They Call Me Daddy (Honkai Star Rail)

Chapter 85: Section 85


Xing touched his chin and then expressed his opinion.

"Huh? What does this have to do with whether or not Winder has eaten?"

March tilted her neck. Why didn’t she quite understand the joke

"Um... ... How about you try saying this to Winder later?"

Xing smiled awkwardly and pointed to Winder's room.

"Really? Nothing's going to happen, right?"

Sanyue looked at Xing with suspicion. She always felt that Xing's smile was very dangerous!

But! As the detective Xiao Sanyue, she always holds a heart of truth, so... ...

"Wende, didn't you have dinner tonight?"

March, who was enjoying Wend's massage and was almost in ecstasy, suddenly said something.


Wend was suddenly stunned, looking at Xiao Sanyue's petite body in disbelief. As expected, she was Xiao Sanyue who saved her life! Her body was so strong!

So, while expressing his emotion, Winder silently increased the strength in his hands.

"Hmm? Hmm! Aa ...

March's screams instantly resounded throughout the hotel.

After Xing carried her out, Sanyue still had a look of being tortured, with tears in the corners of her eyes.

If people didn’t know that this was a massage, many of them would have thought of it the wrong way, right

"Um...what happened to Sanyue? And Miss Tingyun?"

Walter looked at Xiao Sanyue, who was lying in a row with Tingyun, with a confused look on his face. Didn't he just go out for a few laps? Why did these two end up like this after the massage

"Um...Uncle Yang, it's okay."

Xing looked at Sanyue lying on the sofa with some embarrassment. She suddenly felt that it was amazing that Miss Tingyun could stand without saying a word and even walk out by herself!

"Um, Uncle Yang, how about we not have a massage today?"

For Walter's health, Xing advised Walter sincerely.

“… … ..”

Walter pushed up his glasses.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

Well, he might have had some doubts just now, but now looking at the three people lying together... ... he believed it.

Walter took off his glasses with a slightly trembling hand.

He wanted to find a glasses cloth to wipe it, but then he saw Winder's smile.

"Hmm? Uncle Yang, aren't you going to press it today?"

Winder smiled at Walter in a very healthy manner.

"Well, no, I can't stand this kind of stimulation when I'm too old."

Looking at the three people still lying dead beside him, Walter shook his head decisively and refused.

"Well, I'll go make some cold drinks for them. Uncle Yang, go and have a rest first."

"good... ... ."

Looking at Winder entering the kitchen, Walter put on his glasses and breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .

"Wende, we've received a message from Taipusi. We can go to Taipusi to witness the interrogation of the Star Core Hunter."

In the morning, Walter walked towards Winder with a cane. Behind him, March and Xing, who seemed to be reborn, walked towards him full of energy.

"Wuhu! I feel so light now! And my mind is so clear, I feel like I can easily answer the brain teasers that Sister Ji Zi gave me!"

Xiao San said with a spirited look.

"Oh, in that case, I have a math problem..."

"Uncle Yang! Stop!"

March decisively stopped Walter who was about to ask the difficult question of the century, saying, "Our brains are active, but that doesn't mean they can be active enough to solve math problems!"

"By the way, where is Miss Tingyun?"

Wend looked behind the two of them, but did not see Tingyun. Didn't she say yesterday that she would go to Taibusi with them at that time

"Are you looking for me, my benefactor?"

Tingyun slowly walked out from the side of the crowd at some point, with his folding fan open and eyes full of smiles.

"Since Miss Tingyun is here, let's set off."

Looking at the people who had gathered, Walter nodded, and then sent a message to the messenger of Taibusi with his mobile phone.

"Eh? Uncle Yang, how do you have the information about the Taibusi messenger?"

March looked at Walter’s mobile phone in surprise. She just wanted to say that everyone should go and look for it together!

"The day before yesterday, I was strolling around Changletian and accidentally walked into a card hall. By chance, I met this fortune teller there."

Chapter 115: Qingque: Touch!

"The Grand Astrologer... is playing cards while slacking off?"

Winder looked at Walter in amazement. A talent who could work in Taipusi and still slack off? He must be an extraordinary person!

"So... Uncle Yang, you're not addicted to playing cards, are you?"

Xiao Sanyue pinched her waist, looking as if she had seen through the truth.

"No, I'm not interested in that kind of thing. I'm just a little curious about the intense card game."

Walter shook his head in denial.

[Option 1: Would you like a hand of Qiongyu cards? ]

[Option 2: Next is my turn! ]

[Option 3: You play your cards really well! ]

"Another difficult choice..."

Sister Guozi shook her head and looked at the three options in front of her. She wanted to choose any of them!

