Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 227: Unwilling


But this time the mountain giant's behavior was not satisfactory. He stopped where he was and observed the dark torrent for a moment, then turned around and left.

"I'm dizzy. What kind of trick is this? I worked so hard to release this dark torrent, and you're just going to enjoy it."

It seems that Liu Ye still underestimated the other party's IQ. Although the other party's IQ is low, it does not mean that the other party is stupid. He has not reached the level of being irrational and reckless.

The mountain giant was alerted by the powerful impact of the dark trap, knowing that the enemy in front of him was not easy to deal with. Seeing the gushing dark torrent, he also knew that this strange spell might be dangerous, and he also had a plan in mind. Is it necessary to take such a big risk to deal with a small thing? Absolutely not.

"What is he going to do? Why did he turn around and leave? It doesn't look like he is running away." Liu Ye was also confused, not knowing what the mountain giant would do next.

The giant walked calmly to a big tree and immediately got into position.

"The power of giants", a strange force was instantly added to the body of the mountain giant. The giant's muscles, which were already as hard as rocks, suddenly swelled, and his flesh and blood were filled with unattainable power.

With a roar of "Ah!", the giant pulled up a big tree next to him by the roots in one go, which shows how powerful his force is.

Not only that, the giant carried the tree on his shoulders, whose crown and roots were much taller than his height, and ran a few steps before throwing it towards Liu Ye like a javelin.

The actions of pulling up the tree, running up, and throwing were all done in one go, not at all as clumsy as before.

After being thrown out, the big tree whizzed through the air and rushed towards Liu Ye. He had nowhere to hide.

"It seems that I underestimated my opponent. As soon as this mountain giant appeared, he used the avalanche created by "Violent Trampling" to test me, judging my strength and restricting my movement. This shows that this mountain giant's IQ is not low. When facing the Dark Portal, he was sure that he would step forward and stomp it. When he encountered the dark torrent that he felt threatened, he avoided it in time and pulled up a big tree to attack from a distance. This giant is not simple."

As Liu Ye sighed helplessly, the big tree fell on him... He opened his eyes as if waking up from a nightmare.

"Wow, this scout's mind control magician is really unique. It seems that this scout is not given in vain." Shen Ruoxue stuck out her tongue.

"Of course not. The purpose of a scout is to attract players he likes, so he will naturally do his homework. Either by catering to their preferences or convincing them. He will definitely try every possible way to make the other party agree to join his guild or team." Sun Li explained the reason to Shen Ruoxue.

Xu Biao couldn't help but sigh: "From this point of view, we are a step late. I guess Liu Ye will be taken away by the scouts of the Fengyun Guild."

"Well, even though we know the exact location of the scout, he still can't escape death." Liu Ye felt a little regretful. He always felt that there must be some way to skip the mountain giant and kill the scout directly.

"It's a miracle that you can hold on this long. Besides, you don't have any lightness skills or lightness potions, and you want to fight a mountain giant in the scene just after the avalanche. Isn't that wishful thinking?"

Shen Ruoxue revealed the reason why Liu Ye failed in the third level. She had tried to persuade Liu Ye to join the Shengshi Guild before. Although Liu Ye refused, they got to know each other.

"Yes, the main reason is that I have no room to move. If I can run freely on the snow after the avalanche, even if the mountain giant is fast, it will not be as easy to defeat me as this time." Liu Ye said frankly to Shen Ruoxue.

"How about it? I won the duel in just a few rounds. Are you convinced? Do you agree to join the Fengyun Guild?" asked the scout of the Fengyun Guild.

"I'm sorry, you still can't convince me. You chose a map that suits you best, and used the geographical advantage to control the mountain giants and create an avalanche, so I am very unwilling to lose." Liu Ye responded.

"Why are you looking for excuses after losing?" It can be seen that the scout from the Fengyun Guild has a bad temper and wants to use provocation to get Liu Ye to join the guild.

"I'm not making excuses, because I already knew where your mind-control mage was hiding, and I used my skills on you. If the tree had hit me half a second later, the result would have been completely different." Liu Ye did not agree to join the Fengyun Guild.

The people watching the game were also in an uproar. They didn't expect that Liu Ye was such a big shot that he even directly rejected the invitation to join the Fengyun Guild.

The scout from Fengyun Guild was speechless and wanted to say something, but he saw Liu Ye walked straight towards a campus beauty and started chatting with her, completely ignoring him. He could only leave unwillingly.

"That's amazing! I'm really impressed. You know, that scout is a former team member of Fengyun Guild. It's amazing that you can last a few rounds under him." Shen Ruoxue started talking to Liu Ye with a bright smile on her face.

Shen Ruoxue once tried to win over Liu Ye, and although Liu Ye politely declined, from then on, Liu Ye got to know this beautiful school girl from the South Campus.

"Well, although I knew the location of the scout, I still failed. It's like being one step slower than the other person when playing chess." Liu Ye shook his head feeling a little regretful. He always felt that there must be some way to skip the mountain giant and directly subdue the scout's mind-control mage.

