They Call Me Daddy (Honkai Star Rail)

Chapter 30: Section 30


"… garbage can… "

As if awakened by March's voice, Xing, who was lying on the table, slowly opened his eyes, muttering something in his dream...

"Um… "

Dan Heng also opened his eyes. He had almost rested enough.

Feeling Xing's confused eyes, Sanyue couldn't help but shrink her neck. Did she disturb their rest

"It's okay... I've had enough rest."

Danheng said it was okay.

"Well... I'm almost there too."

Winder said with his red eyes open. It was obvious that he was still having a nightmare in the second half of the night.

"Um...why don't you guys go back to your room and get some more sleep?"

(The photo was deleted, fearing that some evildoers might harass me or something)

Chapter 42: The Building is About to Collapse

"I think we should go directly to Natasha."

Winder shook his head. He felt that he would not be able to get a good night's sleep before leaving Beloberg.

"Uh... Ouch."

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Xing felt sore all over. It seemed that he couldn't sleep on the table...

"Well, go wash up and refresh yourself, because we're going back to the upper area today."

Helping Xing tidy up her messy gray hair, March cheered everyone on.

"Um… "

After tidying up their appearance, the pioneering team arrived at the place they had agreed to meet with Natasha yesterday.

Xier and Sambo had been waiting there for a long time, but for some reason, they didn't see Natasha.

… … …

"Cocolia... Cocolia..."

They still whispered in Cocolia's ears.

"I… "

Cocolia, who had been in a coma for three days, stood in front of the gate of Krippenburg, overlooking the entire Beloberg city area, feeling a little dazed for a moment.

She seemed to be... dreaming

She dreamed that she had returned to the time before she became the Great Guardian. At that time, she could open her heart with her friends and enjoy music that had never been appreciated by others... She was so free at that time...

No one whispered in her ear, no pressure like a mountain collapsing hung over her.

Yeah... there's no going back...

"Great Guardian..."

"Great Guardian..."

She walked down the stairs of Klipper Castle slowly. The Silver Mane Guards on both sides bowed their heads when they saw her and greeted her respectfully.

This is true for the Silvermane Guards and the residents of Beloberg.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, she came to a machine room and looked through the window at the people inside who were repairing machinery...

She then turned and walked into the snow.

"This is for Beloberg, this is to end this unprovoked disaster that has lasted for a thousand years... Shiluwa..."

Cocolia muttered to herself, her purple eyes flashed with clarity for a moment, but then became dim again under the golden light.

… … …

"Guard Officer Jeppard, the attacks from the Breach Monsters have become more frequent in the past two days, and our brothers on the front lines are beginning to feel overwhelmed."

The adjutant handed a loss report to Jeppard, who frowned as he took it.

In just one week, they lost nearly half of their automated soldiers guarding the main gate, and the Silver Mane Iron Guards stationed on the city walls and the city's rift also suffered heavy casualties...

In the recent rift, higher-level rift creatures are suspected to have appeared, and the Great Guardian seems to want them to continue to advance the front line.

The triple pressure was on Jeppard at the moment. Should he choose the Silver Mane Iron Guard, or choose Beloberg... or should he believe in the order of the Great Guardian and continue to push the front forward...

"Order the frontline troops to return to defend Beloberg. We can't go on any longer."

Jeppard slammed the report on the table with a serious expression.

"But... Where is the Great Guardian..."

The adjutant said hesitantly that their behavior was disobeying military orders...

"After this storm is over, I will personally go to the Great Guardian to apologize. Our brothers cannot die outside for no reason. This is not only for us, but also for the entire Beloberg!"

At this time, Jeppard still had hope that he could become the Great Guardian, but what he didn't know was that under the manipulation of Cocolia and the Star Core, the news of Bronya's defeat in the Rift had not been reported to the front line. And not long after Bronya went to the lower area, the Iron Guard team that was still in the Rift was also "mysteriously" disappeared in "no one cared".

At this time, Beloberg was under attack from both sides...

The number of Iron already limited.

… … …

In the Beloberg Administrative District, Grand Guardian Cocolia was giving a passionate speech, and in front of her was a group of armored Silver Mane Iron Guards.

These Iron Guards are all Beloberg's reserve forces, and some are new recruits who have just joined.

There is childishness on their faces, some of them have never received any systematic training, and most of them are children who have just reached adulthood.

But now, the Great Guardian wants them to go to the battlefield. At this moment, they only feel their blood boiling under Cocolia's speech, and have no idea what kind of situation they will face in the future...

