Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 63: And friends


"The bandits' attack time indicated by the system is approaching. We barely managed to hold on last time. Do you think the expert we found is reliable? Why do you make him sound so miraculous?"

The one who was talking to the two sisters was a wizard named Thunderbolt, he was also the commander and leader of a 26-man team, and at this moment he was leading a group of players to resist the last wave of attacks from the bandits.

"He's really good at playing games. It's like a real pleasure to watch him kill monsters. You'll have a good time when he comes." Qing Yi Ran Ran praised Lin Feng to the sky. Everyone in the team was full of expectations. They wanted to see what this magical person described by the girl looked like.

Their village encountered a special event of bandit attacks. As long as they could resist several waves of bandit attacks, all players who participated in the event would receive a lot of rewards. This should be a good thing, but these players found that the bandits were more fierce and powerful with each wave, and gradually they could not resist them. Finally, after discussion, they had to call on their friends to come and help.

In theory, the fewer people participate in the event, the more rewards each person will get on average, but that is based on the successful completion of the event. If the event fails, nothing will be gained. So Pili Lightning organized everyone to call for support from powerful friends who were active nearby, so as to ensure that they could resist the last wave of bandit attacks.

Fortunately, the location of the copy was not far from the village. Lin Feng drank the acceleration potion and activated the sprint skill from time to time. He quickly arrived at the village attacked by bandits.

"He's finally here." Qingyi Ranran rushed up after saying that, patting Lin Feng on the back, then putting her arm around Lin Feng's shoulders, chattering and asking all kinds of questions, as if she were Lin Feng's girlfriend.

"Where did you go to level up? You're a master indeed. How come you've reached level six in just one day? Where can we, who have worked day and night to reach level four, go to seek justice?" Ranran in green asked, swinging Lin Feng's arm.

"Don't be like this, there are so many people watching us, don't let others misunderstand you." Although Lin Feng had some immunity, he couldn't stand Qingyi Ranran's enthusiasm.

"What's wrong? I'm your sister, isn't that enough? Whoever wants to misunderstand can misunderstand. An honest person won't do shady things, and a person with the right feet won't be afraid of the shoes being crooked." The girl in green clothes Ranran started to talk nonsense again.

Bai Yipiaopiao was a little reserved. He looked at his sister pestering Lin Feng with a smile on his face, showing an attitude of neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Qing Yi Ran Ran pulled Lin Feng to the front of the crowd and said confidently: "This is the master Ye Feng I mentioned. With him in this last wave of attacks, there will definitely be no problem."

Some people in the crowd saw that Qing Yi Ran Ran had only brought a stupid thief and was talking about something so miraculous that they started to mock him: "How can a thief be so powerful? A thief without group attack skills can only kill monsters one by one in the early stage. How much help can it be even if the killing is pleasing to the eye?"

What this person said made sense to a certain extent, and everyone was talking about it. They felt that it would be better to have a level 6 knight who could resist monsters, or a level 6 mage who could attack in groups. A level 6 thief... it was a bit of a waste of this level.

Qingyi Ranran didn't know how to refute, so she just pouted. After a while, she said loudly that he was the best, leaving everyone speechless.

Such a special event team was formed automatically. After receiving messages from friends, several more players came to support, and the team members were expanded to 32 people. It seemed that they should be able to deal with the last wave of attacks from the bandits.

Thunderbolt taught everyone how to deal with the bandits. They divided the team into small groups and supported and relied on each other to divide the bandits and defeat them one by one.

As soon as the countdown to a special event ends, everyone's task list is immediately updated.

Special event: Bandits' attack: The fifth wave. Resist the bandits' final rampage and protect the peace of the village.

"Here they come. Everyone, be alert and keep steady." Pili Lightning shouted and warned everyone.

The players are now relying on the village. The melee professions are guarding the main roads and some courtyards in the village, and the ranged professions are all on the roofs, occupying advantageous positions at high places. The wide field of vision will also help the melee players with ease.

The bandits finally appeared in the forest beside the village. He looked like a leader. He looked at the players in the village and waved to his men. Several bandits came out with a few wolfhounds. The wolfhounds smelled the players from afar and started barking, looking eager to try.

This kind of wolf-dog is as tall as a wolf, with sharp teeth and claws, excellent strength and agility, and can fight in a team like a wolf pack. Usually, this kind of wolf-dog is raised by hunters as a hunting dog, and is a good assistant in hunting. But I didn't expect that this group of bandits also raised so many wolf-dogs. This time, they are no longer used as hunting dogs, but as tools to do evil.

"Everyone stay calm. The wolfhounds run fast. When the wolfhounds pounce on us, everyone should deal with them quickly. By the time the bandits rush over, we will have already dealt with the wolfhounds. Then we can go and fight the bandits." Thunderbolt was still standing on the roof giving orders.

But what was bad was that the bandits brought their friends out of the forest again, and this time everyone was stunned.

"****, it's a black mountain bear, these bandits are running a zoo, how come they have everything!"

"Yeah, this is going to be a tough fight. The black mountain bear is tough enough, but the main issue is that there are mountain wolf dogs sneaking around. The mountain wolf dogs sneaking around is disgusting enough, but there are also mountain bandits coming from behind to finish us off."

Many people have shown expressions of despair. They are here to fight the bandits for a special event, not to joke around. What the hell is going on? The bandits are even bringing in foreign aid. Is this reasonable or not? Is there any referee who can give us some advice

The next second, what they were waiting for was not the referee blowing the whistle for a foul, but an assault team composed of mountain wolfhounds and black mountain bears.

Although everyone was still standing there and not running, their hearts were already shattered. When the assault team rushed to them, their fleshy bear paws would slap them, and their drooling canine teeth would bite them, and their hearts would be shattered into pieces.

Lin Feng frowned as he looked at the situation. It was a pity that they were already panicking before the fight even started. Now, let alone the mountain wolf dogs and black mountain bears, even if a wave of ordinary bandits came, they would probably not be able to resist. It seemed that they had to think of a way to motivate everyone and restore their confidence.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng jumped onto the house in the village and started to make his plan. (To be continued)