Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 226: Mountain Giant


Lin Feng's "Grandpa" group was planning in the shadows to make ill-gotten gains with nothing, but Xu Biao and two others who came specially to invite Liu Ye, known as the Lone Ranger from the North Campus, to join the group just happened to catch up with a good show.

Just before them, a scout from the Fengyun Guild happened to be optimistic about Liu Ye's ability and came specifically to recruit him to join the guild.

There are also scouts in online games, who are either affiliated with a team or a guild. Their purpose is to discover potential masters of the game, to discover some plastic talents, to cultivate the reserve force of the guild or team, or even the main members.

Some of the current guild presidents were discovered by game scouts and joined the guild and grew up step by step.

Anyone who is discovered by the Fengyun Guild scout will be very excited to proceed to the next step of contract selection and contract signing, and become a member of the Fengyun Guild from then on. But what is unexpected is that this scout was turned down by Liu Ye.

Liu Ye even said directly that he would only agree to join the Fengyun Guild if the scout won his heart and soul.

The strength of the scouts is also unquestionable. Although they cannot catch up with the main members, they also have some skills, so they can show their skills when recruiting people to join the club.

Of course, the strength of the scout of Fengyun Guild is even stronger, because they investigated Liu Ye's temper, so they came prepared. They sent a scout whose strength is comparable to that of the main members, so that Liu Ye would be convinced.

A competition area was chosen in the sports stadium of the North Campus, and this not-too-big-not-too-small competition began.

The profession Liu Ye chose was the Dark Mage, a popular burst spell profession, while the scout chose the Mind Control Mage, a difficult and unpopular spell profession.

This mind control wizard can fight against opponents by controlling any animals or monsters. Sometimes he can even win the game by controlling his opponents.

The competitive map of this game is a mountainous area, which is a mountainous combat. The hillside is still covered with heavy snow from the previous night, which has put certain restrictions on professions that rely on movement to make a living. It can be said that the terrain is quite difficult. Smart players will use the mountain terrain reasonably by moving around, thereby giving full play to the advantages of the terrain and gaining an advantage.

As soon as he entered the venue, Liu Ye saw a giant as tall as a hill walking towards him from a forest in the mountains. He couldn't describe the height of the giant, but he felt that the more than ten-meter-high trees on the hillside were even shorter than the giant.

This tall monster-like giant is called a "mountain giant". The body of an adult mountain giant can basically reach 15 meters in height. This is a very rare creature that likes to live alone. Generally, few people have seen it, but there are some records in books.

Usually they like to live in uninhabited mountains, not to cause trouble, and their diet is mainly vegetarian like monks. But if this giant eats meat, I am afraid that the animals in the whole mountain will not be enough to fill his stomach. Because of this, the character of this giant is relatively gentle, and he will ignore some small animals when he sees them.

But this giant also has times when he is emotionally unstable and aggressive. This period is just like what the commentator of the Animal World program that Liu Ye saw in real life said - it's the season for love again.

Think about the giant who is in adolescence and has not found a partner yet, or the giant whose girlfriend just hooked up with another rich second-generation giant and he is alone and single again. How bad will his mood be? He will naturally look for an outlet to vent his bad mood.

At this time, the mountain giant was sensitive and irritable, because there was no psychologist or emotional hotline to counsel and relieve stress, and no entertainment or online games to distract and forget the troubles, so he had to develop violent tendencies. He would trample a few small animals to death, pull out a few trees, roll on the mountain, throw big rocks around, etc.

The mountain giant Liu Ye encountered was just such a rebellious adolescent with a bad temper and a stubborn personality. The hillside under Liu Ye's feet was the giant's territory, and the giant would naturally treat Liu Ye well. Moreover, it was controlled by the scout's mind control wizard and was determined to trample Liu Ye into a meat pie or tear him into pieces with its bare hands.

Because the mountain giant's mind was controlled, its body movements could only be controlled by the scout's mind control mage. It first ran a few steps along the hillside, wanting to get close to Liu Ye and slap him away, but then it looked at the snow on the hillside and thought of a plan.

Then the mountain giant raised its big feet and used a "violent trampling" to stomp down the hillside fiercely. The snow on the hillside was affected by the trampling vibration, and it collapsed in an instant like a tide of galloping horses and beasts.

Liu Ye quickly ran behind a big tree in the snow to avoid the powerful impact of the avalanche.

In a few seconds, the avalanche that seemed far away just now was approaching in an instant. Liu Ye felt as if thousands of troops were passing by his ears, or more like thousands of wild beasts roaring. The sound resonated in his ears and did not stop for a long time.