[Don't worry, Sister Guozi, you can choose any one of them, the results of these three are the same. ]

The audience who had watched the plot in advance gave Sister Guozi friendly reminders in time.

[In? Why spoilers! You make the people in the live broadcast room feel embarrassed! ]

[That’s right… I also want to see Sister Guozi rolling around on the ground in hesitation and wow, so pitiful!]

[Alas, let’s go, there’s nothing fun to watch~]

[You are really a group of happy believers. Even Sambo doesn't know how to have fun like you! ]

[Ahaha: music]

Seeing the announcement in the live broadcast room, Sister Guozi was not angry. Instead, she seemed relieved and randomly chose an option.

"Would you like a hand of Qiong Yu cards?"

"What kind of lame joke are you playing?"

Xiao Sanyue complained to the pioneers.

"hey-hey... ... "

The pioneer folded his arms and looked at the player's camera with disdain, as if to say "Are you satisfied?"

"It seems that the copywriter is still very persistent about breaking the fourth wall."

Sister Guozi sighed.

[I found a device that allows three-dimensional creatures to quickly enter the two-dimensional world! V me 50! I will take you to the second dimension! ]

[Could your device be the legendary...?]

[Boy! It's time to travel through time! The mud truck man transforms.jpg! ]

[If you post emojis in the live broadcast barrage again, I will make sure you can’t go to heaven! ]

... ... ... ... ... ..

"Hey, Mr. Walter, are these the other passengers of the Starry Sky Train?"

Walter led everyone to a card hall, and a very small girl in green clothes said to Walter and the people behind him.

"Miss Qingque, I'll just wait."

Nodding to Qingque, Walter then turned around and introduced everyone.

"This is the envoy of Taibusi, Miss Qingque."

"Hey, you guys can just call me Qingque! I was sent by Master Taibu to pick you up!"

Qingque scratched his head, then led everyone towards the port of Changletian.

"Everyone, I'm really sorry. Recently, the affairs of the Taibu Division have been very complicated. There are many things that need to be solved by Taibu herself. In addition, the star core happened to be causing trouble, causing the flight path to vibrate. Some messy problems have only been solved now. The old lady Taibu finally found the time to invite you all to come."

Walking on the streets of Changletian, Qingque explained why he had not received anyone for some time.

"Don't worry, we didn't have to wait too long. The most urgent task now is to get to Taibusi as soon as possible. The matter of the Star Core Hunter is the most important thing at the moment."

Walter still activated his fixed skill of "human relations and worldly wisdom", which made Qingque look at this gentleman with excellent card skills with higher regard again.

"Okay, here we are!"

Qingque pointed at the Star Raft parked in front of them at the Changletian Port and said to everyone.

"Everyone, we are half an hour's sail away from Taibusi, please get on board!"

"Ah... I have to ride the Star Raft again... I feel like the number of times I've ridden the Star Raft is almost as many times as the total number of explorations I've done before."

Looking at the star chariot in front of him, Sanyue said reluctantly.

"Fortunately, we only had one accident this time, which has broken the record."

Walter whispered to March to comfort her.

"Um... it seems like you all have been through a lot..."

Listening to Sanyue's words, Qingque's mouth twitched. So being a passenger on the Starry Sky Train is actually a high-risk occupation! Fortunately, fortunately, she can slack off in her current position, and it doesn't affect her going to and from get off work! Master Taibu won't care about her! Hehe!

"Miss Tingyun, do you want to sail?"

Qingque said to Tingyun who was standing aside, "With this Miss Tingyun from Tianbosi, she should be able to continue to catch some fish in this half hour, right?"

"Um... Sorry, I'm a little exhausted now~ It's all because Lord Wendeng treated me too roughly last night, and now I'm a little weak~"

Tingyun looked at Wend who was doing nothing and said with a complaining look on his face.

"Um... Yeah, is that so... Then I'll drive... Automatic driving doesn't take much effort anyway..."

Qingque looked back and forth between Wende and Tingyun in amazement. It turned out that their relationship was like this...

"Ahem, Miss Qingque, I just gave Miss Tingyun a massage yesterday. Sanyue and Xing can testify to that."

Winder immediately raised his hands to prove his innocence.

Qingque looked at Xing and Sanyue who were testifying for Winder, and temporarily believed what Winder said, but there was still some subtlety in his eyes when he looked at Winder.

"Alright, alright, let's get on board quickly. The old lady Taibu must be getting a little impatient waiting for her."

Qingque hurriedly called everyone on board. After making sure that everyone had fastened their seat belts, he sat in the driving seat and turned on the Star Raft's automatic navigation system.

"Um… … "

Xing looked at the ceiling thoughtfully, while his little hands were fiddling with the small refrigerator next to him.

"Hey... you come again..."