "Uh, uh..."

He seemed unable to speak, and could only make this ghost-like sound in a horror movie.

Hearing his noisy voice, Heiwei frowned, and opened his lips to speak a string of strange syllables.

Wen Qing couldn't understand, but because of Hei Wei's words, his mind was a little dizzy, and his hands and feet became softer.

Different from the nervous and fearful weakness before, this time the weakness is light and fluffy, as if stepping on a cloud, and only Heiwei's voice is left in his mind.

Wen Qing stared blankly ahead, not long after, there was a rustling sound, mixed with the roar of a tiger.

Wen Qing stared blankly at a flock of birds flying over and landing on Teacher Fang, pecking at his body.

With every peck, a bird disappears.

Soon, all the birds were expelled from the zoo, and Mr. Fang was covered with tiny wounds all over his body.

His hands and feet twitched slightly, and the whites of his eyes rolled up.

Black Tail hasn't let him go yet.

Five tigers ran out from behind the tree, staring closely at the man on the ground who was ripped apart and flying with flesh and blood.

Smelling the smell of blood in the air, the leading tiger walked quickly to Teacher Fang, turned around twice, and let out a low growl.

The other four tigers approached slowly and surrounded Teacher Fang tightly.

One of the tigresses suddenly turned and looked at Wen Qing in the lake.

As it moves, the red rope around its neck is exposed to the air.

Looking at its red rope, Wen Qing's dazed mind gradually came to his senses.

It was Heiwei who called these animals over and told them to bite Teacher Fang.

The sound of the black tail can drive animals.

The four tigers scrambled to bite Teacher Fang, and then disappeared one by one, and finally only the tigress with the red rope was left.

It didn't bite Teacher Fang, but stared at Wen Qing for a while, and then looked at the black tail behind him. It seemed to understand something, flicked its tail, and walked back into the forest.

Teacher Fang's eyes gradually lost focus, and the voice in his throat became weaker and weaker. His body was covered with large and small wounds. Within a few minutes, his pupils seemed to be dead.

Wen Qing stared blankly at this scene, and the next second, her body trembled uncontrollably.

Kurotail was touching his right hand.

Wen Qing tilted her head stiffly, only to see Heiwei gritted her teeth, her dark blue eyes turned into vertical pupils, her expression was fierce, and she seemed very angry.

Wen Qing was so frightened that her face was pale and her eyes were moist.

Heiwei directly let Teacher Fang die on the spot, what would he do to him

First, first, then kill

Wen Qing thought wildly, her right hand trembled even more.

Heiwei lowered his head, pulled out the ticket from Wen Qing's palm, stared closely at his right hand, and covered it.

From fingernails to fingertips, to the palm inch by inch, and finally stroking his wrist, the fierce look gradually disappeared, and returned to a gentle and familiar expression.

Wen Qing was taken aback.

In the next second, there was an extra ticket in his palm.

Heiwei returned the ticket to him.

Wen Qing stared blankly at Heiwei's profile, as if in disbelief, was Heiwei just... checking his hand

Heiwei Zai carefully checked the little female's hand, and after confirming that the little female was not injured by humans, his expression softened, and he stuffed the things the little female found back into his palm.

It tilted its head, and licked the little female's lips soothingly: [Go back to the nest.]



Ye Ye and Li Ran were unimpeded in the aquarium.

During the period from 2:00 to 3:00, there were no walls in the museum, and there were no previous marine performances. It was like an ordinary aquarium, allowing visitors to watch freely.

The closer he was to the exit, the worse Ye Ye's expression became.

Li Ran followed behind Ye Ye attentively, looking at the empty sea area on the left and right from time to time, wondering if that thing was aimed at Wen Qing

Walking out of the aquarium, Li Ran had an extra stamp on her ticket, she thought, that thing must be for Wen Qing.

After hesitating for a while, Li Ran asked Ye Ye cautiously: "Is it possible that something about Wen Qing attracts them instead of Wen Qing?"

Ye Ye lowered his face: "He used props."

"Animals are different to him."

Li Ran thought about it, it seemed like this, the animals were very affectionate to Wen Qing.

She quickly said: "So Wen Qing will definitely be fine, just wait until the props fail."

Hearing this, Ye Ye raised the corner of his mouth and said to her: "The props will only become invalid if you leave this instance."

Li Ran was silent.

She didn't dare to speak anymore, the more she said, the more mistakes she made.

The sightseeing car has already parked on the side of the road, and the car is carrying the players of Lion and Tiger Hall.

Their faces were pale and terrified, and it was obvious that something had happened.

Li Ran glanced around and found that two people were missing.

Fang Yuan and Teacher Fang.

She couldn't help asking: "Have they finished the main task and left?"

Yang Ying nodded, then shook her head again: "Fang Yuan has completed the main task."

"Teacher Fang..." Yang Ying paused, then said tactfully, "Something went wrong."

Li Ran didn't react, and asked, "What happened?"

