They Call Me Daddy (Honkai Star Rail)

Chapter 12: Section 12


"So... where are we now?"

Taking out a towel from the backpack on Winder's back and wiping his dirty smiling face, March looked at the street in front of him in confusion.

Dan Heng walked towards a nearby house and looked inside through the window. It seemed that it had been abandoned for a long time, and the atmosphere nearby also felt familiar.

"We should have entered the place where the rift eroded. Look where you are."

Dan Heng pointed to a building not far away. The symbols of the rift erosion had surrounded the building layer by layer, and the figures of rift monsters could be vaguely seen moving around in the building.

"In fact, this is not difficult to predict. Since it is a so-called secret path, it will not appear in a conspicuous place."

Winder nodded.

"But... Has the erosion of Yalilo VI by the star core been so serious? Even this remaining human fortress has been eroded by the rift to this extent..."

Dan Heng said in a deep voice that this pioneering journey would not be so simple.

Putting the towel handed to him by March 7 back into his backpack, Winder observed the nearby buildings.

It is tall and magnificent. It seems that this was where nobles lived in the past. What a pity.

"Anyway, let's go out first and talk about it."

San Yue Qi suggested that there was no other good solution at the moment.

In this way, the pioneering team began their adventure in Beloberg.

… … … …


Kakaya looked at the somewhat sad and beautiful frozen planet in the game screen, and felt it was a pity no matter how many times he saw it.

"I hope Mihoyo will change the plot this time. The previous plot was a bit tragic."

Kakaya shook his head, moved the mouse and clicked the dialog box. The computer screen went black for a moment, and the scene turned to a snowy field.

San Yue Qi, Dan Heng, Wend and Ye himself appeared in the picture together.

[Good fellow, this time the team is truly fully staffed. ]

[I don’t know how the plot will develop after my husband is included. ]

[Shh, don’t spoil the story! ]

[Ah, little Sanyue is still cute. ]

[What are you talking about! Am I not cute myself? ]

[What!? Don't you think that Wend x Danheng is a good pair? ]

[Fuck you, get out of the live broadcast room! ]

[That’s right! They are my wife and my husband! ]

[You get out too! ]


[Your circle is really messy]

Kakaya: “…”

No, this can cause a quarrel

Looking at the chaotic comments in the live broadcast room, Kakaya was speechless.

Leaving the mess to the property manager, he is about to start his own adventure in the snow!

Sure enough, with the appearance of Winder, even the plot of Yalilo No. 6 was changed, but fortunately, the essence of the sentence was not changed.

The next plot should be meeting Sambo, but why...

Isn't this different from what you thought

Looking at Sambo, with only his head exposed in the picture, Kakaya fell into deep thought.

[“Stand out” in the world]

[The land of Yalilo No. 6 is really fertile, everything grows there. ]

[The Fun Person: Fun, I have become the Fun Person.]

[Next time you come to the bar, don't tell others that you know me. ]

[Good is rewarded with good, evil is rewarded with evil, I will hug the black-bellied Wend! ]

[? Why haven’t you left yet! Housing manager!]

"User: Wende Elementary School contractor has been banned."


"So you have this skill."

Looking at the scene in which Winder was threatening Sambo with narrowed eyes and a smile on his face, Kakaya sighed again.

Although Sambo looks miserable, I'm sorry, who asked you to be a joker? You have met the living devil, right? Even if he kills you by accident, this devil can bring you back to life.

"I just didn't expect that Wend, who usually looks so gentle, actually has such a sinister personality. Little Sanyue is still very cute!"

Looking at the picture of March 7 with a dirty face and a pouting mouth, Kakaya smiled like a pervert.

On the actual screen, Winder tilted his head slightly and winked at me, and then it was the player's turn to make a choice.

Option 1: What happened

Option 2: (Go up to comfort Sanyueqi)

Option 3: Wend, I'm hungry.

"What are these options?"

Kakaya was a little confused, but his instinct told him that he should choose the one with the most lushness for the best show effect.

So the master spoke loudly to Winder.

"Wende, I'm hungry!"

"… … " x3

"See? Our boss is hungry! If you keep on nagging, I'll stew you!"

Winder said viciously to the terrified Sambo.


[Sambo: "Oh no, we encountered zombies!"]

[It’s bad, the image of the black-bellied male god has collapsed... ]

[Pregnant? Whose? ]

[??? Are you awake?]

