Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 24: Help the girl out


Lin Feng walked through two alleys and finally arrived at the pharmacy in the village. Before entering the pharmacy, he smelled a strong aroma of medicine, followed by a sweet and crisp voice. Lin Feng was passing by the small alley on the side of the pharmacy, and there happened to be an open window next to him, so he could hear every word clearly.

"These are all wild herbs collected from deep mountains. They are much more effective than those sold in big towns. Since you are from the same village, we are giving you this preferential price. Don't bargain any further." A player tried to bargain when buying herbs, but was politely declined by the girl.

But Lin Feng found a business opportunity in it. He knew that wild medicinal herbs are often much more effective than ordinary cultivated medicinal herbs, and can even be twice as effective. The use of medicines also has a cooling time. When players fight monsters and complete tasks in the early stages of the game, the gains and recovery effects brought by medicines often determine the outcome of the battle and the success or failure of the task. Wild medicinal herbs can enhance and amplify the effects of medicines, which is equivalent to adding a few points of chance of winning in some evenly matched battles, and these few points of chance of winning often determine the outcome of the battle.

Taking all the above into consideration, Lin Feng felt that there would be a lot of profit in reselling these wild herbs. When he was ready to build a town in the future, he would buy more in the village and sell them in the city to earn the difference, and his wealth would roll in. Having discovered a way to make money, Lin Feng was in a good mood and walked into the pharmacy.

"Girl, we are all from the same village. Money is a bit tight for us brothers. Since you said that we can't bargain, why don't you just give us some medicines on credit. If anyone in the village dares to bully you in the future, we will definitely deal with him for you." There were four male players in the pharmacy, surrounding a seemingly weak and lovely NPC girl who was about sixteen or seventeen years old.

"You are bullying me now!" the girl said helplessly.

"Sister, it's not right for you to say that. We are just customers who come here to bargain and buy and sell medicines. As the saying goes, the customer is God. It would be fine if you didn't treat us like God, but you actually slandered us and accused us of bullying. Not only are the medicines you sell expensive, but you also falsely accuse good people of ruining our reputation. How do you think you are going to compensate us?" The other party did not show any sympathy and stop. Instead, the leading player went even further and continued to exaggerate and make a fuss.

"How can I be said to have monopolized the market? How can my prices be expensive? You get what you pay for. You can't be so shameless!" The girl couldn't win the argument with this group of players. She was so angry that her face turned red, which made her look even more pitiful.

"The price is indeed a bit expensive, and there is only one pharmacy within a ten-mile radius. It's not an exaggeration to say it's a monopoly." Lin Feng's voice sounded behind the four players.

"Look, sister, it's not just us who have opinions about your price. Everyone thinks your pricing is unreasonable." The four of them became even more complacent when they saw other players echoing their voices.

"But this medicine is really effective. It should be a top-quality medicine picked from the mountains. The price varies from person to person. I am just about to buy a few bottles of recovery potion. If you are not in a hurry, please make room for me. You can discuss the pricing of the medicine after I buy it." Lin Feng suddenly changed the subject and jumped out of the muddy water stirred up by these four scoundrels.

"Hmm?" The four of them understood something. It seemed that the player who just came in was a little ignorant of the current situation. The first sentence was very pleasant to hear, but why was the second sentence so weird? The price varies from person to person, which means that we are poor and can't afford medicine.

"Brother, everything has to be based on first come first served. It's not good to entertain you before she finishes entertaining us, right?" The leading man said to Lin Feng with a forced smile.

"Oh, I'm a new player and don't quite understand these rules. If you want to buy medicine, then you come first, I'll just wait." Lin Feng changed his attitude to an indifferent one, standing aside with his eyes wide open, waiting for the four people to buy medicine first.

"Girl, you see, there are many of us and we buy a lot of medicines, so give us a little discount." The leading player's attitude actually improved, and he went back to the discount from the previous credit. Maybe there were other people here, and if he continued to pester, it would be easy to be laughed at if it got out.

"Okay, okay, can't I give you some free gifts?" The girl in the drugstore had no choice but to give in and nodded in agreement.

Lin Feng could not see the process of other players handing over tasks and purchasing items, as this was the players' personal privacy. Lin Feng did not know how many medicines these four players had purchased. He only saw the "trading" icon displayed above their heads. After a moment, the icon disappeared, and the four players completed the transaction.

After buying the medicines, the four of them walked out of the pharmacy with Lin Feng. From their satisfied expressions, it can be seen that the girl should have given them some gifts.

"Hello, what medicine would you like to buy?" After the girl entertained the four people, she started to entertain Lin Feng.

"I'm just taking a look. Didn't you say that the effects of your medicines are more significant than those in the city? I want to see which medicines are the most significant?"

"Just now you acted like a colleague from the pharmacy, saying that what I sell are top-quality medicines picked from the mountains. It turns out you don't even know what kind of medicine I sell?" the girl asked.

"Just now, the four of them blocked the counter tightly, so I naturally couldn't see what kind of medicine you were selling. As for whether it was a top-grade medicine picked from the mountains, I just said it casually to help you out." Lin Feng said frankly with a smile.

"These four people don't look like good people. Aren't you afraid of offending them by helping me? What if they want to retaliate and seek revenge on you afterwards?" the girl asked again.

"People should always be reasonable. Even if they want to retaliate against me, they should give a reason first, right? My first sentence catered to them, and my second sentence catered to you. No one was offended, and what I said was all true. In the end, they also got the gift, and you also sold the medicine, sister, why do you want to retaliate against me?"

"My intuition tells me that they will definitely cause trouble for you." The girl said solemnly.

"No way, they are willing to spend their youth and time to cause trouble for me for such a small matter. This is too much of an honor for me." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Lin Feng didn't care about it. Playing a game doesn't mean that they would ignore the mission and level up like the girl said, and take revenge on him for trivial matters. Besides, he is a thief with stealth skills. If they take revenge on him, they have to consider whether he will cause trouble for them in return.

"You shouldn't have the intention to harm others, but you must be on guard against others. You'd better be careful. We women have a very sharp sixth sense." The girl reminded Lin Feng again.

"If you ask me, they might be... They've never seen a girl as pretty as you, so they wanted to say a few more words to chat with you and get close to you, so they picked a fight and said that the medicine you sell is expensive. In the end, when they saw that I was also here to buy medicine, they bought some medicine and left. I think they didn't mean any harm to me."

Lin Feng originally wanted to say that the four of them might be novice players who had never seen such a pure and beautiful girl who completely met the male aesthetic in the game. They couldn't stay calm like me, an experienced player, so they found an excuse to tease you collectively. But there was a setting in the game that made Lin Feng immediately change his words and didn't say that. (To be continued)