A snort came from the driver's seat: "I'm dead."

Li Ran was stunned: "Dead, dead?"

Yang Ying was silent for a while, and told the truth: "Teacher Fang's tickets accidentally fell into the lake of the Lion and Tiger Pavilion. He didn't tell us, and deliberately took a long way to bring us to the lake, and wanted everyone to help him pick it up. "

"Then there was a quarrel, and we left him alone."

Yang Ying exhaled and said to Li Ran: "Then I heard the roar of the tiger, and someone saw Teacher Fang being thrown down by the tiger..."

As she said that, she couldn't help frowning and said, "But the Lion and Tiger Pavilion clearly stated that they would not attack tourists, and I don't know what happened."

"Be careful when you go tomorrow."

Li Ran nodded and asked, "Is Teacher Fang injured?"

"No," Yang Ying shook her head, and said hesitantly, "At least we were not injured when we were here, but we only walked a dozen meters. Did he get injured so quickly?"

Ye Ye suddenly interrupted: "What's in the lake?"

Yang Ying was taken aback: "I, I don't know either."

"I didn't see..."

Ye Ye frowned.

Li Ran looked at Yang Ying, then at Ye Ye's face, and asked Ye Ye in a low voice: "Do you suspect it has something to do with taking Wen Qing's things?"

Ye Ye lowered his eyes and did not speak.

After arriving at the rest area, the players ran back to the transparent house.

Li Ran ran two steps and was stopped by Yu Xing.

Yu Xing blocked her way, and asked straight to the point: "Wen Qing's disappearance is related to water?"

Li Ran nodded and looked Yu Xing up and down.

Thinking of him saying that he was Wen Qing's old best friend, Li Ran said tangledly: "Although Wen Qing disappeared in the canine zoo, we hear singing every night, and there are things that come from unknown things. Knock."

"Ye Ye and I suspected that Wen Qing was taken away as a female. At present, the creatures in the aquarium are most suspected..."

Yu Xing's face changed slightly, guessing what happened: "I see."

After speaking, he turned and left.

Li Ran looked at Yu Xing's back and thought to himself, I hope this new tour guide can bring Wen Qing back, and I don't know why the previous tour guide went...

Yu Xing went straight to the beach until he was stopped by a transparent wall.

He raised his hand to cover the transparent wall, his face sank.

make life difficult for.

Restricted by the rules of the world, they and players cannot take the initiative to go there unless the fish opens the venue.

"Fuck." Yu Xing couldn't help cursing.

There are only two ways for Wen Qing to leave, one is to be sent back by that thing, and the other is to complete the advanced task and leave this instance.

How could that fish send people back to those who were finally obtained.

Yu Xing kicked the wall fiercely, scolding Sikong for not handling the rules well after walking for so long.

On the other side, Wen Qing was directly brought back to the depths of the sea by Heiwei.

Riding on the back of the killer whale, Wen Qing's mind is full of various rules of the zoo.

Animals attacking tourists are bad acts of violence, so they are expelled from the zoo.

But why does the black tail attack Teacher Fang not count

He lowered his eyes, recalling the rules and regulations he had seen since entering the park.

The first one is the instructions you see at the ticket office.

Wen Qing silently recited in her heart:

1. This park adheres to the natural law of natural selection and survival of the fittest. All parks except the aquarium are open, please pay attention to your own safety.

2. Take good care of animals, flowers, plants and trees. Violent acts of violence are prohibited. If found, they will be expelled from the zoo immediately.

3. Consciously maintain the environmental sanitation in the park, throw waste into the trash can, do not litter, and do not defecate indiscriminately.

4. Be sure to follow the instructions of the staff during the tour.

5. If you have any questions or need help, please consult the staff.

There are only five, and they are notices for the general public, similar to the notices for zoos in real life.

Wen lightly pursed his lips, and asked 001 from the bottom of his heart: [I remember correctly, right?]

001: [No.]

Wen Qing muttered in her heart: [Then why do you always feel that something is missing?]

001 was quiet for a long time, then slowly said: [Incomplete.]

[Isn't there only five of them? Why can't they be finished...] After a pause, Wen Qing understood the meaning of 001.

There are indeed only five notices, and the reason for the incompleteness is that there are some words before and after the notices.

Those words were like... welcome to the zoo or something

Wen Qing thought for a while, then remembered.

[Dear tourists, welcome to the eco-tourism park that integrates animal watching, leisure and vacation, and popular science education. Please be sure to pay attention to the following points.]

Dear... Tourists.

Not tourists.

Tourists are animals.

The instructions for tourists are for animals, and the guidelines for resting places and the precautions of various venues are for tourists to follow.

Aquarium...seems special

Wen Qing's eyelashes trembled slightly, thinking intently.

Suddenly, Black Tail carried him off the killer whale and swam into the shell.

Heiwei stared at his wet body, and slowly said a word: "Cold."

Wen Qing: "..."