Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 221: The heroes are competing for the throne


Since Xu Biao didn't come to their guild, Qin Kai couldn't say anything. After all, they were classmates from the same school and would see each other every day. It wouldn't be too awkward. Now, the lobby manager of the hotel came to add fuel to the fire and made things uneasy. Naturally, his anger was directed at the unfortunate lobby manager.

No one expected that this banquet would end in such a turbulent farce. After Qin Kai threw out a stack of banknotes, the lobby manager immediately turned into a grandson, and he was almost calling Qin Kai "grandpa".

Qin Kai's temper came and went quickly. Seeing that the other party had become as cowardly as a grandson, he politely said goodbye to Xu Biao and others after paying, and left with the girl in his limited edition flying sports car.

"Fuck, I thought he was someone who would help me in times of need, but he turned out to be someone who would kick me when I'm down. When our guild becomes stronger, and when Xiao Feng's artifact is made public, I won't accept this guy into the guild even if he begs me on his knees." Xu Biao cursed as he watched Qin Kai walk away.

"Forget it. He doesn't have too many or too few people like this. I heard that the Destiny Land Guild Competition Dungeon has been opened in the game. I don't know how Lin Feng is doing. You go back and ask him and make sure he is safe and secure. Don't let these new people break up the guild, otherwise the guild will not be able to get together again." Shen Ruoxue was a little worried.

“Don’t worry, I’d bet my life on Xiao Feng playing games. He’s definitely a steady and skilled player, so there’s no need to disturb him. I believe there will be surprises when we go online tomorrow.” Xu Biao thinks that Lin Feng’s playing games can be summed up in two words - reliable!

"Brother Biao, you have to know that this time all the guilds of the human race have gathered in this one instance. The difficulty of the battle is beyond imagination. Encountering a large guild is like encountering a herd of beasts on the grassland. They will not give you any room for resistance and will just crush you. How can Xiao Feng, no matter how amazing he is, perform?"

Sun Li was more realistic. Indeed, in this land of destiny where strong people were everywhere, even if Lin Feng had the Seven Kill Dagger and the Blade of Doom, he could not withstand the top masters of many top teams.

There are too many low-key people in this world, those who are pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. Unless it is absolutely necessary, some guilds will retain some of their strength as a trump card.

Just like some sects in fantasy novels, there are always some supreme elders whose strength is equal to or greater than that of the sect leader. The disciples may not see them for thousands of years, and when they appear, it is when the sect is threatened or encounters a major event that affects the fate of the sect.

"I hope Lin Feng can achieve something. We are also contacting others to see if Liu Ye from the North Campus, who has never joined a guild, is willing to join our guild..."

Shen Ruoxue felt that during the three days when she couldn't play the game, she had to attract some gaming experts to join the guild. Otherwise, it would be too unreasonable for Lin Feng to work hard for the guild in the game while she, as the president of the guild, did nothing.

"Liu Ye from the North Campus has impeccable skills. He can probably beat Jiang Zhentao from the Sports Department in a one-on-one fight. But he just likes solo adventures. He plays games like they are single-player games and never likes to communicate with others. How can we get him to join the club?" Sun Li said that it would be quite difficult to get Liu Ye to join the club.

"I have heard from Liu Ye that as long as someone can convince him and make him bow down to them, he will join that person's guild. Otherwise, he will just be a lone ranger and make his own way in the world. I think that although Lin Feng said that we cannot tell Liu Ye that he has the artifact Seven Kills Dagger when we recruit him, we can tell Liu Ye that we have a master here, and if that master can convince him, maybe he will agree to join the guild!"

After all the talk, Shen Ruoxue was still planning to use Lin Feng, a master, to attract Liu Ye, the lone ranger from the North Campus.

"Then let's give it a try. It's better for us to make some contribution to the guild with some achievements than to have no achievements at all!" Xu Biao and Sun Li also agreed. The three of them set their sights on trying to persuade Liu Ye to join the guild.

Lin Feng led a team of ten people and rushed all the way. The team members also found that the closer they got to the center of the Destiny Land dungeon map, the higher the quality and density of the food and grass became. Running through these high-quality food and grass materials at lightning speed, it really felt like being rich means being willful. It was not as simple as running through flowers and plants, but running through piles of banknotes and treating money as dirt.

"Oh, my heart aches! See those colorful scale fruit trees? I heard that one colorful scale fruit is equivalent to 20 gold of guild funds, and it would be doubled if converted into game coins. If we stop to pick them for three or two minutes, we can earn at least a thousand gold of guild funds." I complained with some heartache while eating the roasted eggplant.

