Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 224: Only two people remained


Long Nitian was very clear about rewards and punishments, and many members of the Nitian Guild were well aware of this. Last time, the Red Scarf Thief, the owner of the artifact, slaughtered the entire guild single-handedly, and Long Nitian was so angry that he vomited blood. Many of the main members of the guild were also scolded by him. If they had not been under a contract and could not breach it, I am afraid that some of them would have quit the guild.

But after that battle, all the good news came to the Nitian Guild. They seemed to have been blessed by the goddess of luck, and Long Nitian's mood also improved greatly, and he was very happy until now. Naturally, he wanted to give sweet treats to the guild members to increase the cohesion of the guild.

"Artifact holder, you would never have expected that our Nitian Guild could achieve such an attractive result. Sooner or later, I will destroy you and the Shengshi Guild into ashes and avenge the shame of the sacrificial land!" Long Nitian is a person who will never forget his revenge. After achieving such a result, he will naturally not forget the revenge of the artifact holder who massacred the guild.

"Wait a month, when the God-killing Messenger in the guild returns from training in the Demon City, our Against the Heaven Guild will definitely take away the Seven Killings Artifact from you. You just have to wait patiently, artifact holder!"

Long Nitian made a bold statement, but he didn't know that the team that entered the golden entrance was the Shengshi Guild led by the artifact holder Lin Feng. If he knew, he would probably be as angry as a barbel with a bulging belly.

It took them two minutes to arrive at the Pantheon Guild in the central area of the third floor. After clearing the area and scaring off several guilds that had arrived earlier, they discovered that there was no entrance to the fourth floor. It was obvious that their guild was a step too late.

The decision made by Shinra Tensei, the leader of the Pantheon, was not wrong. Thousands of guild members were divided into five armies, advancing like a tide of beasts, and the speed must have been fast. However, he did not consider the details clearly and did not make a detailed division.

After reaching level 30 and changing jobs in the game, the professions will become more diverse, coupled with a variety of talents and skill upgrades. Among the thousands of Pantheon team members entering the dungeon, there must be some with good mobility and fast running speed. Of course, there are also many with poor mobility and are suitable for positional warfare.

However, due to the large number of people in the Pantheon Guild, they did not carefully divide the fast and slow teams from the beginning. As a result, the fast runners in the team had to slow down and wait for the slow runners, which distanced them from other guilds with clear goals.

Even though they discovered the problem midway, it still took a lot of time to change the formation, which resulted in a two-minute gap between them and the guild team that arrived first.

"What should we do, President?" Many members of the Pantheon Guild also noticed the guild's embarrassment and asked the president, Shinra Tensei in a cautious manner.

Shinra Tensei was a little embarrassed. After reaching the center of the third floor, he received a system prompt saying that the entrance to the fourth floor had been closed and would not be reopened until ten minutes later. As a result, they could only wait for the guild on the fourth floor to collect crystal ore materials for ten minutes before they could enter. It was indeed a bit embarrassing.

"What else can we do? We must not let go of any resources outside. We must defeat the resource bosses on the second and third floors and occupy all the resource points. Let's try to take down the BOSS army. If we can take it down in ten minutes, we'll do that too. In addition, anyone who covets or spy on our Temple of the Gods will be killed without mercy." As the president of the guild, Shinra Tenzheng naturally did not give away the resources in vain. Although he failed to successfully enter the fourth floor of the Land of Destiny, the resources on the second and third floors should not be underestimated. A little bit of accumulation will also be a considerable fortune.

In this way, the situation in this land of destiny has become clear. Shengshi Guild has entered the fourth-level gold crystal mine area and earned the most valuable rewards, becoming a dark horse that cannot be any darker.

The Nitian Guild also emerged as a dark horse. Under the leadership of the strongest human warrior and priest combination who were hired at a high price, they snatched the access right to the silver crystal mine area from the Fengyun Guild and made a lot of money.

The Fengyun Guild won the third place, defended the honor of the old guild, and entered the Copper Crystal Mining Area. Although it was a bit annoying, the result was worthy of recognition.

The Pantheon Guild dominated the third floor, and even sent a team to clear the material boss on the second floor, trying to maximize their own profits. At the same time, they released the resources on the first and second floors in a fairly authentic way, so that many guilds of the human race could not find fault with them and did not attract too much hatred.

"Oh my god, I can't stop!"

"Yeah, I'm also numb from digging, I've even changed two pickaxes!"

"Yes, the crystal ore I mined is enough for me to spend leisurely for several years if converted into real money."

"You wishful thinking, have you forgotten that there is a clause in the contract that if you breach it, all the profits from the dungeon will belong to the guild, and you will be fined one thousand gold?"

"Did I just say that? There are hundreds of people in the entire guild and I was chosen to join this team of ten. That means Team Feng has great trust in me. They have been following me all the way and holding on to my thighs tightly. Can I take their kindness for granted and break the contract?"

