They Call Me Daddy (Honkai Star Rail)

Chapter 14: Section 14


Before they reached the defense line, the four members of the team heard a loud shout from the other end of the defense line, and then a large group of Silver-Maned Iron Guards holding muskets climbed out of the trenches and pointed their guns at them!

"Bah! Do you have poor eyesight? How could a gentle and lovely girl like me be mistaken for a bunch of ugly people? This is too much!"

March 7 said angrily.

"Don't get excited. The monsters from the Rift Valley have retreated. It's safe here now."

Winder slowly approached the trench with his hands raised, and spoke in a calm tone under the gaze of dozens of guns.

"Quick, put your guns down! They are the ones who saved us just now! Put your guns down!"

The sergeant of the second squad who had just been rescued by Winder looked at the four people slowly walking towards him from the front, and immediately shouted excitedly to the iron guards, while putting down the rifle in his hand.

"this… "

The armed Iron Guards looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a moment. On one side was their brother's savior, and on the other side was the order given by the Grand Guardian himself. The Iron Guards were caught in a dilemma.

"Put down your guns."

The Silvermane Guards were the acting commander. Bronya Rand had walked to the front of the defense line at some point and gave orders to the Silvermane Guards.

"Yes, Lady Bronya!"

Seeing Bronya, who was acting on behalf of the Great Guardian, give the order, the Iron Guards put away their rifles in unison and looked at the young girl with reverence.

"Thank you all for coming to help our Silver Mane Guards this time. Without you, the second team would have to cancel their numbers..."

Bronya pursed her lips slightly, her tone heavy and suppressed.

The sergeant of the second squad clenched his fists, gritted his teeth, and had tears in his eyes.

The last few members of the first team also left due to serious injuries, and now there are only a few people left in the second team...

Those were his comrades! The comrades he had been with day and night! Seeing them fall, his heart hurt more than if a knife had pierced through it!

The atmosphere on the battlefield suddenly became sad. Seeing so many familiar figures disappear around them, some young guards couldn't help but sob, but then they were slapped by the older guards. Even these older guards were trying hard to hold back their emotions...

"Hello... please... come to the tent and have a chat."

Bronya took a long breath, placed her hands on her chest, and invited the pioneering team.


Winder nodded, and followed Bronya with the other three.

The atmosphere on the defense line was extremely depressing. Even the usually lively March 7 was suppressed by the sad atmosphere and became silent, with a dull look on his face.

"… "

Xing didn't know what to say, but she unconsciously focused her eyes on Winder in front of her.

Dan Heng shook his head and remained silent.

Winder turned his head and looked at the Iron Guards behind him. After they left, the Iron Guards did not release their emotions. They just picked up their weapons and continued to hold the battle line made of blood and lives.

Snow... had started falling again at some point, floating on the armor of the Iron Guards, and then melted by their scorching body temperatures.

As Bronya entered the tent of the Silver Mane Guard, she found it was very simple. Although there were a few exquisite teacups on the table, the tea in them was no longer steaming.

In front of the table, there was a strategic map of the marginal roads, but the densely packed red crosses on it gave people a depressing feeling.

Bronya put her weapon aside, patted the water droplets on her shoulders, and then invited everyone to sit at the table, while she herself sat at the seat of honor.

"Thank you all for your help. If it weren't for you, we might have lost this front..."

On the strategic map behind Bronya, this was the only spot that hadn't been crossed out in red, indicating that this was the Iron Guards' last line of defense.

Winder looked at the bright red defense map and couldn't help but frown.

The Star Train is only a week later than the original plot...

As if she had noticed Wind's gaze, Bronya's eyes were also drawn to the strategic map.

In fact, it is better to call it a defense map than a strategic map... and the places marked with red crosses are the garrisons that were once captured by the Iron Guards.

Seven days ago, the Great Guardian, Cocolia Rand, summoned her and asked her to lead several teams of Silver Mane Iron Guards to recapture the lost territory on the edge of the road. Another Silver Mane Iron Guards guard officer, Jeppard, was also ordered to go to the front line to defend the front line of Beloberg...

Although she tried her best to dissuade the Great Guardian, she was still convinced by his words, even though she knew that in the past few hundred years, no one had been able to recover the lost land in the Rift...

At the beginning, she led the Iron Guards to achieve amazing results in the Rift. Even she began to naively believe that she could really achieve unprecedented feats, recover lost territory, and expel the Rift.

But little did she know that she and the Iron Guards had fallen into a dark trap.

In just two days, a tidal wave of Rift Creatures suddenly emerged from nowhere. They quickly broke through the Iron Guards' defenses one after another until only this last line of defense remained...

And of the Iron Guards she brought with her... only one in ten survived.

But she did not retreat. It was not that she did not want to retreat to defend these living forces!

But if they retreated! If the group of Riftland monsters broke through the Iron Guards' blockade of the Riftland and attacked the city, the huge casualties would destroy the entire Beloberg!

The war on the front line was also very tense. All the capable automatic robots and weapons of mass destruction were transferred there, and all that was left for her were some underpowered mortars and transport robots with little combat power...

"I'm sorry... I must have made you laugh at me during this period of time..."

Bronya said in a heavy tone that in her opinion, these talented people might be "folk masters" from other places, who came to help her because of her incompetence.

"No, you've done very well, Miss Bronya."

Winder shook his head, looked at Bronya who had been tempered by failure, and said softly, then took out a photo from his arms.

This was a photo taken on the train on March 7 before landing. He asked for a copy and has kept it in his breast pocket ever since.

"This is… "

Bronya looked at the frozen planet in the photo and her pupils shrank slightly.

