Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 225: Empty hands


Now Lin Feng is his role model. Ye Jintian Ming naturally feels honored for this rare opportunity to fight side by side with Ye Feng.

In this way, Lin Feng's character Ye Feng and Ye Jin Tian Ming formed a thief duo called "Ye Ye Combination", which sounds like the "Grandpa" combination.

Lin Feng felt that the next two-man team action should at least be worthy of the title of the "Grandpa" combination. At the very least, it should make the guild teams that entered the Golden Crystal Mine area go crazy and beg the two to let them go. Only then would it be worthy of the title.

The two members of the "Grandpa" group found a hidden location, sneaked into hiding, and waited for other guild teams to come in.

"What are we going to do when they get in?"

Ye Jintianming was a little confused about Lin Feng's idea. In front of a team of thousands of people from another guild, it would be very difficult for their grandfather combination to kill people or even protect themselves. If the members of that team felt something was wrong around them, they would use a detection and anti-submarine skill, or randomly use a few large-scale group attack skills, and the two of them would be exposed and killed instantly by concentrated fire.

"Let's not move yet. Let me upgrade my search skills and try to steal a better future." Lin Feng said that there were still a lot of skill points that had not been used, and now was the right time to use them to upgrade the search skills. This way, he could easily and happily steal materials from other guild members.

Lin Feng's somewhat whimsical idea has the technical guidance and support of the big alien consultant, so he is willing to spend a lot of skill points on this search skill.

"You... you still have all your skill points saved?" Ye Jintianming was speechless. He didn't know how confident Ye Feng was that he actually kept a lot of skill points and didn't use them to upgrade his skills. It turned out that he still had a lot of room for improvement.

"Well, I didn't expect it to come in handy at this time. It seems that saving is a virtue." Lin Feng boasted about his own achievements.

The search skill was directly upgraded from level one to level four. A large number of skill points disappeared like water and the search skill was also transformed into the fourth-level Empty Hands skill. This was a skill branch after the search skill reached the fourth level.

Empty Hands (Fourth-level search): Search the target for a specified item or money. The success rate increases based on the search time. The target will be visible during the search.

“It’s a bit difficult, but risks and opportunities coexist, so this difficulty is still acceptable.”

Lin Feng pondered over the skill of "Empty Hands". It seemed that the best way to use it was to control the target with a control skill that would not break the stealth state, and then use the skill of "Empty Hands" to steal items or even money from the target.

Not long after, sounds of fighting and shouting were heard from the direction of the entrance: "Go in quickly, we'll hold this place!"

Afterwards, Lin Feng and Ye Jintianming saw a group of people rushing in. It was not the Temple of the Gods Guild, but a team of guild alliance.

There are many kinds of contracts in the Phoenix Heart game, and this alliance contract is one of them. Just like the three hunting guilds formed a "wolf pack" before, these guilds can also reach an agreement through contracts, accumulating a small amount to form a powerful alliance.

There is no room for humility in the face of interests. As soon as the ten minutes were up, the three super-large guild alliances and some powerful large guilds simultaneously attacked the Temple of the Gods Guild that was guarding the golden entrance.

As the saying goes, the first bird to stick its head out gets shot. Before, no one dared to shoot at the fully-fledged bird of the Pantheon Guild Team. But now it was different. When the guilds found that their combined strength was enough to kill or injure this big bird, they would definitely shoot decisively.

Another mistake made by the Pantheon Guild was that the entrance to the fourth floor, which had been reopened, had lost the ability to teleport all team members in. The guild teams that occupied the resource points on the second and third floors and fought the material boss could only rush over on foot to provide support, which delayed the opportunity.

The members of the Pantheon Guild at the golden entrance were besieged by many guilds that outnumbered them by several times. The battle was a mess, and the members of many guilds were also in a mess. In this way, a team of guild alliances broke into the golden entrance. Some people stayed behind to delay the enemy guild forces that broke in, while the other part moved deeper into the golden crystal mine area.

"It's actually a guild alliance. I didn't expect that even the first guild of the human race, the Temple of the Gods, would be dragged into this. It seems that a tiger can't stand up to a pack of wolves, and a tall tree attracts the wind."

Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh that things in this world are unpredictable. Who would have thought that even the first guild like the Temple of the Gods would be dragged down by many guilds? It seems that both guilds and people have to improve their strategies while improving their strength. Two fists cannot beat four hands, and the more friends you have, the easier it is to walk. If the Temple of the Gods Guild had less arrogance as the first guild of the human race and was more low-key, it would not have become the target of public criticism.

Or maybe they have joined forces with several large guilds to form a top-notch alliance, and they have probably already entered the gold crystal mine area and are happily mining.

"Captain Feng, how are your skills improving? Should we practice on the guys who just came in?" Ye Jintianming was also looking forward to what this fourth-level search would be like. Could it be that they could really get something for nothing? Wouldn't that mean that thief would become an unsolvable profession

"The fourth-order search skill is called Miaoshoukongkong. Look, this is the official introduction of the skill." Lin Feng sent the skill introduction of Miaoshoukongkong to Ye Jintianming, which gave Ye Jintianming an indescribable feeling.

"This skill looks a bit difficult. When searching, the opponent will see you. If the opponent has a skill to release the control, then he can counterattack the thief!"

Ye Jintianming felt that this magic trick really had both risks and benefits. If used well, you might be able to steal the items you wanted from the target, but if used poorly, you would be exposed in minutes. If the target had some friends and companions around him, they would gang up on you and you would be in a dead end all of a sudden.

"It doesn't matter. You can only know if it works after you try it. The situation is not stable enough now. Let's wait a while before we take action." Lin Feng was still very cautious. He didn't want to be caught by the mantis while the cicada was being stalked. Miaoshoukongkong was searching, but was knocked out by a group attack skill of another guild member who came over. That would be embarrassing.

You should know that the most versatile combat rules in the game are to prioritize controlling healing professions and killing burst professions.

Among the burst professions that are prioritized for killing, the thief who can use stealth to escape from the battle, then make a detour and repeatedly burst into attack is the most difficult to guard against and the most disgusting. Therefore, the best must be selected, and the thief must be killed as soon as he shows his face. (To be continued)