Long before Cocolia fell into a coma, she had already prepared for this matter. Although it was only delayed for a few days, it didn't delay anything.

She has no way to retreat. What awaits Beloberg is only "rebirth" (destruction).

[This… This isn’t right? This… How the hell…]

[Let me tell you, it's like a shampooer.]

[Thank you, it’s hard! My fist is hard! ]

[Cocolia! ! Be a human being! ! ]

[Sure enough, no matter where she is, Cocolia is always so annoying. ]

[They are just children... What a sin! ]

[Fuck, where is I! Come back soon! Save me! ]

[Where is my Admiral Winder? If Winder is here, everything will be fine. ]

Looking at the buzzing comments in the live broadcast room, Fanyin also felt a little uncomfortable.

She picked up her phone and looked at the official account of Star Dome Railway again. She wanted to see how the game went from 12+ to almost 17.9+.

Looking at the noisy comment section, it was indeed true that the players were all disgusted by Cocolia's operation. There was even a Xiuer player in the comment section who wrote an anti-thief manifesto specifically for Cocolia. This time the train group could be said to have a "legitimate reason".

… … …

"Well, now that you're here, Nata has to deal with some things in the lower district and can't get away, so she asked me to explain for you."

Xier folded her arms and explained to the pioneering team.

"Well, after all, I am responsible for the entire lower district."

Dan Heng nodded to show his understanding.

"Look, these are the heroes who saved the lower district!"

Sambo standing by had a fawning smile on his face, which was consistent with his occupation as a businessman.

"Uh... why are you here too?"

March looked at Sambo beside him, feeling somewhat puzzled.

"It's like this. Nata said that if we want to get to the ground safely, we still need the help of Sambo, so she continued to hire him."

Xier spread her hands and explained.

"I brought you down, so I'll naturally bring you up too. Don't worry, this is free after-sales service, I guarantee you'll be satisfied~"

Sambo looked sincere, but then turned his gaze to Winder who was standing beside him.

"But this time we are all old acquaintances... so there is no need to use lightning rods, right?"

Looking at the flashing electric light in Winder's hand, Sambo already had some PTSD...

Chapter 43 Back to Earth (Garbage Can Syndrome)

"By the way, where did Bronya go? Why didn't I see her?"

Looking around, Xing suddenly realized that someone was missing.

"Bronya... chose to go back to the ground first. She seemed very anxious and she said she would not let me follow her no matter what."

Xier spread her hands, feeling helpless.

"Ah? She returned to the ground by herself? Isn't this dangerous?"

March was very surprised.

"I can't help it. She said she had a reason to go back, and I couldn't stop her at all."

Looking back at the furnace core behind her, Xier was worried.

"I see..."

Winder lowered his head in deep thought. This was consistent with the original plot... Should I say... damn fate

"By the way, she also left a letter for you."

Xier took out a letter from somewhere and handed it to Winder.

When they opened the envelope, the beautiful handwriting on it told everyone Bronya's determination, and Bronya recommended the Landau siblings to them. They could get their help with just this handwritten letter.

Due to the late arrival of the train group and Wind's reasons, the pioneer team did not meet the Landau siblings, so this handwritten letter from Bronya became particularly important at this time.

"Let's go. The longer we delay, the more variables there will be."

Dan Heng said bluntly.

So, under the leadership of Sambo, everyone set out on the road to the upper city.

On the way, Sambo specially emphasized one person for them, the sister of the current Silver Mane Iron Guard officer, the former best friend of the Great Guardian, the scientist of Beloberg, and the owner of the Mechanical House, Sylva Landau.

"You kid, it's starting again, right?"

Looking at Sambo's constant hints, Winder complained in his heart again.

With Bronya's matchmaking and Sambo's hints, it seemed that they now had only one option: to look for the Landau siblings.

… … …

Looking at the "Iron Guards" who were mobilized by his words, "Cocolia" walked down the podium with a smile.

Amid the cheers of the crowd, "Cocolia" returned to Klipperburg, where a familiar figure had been waiting for a long time.


Looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar Cocolia, Bronya's eyes were hesitant and determined.

"Bronya... My daughter, you are finally back."

"Cocolia" looked at Bronya expressionlessly and slowly walked towards the desk above.

"You... You are not Lady Cocolia! Who are you?!"

Looking at the emotionless "stranger" in front of her, Bronya instantly raised the spear in her hand and pointed it at Cocolia above, but her finger was on the back of the trigger.