Thieves are Everywhere in The World

Chapter 65: Weird routine


Lin Feng was very annoyed to be attacked at the critical moment. Everyone else was working hard to deal with this last wave of events, but this person was trying to sneak attack him, which showed how despicable this person was. Lin Feng was already in a dilemma and had no time to care about who attacked him. He quickly used the disappearing skill and entered stealth mode.

As soon as Lin Feng entered stealth mode, the bandits and beasts lost their targets and shifted their hatred towards the Guardian of Eternity and some melee players.

But a figure appeared on the roof and sent a torrent of impact towards Lin Feng's stealth position, knocking Lin Feng out of the stealth state again. That figure was none other than Dajiang Dahe.

Lin Feng finally understood how accurate the girl's sixth sense was. Peng Wenchang, the girl from the pharmacy, had clearly reminded him to be more cautious of Dajiang Dahe and others, and be careful that they might cause trouble for him. He was first used by him to kill someone with a borrowed knife, making the crazy and chaotic dance of the Temple of the Gods mistakenly think that he was a rogue who was trying to grab territory, and they fought with him. Fortunately, he was more skilled and still avoided the attack. Moreover, he got to know the elite group through fighting, and conquered the third-level elite copy in one fell swoop, won the first place in the ranking, and obtained a lot of experience rewards.

It was a blessing in disguise. He quickly upgraded his level with the elite team, and made a lot of money, medicines and groceries. Lin Feng didn't plan to argue with Dajiang Dahe. But he didn't expect that this guy would appear again, and he plotted against him repeatedly at the critical moment, trying to kill him. He could not tolerate him.

Lin Feng held the dagger tightly, and stared at Dajiang Dahe without paying attention to the bandits and beasts that rushed over again. The cold eyes told Dajiang Dahe that the word "death" was already written on his forehead. Then Lin Feng disappeared again, and stayed behind the group of beasts and bandits and made another turnaround run.

Dajiang Dahe found Lin Feng just as he arrived. Dajiang Dahe thought that the thief Ye Feng who ruined his business would definitely be killed by Fengmo Luanwu and the people from the Everyone Hall, but he didn't expect that this thief lived a better life than him and even reached level 6. This was not the result he wanted.

After finding out that Ye Feng hadn't noticed him, Da Jiang Da He had been hiding in the crowd, making his own plans, preparing to find an opportunity to plot against him. Finally, he found an opportunity to attack and pushed the opponent under the house, but he didn't expect that Ye Feng had learned the disappearing skill. In the battle, he instantly sneaked and cleared the hatred of all monsters. He immediately launched a group attack, which brought the opponent to the spot and put him in a desperate situation again. When everyone thought that the thief Ye Feng was definitely dead this time, he disappeared again.

"Oh my, what the hell is this skill? He didn't even die after all these efforts?" Dajiang Dahe felt a sense of loss. He threw a group attack skill towards the place where Lin Feng disappeared, but this time he failed to knock the opponent out.

Lin Feng's repeated sneaking also caused the monsters and bandits to run back and forth several times, which reduced the pressure on the team's defense. The two black mountain bears finally fell to the ground after playing a lot of soy sauce, and the mountain wolf dogs were beaten to almost nothing by people. The team members were all moved by Lin Feng's routines and the feat of jumping down to attract the hatred of the monsters, which had already played the team's momentum. Spells and skills crackled, arrows flew, and swords were pointed. After a concerted effort, they finally resisted the last wave of attacks from the bandits and completed the special event of this bandit attack. The rolling experience and contribution points were collected by the players, and two of them successfully upgraded to level 6 with this large amount of experience. Everyone was in a good mood. After this fierce battle, they also needed to relax their spirits, so they started to talk.

"Sister Ranran, the master you mentioned is really amazing. He used incredible tactics to make this last wave of battles simple. What's even more surprising is that he jumped under the house alone. He would rather be attacked from all sides than not fight for the hope of victory for the team. It's really admirable." A ranger girl praised.

"Of course not. How can what I said about a master be false? You saw him fall off the house accidentally, but that's because he is so skilled and brave. He fell with half his blood to attract the monster's attention." Qing Yi Ran Ran puffed out her chest with great pride. It felt like she had told a fairy tale to a friend and it turned out to be true with her own eyes.

"But I don't understand how he could disappear twice? This is too mysterious!" Someone noticed that Lin Feng disappeared twice and felt that it was indeed against the will of heaven.

"It might be because of his advanced disappearing skill that he was able to disappear twice on the spot." Someone analyzed.

"No way, then how can I PK with a thief in the future? He can disappear at any time and come back to attack you with his skills. Aren't the thieves in this game too good to be true?"

"Haha, come on, it seems that in your eyes, everything except your own profession is against the will of heaven." The players started chatting and laughing.

"I think besides Night Breeze, Guardian of Eternity also made a great contribution." Thunderbolt changed the subject. He didn't understand the thief Night Breeze's previous actions and directly classified him as an idiot. But now he is even worse than an idiot. Compared with Night Breeze, he, as a team leader, didn't seem to play any decisive role. Now that the players mentioned Night Breeze again, he really felt a little embarrassed and quickly changed the subject.

The role of Guardian of Eternity in this battle was also obvious to all. He fought off the group of beasts that rushed over first. Without him, even if Night Breeze had great magical powers, this battle would be disastrous. It was the tacit cooperation between the two that led to the victory of this special event.

Everyone started talking about Guardian of Eternity again, and many priest girls were very fond of it. Only a guardian knight like him with high defense, long health bar, and good skills was the favorite of priest girls, so that there would be less pressure to add blood, and there would not be a tragedy of tanks falling to the ground due to negligence.

People were talking about the battles they had just fought, while adding each other as friends. Only friends could send messages to each other to get in touch, and having more friends made things easier. Everyone would add a few more friends in the early stages of the game, and only by helping and supporting each other could they get by in the game.

When people wanted to add this strange thief Ye Feng as their friend, they found that he had disappeared at some point. Some people with good memory recalled that they had never seen him since the second time Ye Feng disappeared. It seems that masters are elusive and lonely. If you can't add a master as your friend, you can add a master's friend. Qing Yi Ran Ran and Bai Yi Piao Piao immediately attracted everyone's attention. (To be continued)