Chapter 22: To Be or Not to Be

“This picture is of our planet…”

Bronya remained silent and just looked at the white planet in the photo.

"We are not from this world. We are the unknown passengers of the Star Train..."

Having said that, Winder paused for a moment, seeing a hint of surprise flash across Bronya's face, and then continued.

"Thousands of years ago, we opened up star tracks for you, the planet we called Yalilo VI. With the connection of the star tracks, this place became a holy place that everyone yearned for.

Today, thousands of years later, we have come here again, and we will take away the threats of the cold wave and the rift erosion for you, and let this world regain its vitality. This is our purpose. "

Winder crossed his arms and looked at Bronya, who was lost in thought, with a serious expression.

"I know you have many puzzles and doubts in your heart, but I can tell you with certainty that the root cause of the tragedy of Yalilo No. 6 is a substance called star core. It is this substance that brought about the cold wave and the rift, and it is also the substance that is gradually shrinking your living space. If you want to solve the cold wave and the rift, you must recycle the star core!"

As the successor of the Great Guardian, the next Great Guardian, Bronya, who has been well-read since childhood, could not possibly not know how prosperous this place was a thousand years ago! It was precisely because she had a picture of Yalilo No. 6 a thousand years ago in her mind that Winder dared to tell her all these things so bluntly.

And Winder's words brought a ray of light into her already desperate heart!

"Let's go. I'm going to take you to see the Great Guardian."

Bronya's eyes were filled with determination.

"Adjutant, you and the remaining Iron Guards must hold on here and wait for us to come back!"

Bronya gave a death order to the adjutant in the account, and then looked at Winder and the other three.

Saving Beloberg's fate may depend on these four people.

"Yes! Lady Bronya! We, the Silver Mane Guards, will definitely guard this line of defense!"

The adjutant immediately saluted Bronya, his eyes full of anticipation.

"Well, please, everyone. The fate of Beloberg is in your hands."

Bronya nodded to her adjutant, then spoke to the pioneering team.

If it was seven days ago, she would definitely still be skeptical, still protect the authority of the Great Guardian, and still care about the so-called "etiquette". After all, these four people were just people she had just met, and she didn't even know the slightest about them. It was only because they saved the Iron Guards on the front line that she specially invited the pioneering team to the tent to entertain them.

But now, after experiencing such a cruel battlefield, how could she still have unconditional trust in that "mother"

Her current actions are pushing Beloberg to the brink of destruction!

It's time to make a choice.

Is to choose possible "survival"

Or choose the inevitable "destruction"

… … …


When the players followed the "secret path" into the edge road, the originally cheerful atmosphere disappeared in an instant.

Players with a keen sense of smell have begun to realize that something is wrong.

As the protagonist group continues to advance, dilapidated buildings, terrifying monsters, dead bones everywhere, and the erosion of the rift together form a tragic battlefield.

But these are nothing, just some world-ripping monsters, not worth mentioning at all with the players' advancement.

It is worth mentioning that the players hardly encountered any elite monsters. The monsters that blocked the way were basically small monsters. The repeated battles began to make the players feel a little bored, and they even wanted to complain that these battles were meaningless.

But at this moment, March 7's discovery suddenly gave the players a shock.

Finally, we don’t have to repeat this part of fighting monsters! Let’s fast forward to the plot!

Countless players thought so.

But what happened next was far beyond their expectations.

There were corpses everywhere, some from the Rift Monsters, some from robots, and many from the Silver Mane Iron Guards...

Next, a CG animation took over the control of the players, allowing them to witness this brutal war from the perspective of an Iron Guard.

Monsters like a tide, comrades who kept falling... and Wind who saved his life...

"Are you okay?"

Winder said softly.

[Dad!!! Save me!!!]

[Super! You monsters dare to bully my Iron Guard brothers! Look, I, General Dan Heng, will show you everything! ]

[I didn't expect this... Although this plot is completely different from the previous test plot, it is so exciting! ]

Dan Heng in the cg was killing all around, assisted by March Seven and Xing Xiang, while Winder continued to treat the injured.

The scenes are interspersed to show each person's combat characteristics vividly.

Dan Heng's spear skills are superb, Sanyue's bow and arrow are accurate, Xing's attacks are steady and powerful, and Wend's medical skills are superb. There is no need to say more about this.

One person was able to treat all the remaining dozen or so Iron Guards, which was enough to show that he had plenty of milk!

[Dan Heng is so handsome! The cold-faced little blue dragon! ]

[I am also cool on March 7th, okay! A cold-faced little pink dragon! ]

[Isn’t that so cool! I am the cold-faced little gray dragon! ]

[??? Where did you put me, Wend? I am a cold-faced little... er, little dragon?]

[Pfft, hahahahaha, you’re a cold-faced little dragon, right?]

[Wende: "You kid, don't sleep too deeply at night!]

[Don't you think these Iron Guards are a bit pitiful, fighting against so many Rift Monsters? ]

[Upstairs, please accept your mercy, they are respectable people.]

[Hahaha, you take this game seriously? ]

Next, there is the famous scene where Dan Heng scares away the tidal wave of world-shattering monsters with one shot. However, the CG camera gave a close-up of Dan Heng's face, and his slightly wrinkled brows and slightly puzzled eyes gave players a lot of room for imagination.

[Hahahaha! I have General Dan Heng! He can defeat thousands of troops! ]

[Something is wrong? Could it be that the cold-faced little blue dragon has some kind of domineering aura? It scared these monsters away? ]

[It's obviously not right! Didn't you see Dan Heng's puzzled look? I think it's definitely not that simple! ]