They Call Me Daddy (Honkai Star Rail)

Chapter 49: Section 49


[Who with any brains would go through the trash can? ]

[Hello, there is none.]

[Anyone with brains would drink Himeko's coffee???]

… … …

"Wende~ I want to eat your cooking again before I leave."

March shook Winder's arm and acted coquettishly towards him.

"I shouldn't be unable to eat when we go to the Immortal Boat this time, right?"

Xing tilted her head and looked at the coquettish March with confusion, but still consciously hugged Winder's other arm.

"What if? What if the people of Xianzhou have very delicate taste buds? You don't want to eat black bread anymore, do you?"

Thinking back on his experience at Yalilo 6, March couldn't help but burst into tears.

My teeth are almost worn flat by the black bread! Those days... were simply the most difficult time she could remember!

So! Have a delicious meal before leaving! Just one meal!

"Okay, okay. We still have two more jumps left. I'll go make you a sumptuous lunch."

Second-hand stroked the two men's heads and looked at these two clingy guys, saying helplessly.

"Yeah! Wend is the best!"

March cheered.

"It looks like we're in for a treat this time."

Ji Zi looked at the cheering March, her eyes full of anticipation.

"Yeah... Having a good meal before leaving is the best way to get ready."

Walter also agreed. After all... Winder's cooking is really delicious.

Although he had heard of Xianzhou cuisine a long time ago, there were also some "alternative" foods in Xianzhou cuisine.

"Since Uncle Yang and Sister Ji Zi have spoken, I must definitely make this meal better."

Winder smiled and shrugged.

After learning that Winder was going to cook, even Dan Heng, who had been staying in the think tank because he was going to Xianzhou, stopped staying at home and came to the kitchen to help Winder naturally.

… … … …

After five dishes and three rounds of tea, everyone rested on the train for another night. The next day, the train officially began to jump towards the coordinates of the fairy boat.



He helped up Sanyue, who had fallen heavily, with a frown on his face. Why are all the people on the train so stubborn

Winder couldn't understand.

“March, look!”

Before Sanyue recovered from the dizziness of the leap, Xing's surprised voice came.

"... Wow... This is the Immortal Boat... Why does it look bigger than Yalilo VI?"

Looking at the huge ship in front of him that looked like a planet, Sanyue rubbed his head and exclaimed in amazement.

"For the Xianzhou people, this ship is their planet"

Looking at the familiar immortal boat in front of him, Dan Heng softly explained to Sanyue and everyone the difference between the immortal boat and other civilizations.

"What's going on... You look nostalgic and lonely..."

Sanyue looked at Danheng with a complicated expression, and always felt that there was a very deep past buried in it...

"… well"

Wend watched all of Danheng's performance and looked at the huge ship outside the window... For some reason, several images flashed through his memory...

A fairy boat wandered aimlessly in the universe, and finally stepped into the unknown and destruction.

A flying machine that looked like a wooden boat flew out from the destroyed immortal boat...

Chapter 68: One Milk Saves All

[Finally we have arrived at the Immortal Boat! My Tingyun! My Jingyuan! My Lao Ma! ! Lao Ma! ! ! ]

[Why are you so angry?]

[Fox girls! My fox girls! ]

[Bai Lu! My little Bai Lu! Shashasha! Bai Lu is small and soft... prrrrrr]

[? Open the door! FBI!]

[Don't go crazy every time you go to a place! ]


[Are you here? We are all members? Why can you send emojis? ]

[Ah~ I want to play cards with Qingque! ]

[I am the only one in this world who didn’t draw Tingyun (sad)]

… … … …

"Um... are we cursed by something? Why is there always someone lying there every time we arrive at a planet?"

Looking at the Yunqijun soldiers lying on the dock, Sanyue couldn't help but complain.

“Also, these densely packed containers… This doesn’t look like a place to receive people, right? Is this really not a place to unload goods?”

Looking at the endless piles of containers, March’s desire to complain became stronger.

"March, now is not the time to complain. Winder, can you go check on the situation of that Cloud Rider?"

Walter said to March very calmly, and then turned his gaze to Winder who seemed to be thinking about something.

"Ah... OK, I'll go right away."

Hearing Walter's words, Winder was stunned for a moment, then he came out of his thoughts, nodded and agreed.