When the sound died down, Liu Ye found that he had been completely swallowed by the snow. It was dark all around him, and his whole body was buried in the snow. He wanted to use his staff to get some light, but found that his staff was gone. He wanted to use his hands to cast a spell, but found that his arms were already pressed to death by the heavy snow. He was really helpless.

However, the scout who operated the mind control wizard had a clear idea. Seeing Liu Ye buried in the snow and unable to move, he said vaguely through the mountain giant's mouth: "Don't you have a dark passage? Why are you reluctant to use it? Are you going to suffocate to death in the snow?"

Liu Ye didn't expect that this mountainous area would be so powerful for the scout. It actually created an artificial avalanche and brought out his life-saving skill, the dark passage.

Liu Ye had no choice but to use this dark passage to move to the other side of the mountain.

"The distance is almost enough. It seems that this is the only trick I have to use. Let's see if it works." Thinking of this, Liu Ye began to cast a spell to summon the Dark Portal.

Liu Ye calculated the distance. During the time when the mountain giant ran to attack him, he could summon and release the Dark Portal. He wanted to try and see if the Dark Portal could swallow such a huge mountain giant. If it could, he could quickly get rid of the mountain giant and then find the mind control mage hiding in the dark.

Sure enough, the mountain giant ran towards him. When he was still dozens of meters away from him, the Dark Gate appeared in front of the mountain giant.

But the effect was just like a dog hole appearing in front of an adult. Liu Ye didn't expect the giant to cooperate and get through it. Besides, with his size, he couldn't get through it at all. He just wanted to see if the giant would be sucked into the Dark Portal as he guessed and slowly swallowed by the darkness when he touched it.

As expected, the mountain giant was big and not very flexible, and had great inertia when running. He couldn't stop his feet and touched the Dark Portal.

"Good boy, you're so obedient. Dark Gate, please fight for it and suck it in for me." Liu Ye encouraged his own skills.

The Dark Portal became twisted and unstable under the trampling of the mountain giants, like a flattened balloon that could not withstand the pressure and exploded, disappearing without a trace.

Liu Ye only knew that the Dark Portal had a big appetite, but he didn't expect that its mouth was too small to swallow the mountain giant.

"I actually crushed the Dark Portal. I'll have to modify and expand it when I have the chance. It would be great if I could summon a Dark Portal that even mountain giants can pass through. But now it seems that I can only fight with all my might and can't take shortcuts. In addition, I must kill it before it gets close to me, otherwise I'll have nowhere to hide. If it kicks me, I'll die here."

When Liu Ye was using the dark passage, he found the staff beside him and picked it up again. Without a weapon, the damage of the spell would be greatly affected.

Dark energy gathered in Liu Ye's hands, and he cast spells quickly. This time, he combined the two branches of Dark Instant Arrow and Dark Trapping Arrow, which increased the casting speed of Dark Trapping Arrow, which was originally a smooth spell, to a higher level.

The casting speed of the dark arrow has been increased to the extreme. In a short while, Liu Ye has set up many dark traps on the path that the mountain giant must take to come towards him.

He learned from the lesson of the Dark Portal being crushed, and placed all these dark traps at one point. Because when the dark trap is triggered, it will impact and repel the surrounding enemies, and then leave a gushing dark torrent in the same place. If an ordinary dark trap is triggered, the weak impact and repulsion force is not enough to pose a threat to the mountain giant. Only by using multiple dark trap arrows to set up multiple dark traps together, when these traps are triggered at the same time, can it be possible to produce a control effect.

By observing the moment when the dark arrow hits the ground, you can tell where the trap is. But this mountain giant is big but not smart. He doesn't care what tricks you play, he just steps forward and crushes you. It seems that the mind control mage can't completely control this mountain giant, at least he can't control him to his level in terms of intelligence.

Therefore, the mountain giant did not care about the trap set by Liu Ye. He continued to move forward and naturally walked directly into the trap.

With a loud "bang", several traps were triggered at the same time. The powerful impact repulsion force caused the mountain giant to retreat repeatedly and he almost fell to the ground.

"My dark arrows are not vegetarians. They can still shake this giant. This low-IQ mountain giant will definitely use brute force to hit it, and the dark torrent that continues to gush out after being triggered has amazing repulsion control and damage capabilities, which will just have a strong restriction on the mountain giant. I will take this opportunity to pour all my spells on this giant and see if I can defeat it after consuming all my magic power." Liu Ye thought to himself, and cast a spell in his hand to accumulate powerful spells. (To be continued)