"I think so too. You have the will but not the courage!"

Although the members of Lin Feng's team were talking nonsense and releasing their joy, they did not dare to stop for a moment. If they didn't work hard to make money now, when would they wait? Without Lin Feng's urging, they had already exerted 250% of their strength and frantically dug for crystal ore.

Lin Feng played more skillfully. Isn't everything possible in an intelligent online game? He tried to activate the mirror clone, and both of his selves went into battle together. Unexpectedly, the clone could actually dig out crystal ore, which also increased the mining speed a lot.

Lin Feng also specifically asked the big alien and learned that the skills of the Omnipresent Monster in the attack system could only be used for normal attacks and could not be used for hard labor mining, so he gave up the idea of using the Omnipresent Monster.

Even though he and everyone else were working so hard to mine, Lin Feng still felt a little melancholy. He was not worried that the gold crystal mine would be exhausted, but that in ten minutes, the ten people from the Shengshi Guild could not dig much gold crystal ore.

It feels like a rich person is throwing money at you, and you can't take it all. When you look at the money you can't take away reluctantly, the heartache is much heavier than the feeling of taking all the money away.

"Alas, the ten-person team is indeed flexible and fast, but its drawbacks are also revealed at this time. There is a serious shortage of manpower during mining!" Lin Feng wished he could have three heads and six arms, or more clones.

After hearing Lin Feng's complaints, everyone in the team was also frowning. No one expected that becoming rich would make them so uncomfortable and unhappy. Their minds were full of thoughts about how to make more, and they estimated that this cycle would continue endlessly.

"Of course! If only we had the technological products of the dwarves, we could exchange a few gold crystal ores for a few large intelligent excavators. It would only take a few minutes to dig out this gold crystal mine area."

"That's right. Ideals are always better than reality. Even if we don't have smart excavators, a few manual ones will do. Isn't there a classic advertising slogan, if you want to learn the best excavators, go to Lvxiang in Dongshan, China!"

"Damn, don't tease me. I can't adjust my breath and I don't have the energy to mine."

"That's right. What's the point of those ozone layer illusions now? What about Green Fly and Blue Fly? In my opinion, it's still the most reliable to dig it out with manpower, one hoe at a time. When the time comes, I'll listen to the next arrangement of the Wind Team."

Everyone in Lin Feng's team was speechless. Time passed second by second, the pickaxes were constantly raised and lowered, and the gold crystal ore grew piece by piece.

Ten minutes is neither long nor short, and the time is up very quickly.

"Captain Feng, the entrance from the third floor to the fourth floor should be open again. It won't be long before teams from other guilds will enter the Gold Crystal Mine area. What should we do? If we are killed, 50% of our supplies will be lost, which is a considerable loss." The Invincible Dynasty looked nervously in the direction of the entrance from the mine, fearing that the ten weak men would be surrounded and killed by the influx of a team of a hundred or even a thousand people.

"Dig for another half a minute, I'll tell you then!" Lin Feng had his own plans and arrangements in mind, and he calmly let everyone continue digging the mine for another half a minute.

Unbeaten Dynasty nodded and continued to wield the pickaxe to dig the gold crystal ore in front of him. Somehow, when he saw that the leader Ye Feng was confident, he felt that he was also confident.

He estimated that in the past ten minutes, countless guilds had gathered at the entrance outside. Once the entrance was opened, there would be a fight for it, and it would be a dead-end situation. Even the thousands of people in the Pantheon would be helpless under the siege of dozens or even hundreds of guild teams.

Everyone dug calmly for nearly a minute, and each of them obtained several valuable gold crystals. Lin Feng then said, "You guys just exit the dungeon. Ye Jin Tian Ming and I will stay. After I exit the dungeon, we will reward you based on your merits."

"It's settled!" Everyone was already frightened. Once the tigers, leopards, jackals and wolves outside rushed in and dragged them into combat, none of them would be able to escape.

Without stopping for a moment, everyone immediately clicked to exit the copy. With a flash of white light, their bodies disappeared into the void and were teleported out of the copy of the Land of Destiny.

"We will move in stealth mode, and you follow closely behind me on the right. Don't act on your own. I will award you with first-class merit after we succeed!" Lin Feng said to Ye Jintianming beside him.

Ye Jin Tian Ming nodded. As a veteran thief of the guild, he was initially a little skeptical of Ye Feng, the latecomer, just like the Invincible Dynasty.

However, Ye Feng's actual actions opened his eyes. He turned decay into magic, led a team of ten people to seize the initiative among thousands of guilds, and won the ten-minute exclusive mining rights in the Jinjing Mine area. If he told others about it, it would be like a fairy tale, which completely changed his view of Ye Feng. (To be continued)