Chapter 19 Blood and Walls (Part 1)


Xing was already getting a little impatient as he casually used a baseball bat to smash the world-ripping creature that was attacking from behind into pieces.

This group of creatures from the rift world are just like playing hide-and-seek with them. Although you can't see them in the open, they can always surprise you in some dark corners.

They have been walking in here for a long time, but the phenomenon of rift erosion still exists. This large wealthy neighborhood has now become a paradise for rift creatures.


After knocking down the two soldier-like world-ripping creatures that were attacking him with electricity, Winder's face didn't look very good either.

Different from what we have seen in previous games, the real Beloberg is more than ten times larger than in the game. It is impossible to run to the next map in a few minutes like in the game.

Moreover... the deeper they went, the more these humanoid soldier-like creatures appeared. Winder looked at the bloodstains on their weapons and thought to himself that something was wrong.

Could it be that in the few days since they arrived late, the Great Guardian of Beloberg has begun to speed up her plan

Let the Silver Mane Guards enter the Rift to fight, under the guise of recovering lost territory, to minimize the Silver Mane Guards' manpower in guarding Beloberg, so as to fulfill her wish for the Star Core...

"Tsk, crazy woman!"

Winder couldn't help but sigh.

"Wende! Look!"

At this time, Sanyueqi seemed to have discovered something unusual. Not far from this section of the road, Sanyue saw many Rift Creatures walking towards one direction, as if they were attracted by something.

"Let's go and take a look."

As the tankiest man in the team, Winder took the lead and walked directly towards the place where the monsters of the Rift Valley gathered. Dan Heng stayed on the side of the team, Xing Dian was at the rear, and March was in the middle of the team to provide long-range support and protection.


Just as the pioneering team was moving towards where the monsters from the Rift Valley gathered, bursts of loud noises suddenly came from the front, accompanied by plumes of black smoke slowly rising.

"Is this a cannon?"

Winder raised his eyebrows. It seemed that the "culprits" who caused the turmoil among the creatures in the Rift World had revealed their identities.

"With such a big scene, it seems that the army ahead should be from here. Should we still go?"

The calm Dan Heng immediately deduced the identity of the person who was fighting with the world-ripping creature in front. He turned his attention to Winder and gave him the choice.

He didn't know when he had already regarded Winder as a real partner. Although they had not known each other for a long time, the qualities displayed by Winder made Danheng feel that he was a friend worth making.

"Um… "

Stroking his chin, Winder's expression was somewhat complicated.

"Alas... in the end... different paths lead to the same destination."

His eyes dimmed slightly, but soon lit up again.

"Go, why not? Isn't this the purpose of our trip? Although we don't have to observe, if we just watch them die without helping, wouldn't that go against the original intention of [exploration]?"

Winder raised his lips and smiled, saying, since you can't disobey, then do better within your ability!

"Let's go help out!"

… … … …

"First squad, retreat to the rear immediately. Second squad will take over the first squad's mission and stop the creatures that have broken through the boundary. The artillery squad will reload their ammunition!"

On the edge of the passage, groups of Silver Mane Iron Guards armed with axes and spears were carrying out transportation operations on the battlefield in an orderly manner under the command of a silver girl.

The iron guards of the first squad at the front were carried back by the logistics personnel. The originally fully staffed first squad now has only one in ten left, but they have persisted until the last moment!

“Bang, bang, bang!”


The guards in front of the girl skillfully placed the shells into the barrels. With the sound of primer and firing pin colliding, the shells blasted towards the group of Rift Creatures in the distance.


On the side, several robots that looked like traffic lights were helping the Iron Guards transport ammunition and supplies.

As the Iron Guards attacked fiercely, the number of the Rift Creatures did not decrease.

The girl's expression became more serious.

"Lady Bronya, the second team is already in place, please see..."

A sergeant of the Silver Mane Iron Guard trotted over to the girl and reported. He looked at her hesitantly, but then became determined.

"Let the second team stay there. We must not let the creatures from the world break through here!"

The girl gave the order decisively.

Looking at the girl who gave the order, there was an obvious flash of excitement in the Iron Guard officer's eyes.

"Yes, Lady Bronya!"

The sergeant solemnly saluted the girl with the Silver Mane Iron Guard salute, and then ran all the way to the front line.

Great, no need to push forward any further! No need to incur any more meaningless casualties!