Indeed, other team members also thought that they should pick some food and grass appropriately, otherwise when some big guilds come and take over the field, it will be very difficult to pick any. However, Lin Feng had said in advance that everyone should concentrate on running and not pick any crops or plants. Those who violated the rules would be kicked out of the dungeon directly, or even kicked out twice in a row, and kicked out of the guild.

Under such strict command, everyone could only use their minds but dared not slow down their steps. They would soon reach the center of the first floor of the Land of Destiny.

At this time, Lin Feng, who was running in the front, suddenly sent a team message to tell everyone to stop.

"Have we finally reached our destination?"

"Team Feng should think that the food and supplies at this location are of high quality, so they are preparing to start the harvest!" The team members were guessing wildly.

"Hurry, activate your running skills that have almost recovered from their cooldown, follow my route and go around on the right." Lin Feng was not ready to collect the surrounding materials, but asked everyone to follow him and take a detour.

"What's wrong, Captain Feng?" As the vice president, Invincible Dynasty knew that whoever was in charge and led the team had the final say in the dungeon, so he put aside his status, affectionately called Lin Feng Captain Feng, and started asking.

"There is a BOSS army on the left, we can't afford to hurt them. Go to the right, quickly!" Lin Feng responded with simple words.

No one in the team dared to hesitate, they shifted gears and accelerated, narrowly passing by the BOSS army at a relatively close distance. Not far away, the entrance to the second floor appeared in front of everyone.

"Are we going down?" The Invincible Dynasty seemed to have guessed some of Lin Feng's thoughts and asked.

"Of course!" Lin Feng took the lead and ran to the front of the entrance to the second floor, using practical actions to tell everyone that he didn't take the first floor of the Land of Destiny seriously at all.

“Damn, so fast, everyone follow!” The Invincible Dynasty hurriedly chased in with the other nine people.

At the same time, the major guilds of the human race also launched their own actions in the Land of Destiny. It can be said that if the forest is big, there will be all kinds of birds, and if the birds are big, they will dare to fly in any forest.

These thousands of guilds also have different styles. Some guilds also learned Lin Feng's routine and directly dropped a layer of sesame seeds and sped up, trying to rush into the second floor to find the bigger watermelon before the big guild blocked the entrance to the first floor.

However, some guilds will harvest any resources they can get. The dungeon rules also specifically mention that once killed in this dungeon, only 50% of the resources they have obtained will be lost at most. After death, they will have one chance to revive by using skills. If they die again, they will be kicked out of the dungeon by the system, and the resources on their bodies will be reduced by another 50%.

It can be said that there are not many priests in the small guild who can learn the expensive and luxurious resurrection skills, so they recognize the 50% material profit and frantically collect materials as soon as they come in. If they die, the worst thing is to divide it by two, minus the 10,000 gold entrance fee, as long as everyone can hold on for ten minutes, every minute is making money.

There are many small guilds with this mentality, and the big guilds will not spend energy to block and control the most external resources, because the map is too large and they cannot block it. Instead, they will give some guilds the opportunity to enter the next level to earn more valuable resources.

But what these small guilds hate most is the hunting guilds, just like the shadow guild. In the game, they play the role of bad guys, and their game goals are killing and looting. Such guilds are somewhat twisted and deformed, but they do exist.

This time, the Shadow Guild, which had dealt with Lin Feng before, also paid the entrance fee to enter the Land of Destiny. They came well prepared this time, and united with the other two equally notorious hunting guilds to form a "wolf pack" and establish their evil alliance.

The three hunting guilds, Shadow, Devil Killer and Clown Mask, are in cahoots with each other. After entering the Land of Destiny as an alliance, their dungeon login points will be relatively close, so as soon as they enter the dungeon map, they will not go to the center, but gather towards the landing points of the other guilds that separate the three guilds. They will find two unlucky guilds to whet their appetite and practice, so as to improve the coordination of the alliance.

As a result, two unlucky small guilds were besieged by them, and their entire army was wiped out and all their money was lost. Even the guild funds of 10,000 gold were not recovered.

Then this "wolf pack" began to look for prey with their unique wolf smell.

When they encounter a large prey, they will suddenly bite you. If you really fight back, they will turn around and run away, making it impossible for you to collect supplies in peace. When you are finally covered with wounds after being bitten left and right, they will kill you.

When they encounter a medium-sized prey, they will take turns to attack it, making it exhausted. When they get the chance, they will bite the prey's neck and throat hard and deliver a fatal blow.

If they encounter a smaller prey, they will crush it and ravage it, using the prey's dying struggle and panic to satisfy their twisted hearts and deformed personalities. (To be continued)