"You've done well enough. Besides, you haven't even prepared any lightness skills or lightness potions, and you want to fight the mountain giant in the scene just after the avalanche. Isn't that wishful thinking?" Shen Ruoxue revealed the reason for Liu Ye's failure in one sentence.

"Yes, the main reason is that I have no room to move. If I can run freely on the snow after the avalanche, even if the mountain giant has a strong attack power, it will not be as easy to defeat me as it was this time."

Just as Shen Ruoxue and Liu Ye were talking, another person walked out from the crowd watching the game, walked straight to the fighting seat without saying a word, and gestured to Liu Ye that he wanted to challenge him.

Through the challenger information on the screen, everyone can see that the person challenging Liu Ye is also a scout, and he is not a scout from another guild, but a scout from the first guild of the human race, the Temple of the Gods.

Liu Ye did not say anything and sat on his own battle chair. Both of them put on their gaming helmets and started the second competitive battle at the same time...

The scout from the Pantheon Guild chose the Shadow Thief, while Liu Ye still used his specialty, the Dark Mage, to fight.

This battle was not easy, but it was under Liu Ye's control from beginning to end. In the end, he won the duel and defeated the scout from the Temple of the Gods Guild.

After taking off his gaming helmet, Liu Ye unexpectedly found himself in the competitive training hall of the North Campus.

"Did I play too many games in one day and my nerves are a little disordered?" Liu Ye is a genuine game fan. He likes to travel alone in the game world, but he also likes to compete and exchange ideas. He usually spends a lot of time in the competition training hall to improve himself.

"That's amazing! This virtual training is against an S-level Shadow Thief. I didn't expect you to be so sure of winning and win the training match." The person in charge of this training room is Lin Xin, a famous e-sports beauty in the North Campus. When she saw Liu Ye leaving the battle, she began to praise him.

"It's just average, ranked third in the college." Liu Ye was naturally very happy to receive the compliment from the beautiful lady, and he ignored his previous doubts.

Lin Xin did not reject Liu Ye's boast of being the third in the academy, but thought for a while: "By the way, what is the skill of the door you summoned that seemed to contain a lot of dark energy? I have never seen anyone use it before."

"Do you want to learn it? I have a way to let you learn this skill in the game, even if your profession is not a dark wizard." Liu Ye said seriously.

"Oh?" Lin Xin didn't react, she was stunned for a moment and then said excitedly: "Of course I want to, are you willing to teach me?"

"Well, being willing to learn from others is a sign of progress. I promise you that next time I complete ten levels of virtual training, I will teach you how to learn the Dark Portal."

"Ah, go to hell. It's still unclear whether you can pass ten levels in your lifetime." Lin Xin scolded with a smile.

"Then I'll teach you in the next life. Anyway, I, Liu Ye, always keep my word." Liu Ye continued to joke.

Lin Xin looked conflicted. "Forget it. I won't chat with you any more. You are the last one to train here today. Your physical fitness mechanism has already given a warning. If this training hadn't gone smoothly, I would have forcibly disconnected your game connection. It's already very late. You should go back to the dormitory and rest."

Liu Ye nodded. He also felt that he was a little dazed. Playing games for a long time would easily cause problems with body functions. He needed to replenish nutrition in time, otherwise the body would experience various conditions, such as his dazed state.

Liu Ye followed the beautiful Lin Xin out of the training room of the training hall. When he was leaving, he looked back and saw that there were no other trainees in the room.

"There are fewer people training during this time, right? I see there's no one training in the room anymore."

"Of course there are fewer people training at night. There are not many who are as obsessed as you. But it's more peaceful with fewer people. I like quiet nights like this." Lin Xin is a girl who prefers quietness to movement. Therefore, as an e-sports beauty in the North Campus, she doesn't like to participate in various e-sports activities. Instead, she took a job in a training hall to be responsible for debugging training.

"Yeah, I also like dark and windy nights." Liu Ye felt that he was gradually becoming familiar with the other party, and his words were not as nervous as when they first met.

"Tsk, I meant it was quiet. Who said it was scary when the moon was dark and the wind was strong?" Lin Xin stuck out her tongue and pretended to be calm. It was obvious that she was still very timid, especially when walking in this unlit corridor. Her pace quickened a lot, and it felt as if something was following her in the dark.

"Why are there no lights in this corridor? Are training halls so economical nowadays?" Liu Ye asked curiously.

"It broke down two days ago. I fixed it, but it broke down again not long after. It's really frustrating." Lin Xin explained the reason.

Liu Yexin said that this girl was responsible for the training debugging work in the training hall alone at night, but he didn't expect her to be so timid. I came to tease her and enlighten her, maybe she won't be so scared in the future.

Thinking of this, Liu Ye said in a serious tone, "I feel like someone is following us."

As Liu Ye spoke, he quickened his pace. "Really?" Lin Xin wanted to look back, but she didn't dare to, so she quickened her pace.

"I'll count to three, and we'll run forward to get rid of this guy." Liu Ye whispered to Lin Xin, and Lin Xin nodded.

"One..." Liu Ye ran away as soon as he said the word.

Lin Xinke was anxious: "Wait for me." (To be continued)