Winder's mind was full of doubts. After seeing the fairy boat just now, what were the two images that emerged in his memory

Could it be related to his master? A destroyed immortal boat, a "small boat"

He shook his head and put those unnecessary thoughts behind him.

"Front...front, front..."

The injured Yunqi groaned weakly, as if he wanted to remind them of something.

"Relax and don't talk."

Winder squatted beside him, a lightning rod appeared in his hand, and pierced into the area near his wound. The power of [Abundance] emerged and quickly healed his injuries.

"Huh...Huh...Thank you, I feel much better."

The healed Yunqi slowly stood up with the help of Winder. Although he was still breathing heavily, it seemed that his condition was much better.

"What happened? Why are you fighting here?"

Walter went straight to the point and said that since they came here, there has been a weird atmosphere everywhere.

"This area has been eroded by the Rift. We were ordered to evacuate the people here, but we didn't expect..."

The Yunqijun lowered his head, his tone very disappointed.

"But I didn't expect that many brothers would suddenly fall into the devil's body without any warning..."

"The demonic body..."

Hearing this word, Walter frowned, and Winder beside him was also slightly thoughtful.

In his memory, his master had mentioned this word many times, and even the "bad guy" had repeatedly mentioned the word "devil's yin".

"Oh, right! Doctor! Could you please save my other brothers? They are just ahead! They have also been attacked by the evil spirit!"

The Yunqi army anxiously said to Winder that since this man's medical skills were so advanced, he would definitely be able to save their team from the fate of losing their unit.

"Don't worry, I will help them. Please lead the way for us first."

Winder nodded and said seriously.

"Thank you... Thank you! I'll take you there right away!"

Yunqijun said to everyone with gratitude, then picked up the Guandao on the ground and walked forward with everyone in the train group.

… … … … …

[I finally understand why there was no milk in the train set in the previous plot... Is this milk? This is a mobile fountain!! ]

Looking at the Cloud Cavalry soldiers being pulled up one by one by Winder in the picture, the barrage of comments expressed that they had "got it".

[So you didn't give me milk before because you were afraid that the plot would skip directly, right? ]

[As expected of my father, Wend, he has already saved a team of Cloud Cavalry. I guess I won't have to fight him myself later, right? ]

[Tingyun:? ? Why don’t you come to see me?]

[Don’t spoil the story ahead! ]

[Indeed, if you have given me spoilers, please go and die! ]

In Sister Guozi's live broadcast room, the barrage of comments started to tear apart again because someone gave out spoilers.

"Ahem, everyone should still abide by the rules of the live broadcast room. Don't spoil the plot casually. This will affect everyone's viewing experience. Everyone, please stop cursing. I'll just ask the room manager to mute him later."

As the host of the live broadcast room, Sister Guozi cleared her throat and spoke to the people who were still arguing.

[Indeed, because of Sister Guozi’s righteousness, I will spare your family tree’s life!!]

[Indeed, spoiler dog! ]

[Okay, stop arguing. We should focus on the game. For example... your father has rescued more than a dozen Cloud Cavalrymen...]


… … …

"Thank you, Doctor Winder. If it weren't for you, our team would have really died here."

The captain of the Cloud Riders team said with a wry smile.

"It's just a small favor. This is what a doctor must do."

Winder put away the lightning rod and said to the team leader.

"Mr. Great Righteousness!"

The team leader bowed to Winder in admiration.

"By the way, do you know where the department that receives outsiders is? We are members of the Star Train. Your receptionist just sent us the parking coordinates and we entered here, but this place doesn't seem like a place to receive outsiders."

Walter pushed his glasses and said to the captain.

"You are outsiders? But... No, that's not right. Due to the influence of the star core, the Jade Realm Gate should be closed. No one should be allowed in."

The captain of the Cloud Cavalry Army frowned.

"Everyone, although we don't know what the current situation is, we will escort you safely to Tianbosi. They are the department responsible for connecting with foreign tourists."

"Well... I'll trouble you then."

Walter said to the captain.

"Sir, you don't have to be so polite. Whether you are from Xianzhou or foreign lands, it is our duty as the Cloud Cavalry to protect you!"

The team leader said very solemnly.

"Captain! That group...they..."

A Cloud Cavalry soldier hurried over, first saluted respectfully to Winder, and then whispered to the team leader.