Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 235: Causing contradictions and confusion


Seeing that the presidents of the other two hunting guilds had stopped making any moves, the kind-hearted man knew that they were just cowards who made a lot of noise but did little, so he continued to look for the thief who specialized in stealing the Shadow Guild's materials. He was determined to catch him and torture and beat him, then grind his bones to dust to vent his hatred.

While many members of the Shadow Guild were still searching aimlessly without any clue, the good man received a system notification that his alliance contract had been terminated. This meant that the Dark Demon King and the Masked Queen were not giving in after making a lot of noise but showing little fear, but were going to confront his Shadow Guild with thunder and rain.

"Fuck, okay, you can do it!" The kind-hearted man nodded and didn't say much.

Because his Shadow Guild was kicked out of the Wolf Pack Alliance, he became a lone wolf. As a result, there were only two guilds left in the Wolf Pack Alliance, Clown Mask and Devil Killing, and their strength was certainly not something that a Shadow Guild could fight against. And there were thieves waiting for an opportunity to steal in the dark, so the kind-hearted man could only hold back his anger, calm down, and make long-term plans.

"President, what should we do? If these two guilds attack us together, we won't be able to cope with it. Once the fourth floor is in chaos, many guilds on the third floor will rush in from the entrances and exits. Then we won't be able to plunder the resources of the gold crystal mine." Asking You for Three Thousand Lives asked the kind-hearted man.

The current situation is extremely unfavorable to the Shadow Guild, and they must find a solution. Otherwise, the advantage they gained by taking advantage of the chaos and risking their lives to break into the fourth-level gold crystal mine area will be gone.

The actions of Clown Mask and Devil Killer to kick Shadow Guild out of the alliance were like a bucket of cold water that woke up the good man. The heat in the good man's mind also cooled down a bit. After thinking for a moment, he immediately formulated a response and no longer searched for the thief like a headless fly.

All the members of the Shadow Guild who were responsible for guarding the entrances and exits were called back. The kind-hearted people said that the two guilds of the Wolf Pack Alliance would not send anyone to guard the area. In that case, there would be no restrictions on the guilds pouring into the gold crystal mine area on the fourth floor, and the fourth floor would become a mess with many heroes fighting for supremacy, and no one would be able to get more gold crystal mine resources.

Sure enough, the two guilds of the Wolf Pack Alliance just shouted and cursed, but did not give up the entrance and exit. Instead, they each sent out part of their people to fill the vacancies left by the Shadow Guild. It seemed that as long as the outside guilds did not work together to attack the four floors, and only broke in sporadically with no more than a dozen people, these two guilds could still quickly kill them.

The members who withdrew from guarding the mouth, plus the members who were looking for thieves during the previous mining, this is the entire manpower of the Shadow Guild in the Land of Destiny.

The kind-hearted man divided these members into groups of three, with two people mining while one keeping watch, to prevent the thieves from searching.

The three groups were interconnected to form a small team. The three people in the team who were responsible for keeping watch responded to each other from a distance, forming a triangle defense system. If Lin Feng wanted to use the shadow confinement of the night to search and steal materials, it would be extremely difficult.

"This time we have no way to deal with the Shadow Guild. They have set up an array and sent one-third of their people to stand guard just to guard against us!" Ye Jintianming looked at the Shadow Guild who were on high alert and felt that no matter how magical Lin Feng was, he would not be able to continue the search.

Lin Feng had a sly smile on his face at this time, and said: "We need to change our target now."

Ye Jin Tian Ming was not afraid of trouble and asked, "If you change the target, won't you let go of the Shadow Guild that has a grudge against you?"

"No, I believe this will make life more difficult for the Shadow Guild. It will be more effective than us taking the risk to search for them." Lin Feng had a plan in mind.

As a result, the Ye Ye group shifted their target and focused their search on the remaining two members of the hunting guild.

Since Lin Feng had been searching for members of the Shadow Guild from the beginning, the members of Clown Mask and Devil Killing thought that the thief who stole secretly just wanted to take revenge on the Shadow Guild and did not take any precautions against it. Therefore, Lin Feng's search went smoothly.

Practice makes perfect, and a large amount of guild materials went into Lin Feng's pocket without any effort. For those Wolf Alliance members who focused on mining, Lin Feng didn't even need to take action at dawn or at night to control them, so as not to alert the enemy. He could complete the search alone without being noticed or discovered by the other party.

This was all thanks to the talent that Lin Feng chose temporarily. He spent a few talent points to learn the talent that enhanced the search skills.

The talent will further strengthen the search for the advanced skill, allowing the skill to move while the spell is being read. This way, the player can always stay behind the person being stolen by moving around, making it difficult for him to be detected.

But the Masked Queen and the Dark Demon King were not idiots. The two guild leaders saw clearly what guild materials the guild members of the Wolf Pack Alliance had obtained.

It was precisely because of the disclosure of this data that the remaining two guilds in the Wolf Pack Alliance were able to divide the obtained guild materials in half according to the contract.

It was for this reason that the Masked Queen and the Dark Demon King saw through the trick and discovered that the resources would decrease from time to time.

This meant that the thief must have changed his target. After the Shadow Guild strengthened its defenses and became a tough nut to crack, he decisively treated himself as a soft persimmon. How could he tolerate this

The two presidents immediately gave orders to set up a formation, just like the Shadow Guild, to strengthen their defenses to resist the thieves' searches and thefts.

Lin Feng did not expect that these two presidents could be so patient. He thought that by fanning the flames, the two guilds of the Wolf Pack Alliance would deepen their resentment towards the Shadow Guild and eventually launch an attack on it.

After all, his actions were clearly aimed at the Shadow Guild. Later, he had no choice but to shift his target and drag in the two guilds, Clown Mask and Devil Kill.

In fact, just as Lin Feng thought, the two presidents and the main members of the guild are now extremely angry and are about to reach the critical point of patience.

If it weren't for the once-in-a-lifetime benefits at hand, they would probably have been in a life-and-death fight with the Shadow Guild in a matter of minutes.

Other guilds might be wary of offending a hunting guild like the Shadow Guild, but Clown Mask and Devil Kill, both hunting guilds, don't think so. If they weren't belligerent, how could they have established a hunting guild

"It seems that the fire is not yet ready. We need to add more fuel to the fire." Lin Feng was not afraid of trouble and actually showed his dagger, ready to add fuel to the fire and let the three parties of the wolf pack rebel. He used the method of killing with a borrowed knife to deal with the Shadow Guild. (To be continued)