Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 106: Dark Thunder Bear


The runaway Xiaoqiang held a bow and arrow and aimed at the huge body of the Dark Thunder Bear not far away. Compared with the ten-ring target a hundred meters away, the Dark Thunder Bear must have hundreds of rings, so it would be easy to hit it. But the runaway Xiaoqiang still opened one eye and closed the other and aimed very steadily for a moment, then loosened his right hand and the arrow with the dying venom flew out.

“Haha, Dashan, look at this group of novice idiots actually attacking the Dark Thunder Bear. Could it be that they want to fight a BOSS before they die?” Royal Rogue, the vice president of the Shadow Guild, looked up and saw the arrows shot at the Dark Thunder Bear, and couldn't help but laugh.

The guild master also responded and looked up with a smile on his face, thinking that if it weren't for the Dark Thunder Bear, maybe this kid named Ye Feng would have really escaped in the chaos. Now the first priority is to seize the Seven Kill Artifacts, and then turn around to deal with the guild and team that attacked the Dark Thunder Bear and make him a big harvest.

The good man had a beautiful idea, but the reality was very different from what he imagined. After the arrow hit the Dark Thunder Bear, it was like being injected with a shot of stimulant. It raised its huge head and roared towards the sky.

The bear roared deep and deep, like a ship's whistle, echoing far away in the forest. The birds perched on the treetops in the forest were startled, and they fled desperately into the distance as if the end of the world had come. Various insects and animals also chose to flee without hesitation, their eyes full of panic, as if they were extremely afraid of the bear's roar.

"What's going on? A Dark Thunder Bear with full health is going berserk. This is unscientific. I've never heard of a BOSS with endocrine disorders and metabolic disorders. Is this puberty or menopause?" Everyone in the Shadow Guild was puzzled. Confusion and panic collided violently in the depths of their hearts. Question marks and exclamation marks filled their minds. They really couldn't understand why a Dark Thunder Bear with full health would go into a state of low health and berserk.

"Crap! We've been tricked." The kind-hearted man just saw a negative state flash across the Dark Thunder Bear's body after it was hit by an arrow, and then the Dark Thunder Bear became what it is now. It seems that the negative state took effect.

Although the Dark Thunder Bear is usually weak and can be slaughtered at will, it is not easy to mess with when it is at low health and rages. In the past, many guilds organized hundreds of people to besiege the Dark Thunder Bear, wanting to compete for the top-quality equipment it dropped, but in the end they were all killed when it was raging, which shows how terrifying the Dark Thunder Bear is after it rages.

Everyone in the Shadow Guild was panicking. Usually, their guild would take advantage of the Dark Thunder Bear's rampage to make trouble and make ill-gotten gains by attacking other guilds. But today, not only did they not become the oriole, but even the mantis did not have a share. Instead, they were going to become the cicada, which was equivalent to a tragedy. How could they easily accept this huge gap

Some people in the large group were dumbfounded and chose to stay where they were and wait for death, while others still hoped to escape. However, it turned out that those who escaped were doing useless work, because they were too close to the Dark Thunder Bear and their positions were too dense. The Dark Thunder Bear couldn't help but release the range attack skill "Thunder Shock". Rays of lightning spread out like dragons and snakes, affecting all members of the Shadow Guild's large group.

After this attack, all members of the large army were either killed or injured, and were also paralyzed. Their bodies were numb and their legs and feet were out of control, so there was no way they could escape.

"Those who just took the small path should quickly attack the Dark Thunder Bear to buy time for the main force to escape!" the kind-hearted man quickly gave the order.

This Dark Thunder Bear attacks without any hatred. Once it enters the combat state, it will randomly select targets to attack. Of course, this randomness also has a pattern to follow. It is divided into close-range attack and long-range attack according to the distance. When it has enemy targets both near and far, it will cycle back and forth between close-range attack and long-range attack. Only in this way can the player get a short recovery time, withstand the powerful attack of the Dark Thunder Bear, and achieve the final victory.

But the situation of the Shadow Guild now is that the main force was discovered by the violent Dark Thunder Bear and was attacked by it at close range. The three teams taking the small road in the distance did not attack the Dark Thunder Bear, so they were not discovered by it. As a result, the Dark Thunder Bear no longer cycled between close and long-range attacks, but would directly attack at close range, which left people with no chance to breathe and was unbearable. Therefore, the guild leader, the kind-hearted man, quickly issued an order to let the three teams attack the Dark Thunder Bear from a distance so that the Dark Thunder Bear could discover them and then cycle attacks to buy time for the main force to escape.

The good man's thoughts did not mean that the three teams also thought so. They also knew the attack routine of the Dark Thunder Bear. When it carried out a long-range attack, it would chop down a tree with its bear paws carrying lightning, and then use its strong and powerful arms to throw the tree. The thrown tree was different from an ordinary tree. The surface of the tree would have a trace of lightning mixed with the black evil spirit. With the black evil spirit as a trigger, even a non-conductive object like wood could have the characteristics of lightning. This was the Dark Thunder Bear's specialty in long-range attack skill, Lightning Throwing.

If a tree is hit by lightning, it will kill you instantly. After the tree lands, it will also produce a small range of thunder stomping effect, which can also paralyze and damage nearby targets. Although the killing power is huge, this lightning throw has a certain flight time. If the surrounding terrain is flat and open, it can be avoided by moving.

However, the three teams were walking on a bushy path, which was neither flat nor wide enough. If the trees thrown by lightning hit them, they would have no way to avoid them and would most likely be killed instantly. If they wanted to learn from Lei Feng's selflessness, they would not have joined the Shadow Guild. All the members of the three teams understood and ignored the command of the guild leader, the kind-hearted man. No one attacked the Dark Thunder Bear, which naturally resulted in a collective tragedy for the large group.

It had been a long time since Dark Thunder Bear had experienced such a combo. He used two consecutive range violent skills to clear the field, and then added a "Thunder Bear Breath" to kill all the Shadow Guild members who were lying on the ground but not yet dead. It was clean and neat, leaving no blind spots, and he returned triumphantly with a twisted bear waist. (To be continued)