Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 48: The game wasn't good


"Xiao Feng, let's go watch a few promotion matches and see what the competitive level of their sports department is like." Sun Li called out to Lin Feng and followed the crowd to the promotion match area.

This sports arena has a large building area. The middle area and the stage are reserved for the finals in the afternoon, while the areas on both sides are reserved for the preliminaries and qualifying rounds for the contestants in the morning.

After the draw, the players put on the game helmets in the competition room and compete against each other. The audience can sit in the audience area outside and watch the exciting and focus games selected by the system on the big screen, or watch their favorite games on the small screens on the front seats.

Lin Feng and Sun Li found a seat and just sat down, a group of boys came over and sat next to them. Lin Feng was wondering what was going on, when he suddenly found that it was the pretty figure sitting next to Sun Li, which explained why a group of boys suddenly appeared around them. It turned out that the goddess school beauty was their target.

Not only were those guys secretly taking pictures of the goddess around them, but Shen Ruoxue took the initiative to talk to Sun Li.

"Master Sun, I didn't expect you to come here so early today. It seems that you care about the affairs of the guild very much. Do you think we can find a suitable candidate today?" Shen Ruoxue's gentle voice made Lin Feng and the others fascinated.

Sun Li remained calm and was not moved by Shen Ruoxue's appearance and voice. It seems that the title of "Playboy" is not undeserved.

Sun Li actually came to support Lin Feng. Lin Feng had no background and no money, so he was the first choice for bullying by the playboys in the school. He and Xu Biao had defended Lin Feng and saved him from danger many times. And those playboys would restrain themselves after knowing that Lin Feng was their roommate. After all, compared with Sun Li's background, he could only be seen from behind...

However, after hearing Shen Ruoxue say that she cared about the guild, Sun Li complied and said, "Of course, this is a critical time for the guild to recruit soldiers and expand. How can I take it lightly?"

Sitting next to Shen Ruoxue was the cute girl who had kicked Lin Feng. She handed Shen Ruoxue a big bag of popcorn and whispered something to her. Shen Ruoxue smiled sweetly after hearing this, handed the popcorn to Sun Li and said, "This is an apology from my sister Yuan Xiaoyao to you two. I hope you will not bear grudges and stop causing trouble for her. Do you want to accept it or not?"

"Haha, sister Xiaoyao is capable, I like her! I'll bring my buddy to accept this apology." Sun Li took the popcorn, glanced at Yuan Xiaoyao beside Shen Ruoxue, nodded, and then handed the popcorn to Lin Feng.

"What are you doing?" Although Lin Feng heard clearly what happened, it was the first time he sat so close to the goddess, with only Sun Li between them. He had already entered a state of no resistance. His heart rate and blood pressure rose sharply, and his brain was blank.

"Didn't you hear me? Sister Xiaoyao wants to apologize to you. This is the popcorn she bought for you. You can eat it while you're watching the game. I don't like this stuff."

"Oh." Lin Feng took the popcorn woodenly, and used the popcorn to perform the mind transfer method to make himself forget the goddess beside him and calm his mind as soon as possible.

Lin Feng was eating popcorn and watching the game on the big screen, giving himself a course of treatment to alleviate the side effects of the goddess school beauty on him. Shen Ruoxue and Yuan Xiaoyao were watching here and found it funny.

Shen Ruoxue leaned forward and whispered to Sun Li, "Did your buddy whet his appetite after being kicked twice, or has he never eaten popcorn before? If not, we can buy him a few more servings so that he can enjoy his meal to his heart's content."

Sun Li smiled and said, "It's not that he has never eaten popcorn before, but he has never sat so close to the goddess of his dreams, so he was a little nervous."

"Haha, how about we change seats and I sit next to him?" Shen Ruoxue said playfully.

"Forget it, that might cost him his life. It's better to let him approach you slowly and gradually..." Sun Li was embarrassed. He knew that Lin Feng had no resistance to beautiful women.

"Why does he have to approach me slowly? Does he have any intentions towards me?" Shen Ruoxue asked Sun Li with a scrutinizing look in her eyes.

"Hehe, he doesn't have any intentions. I guess you should have intentions towards him first." Sun Li said with hidden meaning.

"What do you mean?" Shen Ruoxue heard the clue.

"After the finals, I will make a bet with Jiang Zhentao from the Sports Department and have a competition. Then you will look at him with new eyes." Sun Li did not say it explicitly, but left Shen Ruoxue in suspense. He knew that girls all have a strong curiosity, even Shen Ruoxue.

"Really? You're just bragging. Jiang Zhentao's competitive level is not bad. If your buddy loses, I wonder how you'll save face."

Shen Ruoxue and Sun Li were talking and laughing, which made the surrounding animals very envious. However, the person sitting next to the goddess was Sun Li, whom they couldn't afford to offend. If it was just a small character like Lin Feng, they would definitely drive him away and then take his place to enjoy the good fortune of sitting with the school beauty goddess.

Eating popcorn and watching the game, Lin Feng gradually returned to his normal state, but he seemed a little listless. Yuan Xiaoyao on the side also commented with Hu Niu on the other side, and they seemed to be relaxed after watching the game.

"What's wrong, Xiaofeng? Are you feeling unwell? Is the injury just now serious?" Sun Li could see that Lin Feng looked absent-minded, and he didn't know whether it was because of some injury or for some other reason.

"I'm fine. Those are just superficial injuries. They will heal in two days. It's just that this game is too ugly." Lin Feng complained.

"Why doesn't it look good? Tell me." Shen Ruoxue's voice came from the side.

At this time, the big screen showed a focus match. Two strong seeded players in the sports department drew the worst lot, and had to fight a life-and-death battle in advance in the promotion match. The whole fight was exciting and exciting. Both of them showed their full strength. One of them was a mage and the other was a warrior. The swords, magic and fire were brilliant, and the blood lines were very close. The audience was very nervous, and some people applauded for some of the exciting parts.

But even such a match was not good to watch, and Shen Ruoxue felt that Lin Feng was either conceited or bluffing to attract her attention. She would see how well he could analyze it, and through his opinion of the match, she could see from the side what kind of strength he actually had. (To be continued)