Third Master Jiang’s Absolute Darling

Chapter 15: She is alone


After finishing his work, he went downstairs and saw that Gu Xiang was infusion there, lying on the sofa, looking haggard.

When other patients came for infusion, they were accompanied by their family members, not the other half, parents, or friends, she was the only one.

He stood aside and looked at her bloodless little face. She was fine yesterday, but why is she sick today!

Thinking of the physique of his own wife, and thinking of those fiancées who had accidents in the past...

Jiang Chi couldn't help frowning.

Although Lao Du said that the fortune teller had done the calculation, she would be fine, but, who can guarantee what the fortune teller said

He always felt that as long as the woman who had a relationship with him would not end well, he was afraid of it now.

Seeing that the potion in her infusion bottle was gone, Gu Xiang didn't notice it, and Jiang Chi walked over.

The nurse saw him and said, "Jiangyuan?"

Jiang Chi usually doesn't appear in this kind of place, but it's quite surprising that he will appear here today.

Jiang Chi's expression was indifferent, his appearance was clear and cold, and his body was filled with a sense of distance, so that no one dared to look at him more, and he always felt that it was a kind of offense.

Jiang Chi pointed to the hanging bottle that was about to finish the infusion, "The potion is gone."

The nurse looked at it and quickly helped Gu Xiang change it.

Gu Xiang slept for a while, but he didn't actually dare to sleep. After all, he was still infusion. Hearing the movement, he raised his head and saw Jiang Chi standing in front of him.

Hey, why is he here

She can't have a fever, she's hallucinating!

However, she still reacted quickly, remembering that he was working here, he was still wearing work clothes, and it was not surprising that he could meet him.

She took the initiative: "What a coincidence!"

Jiang Chi frowned and said, "Why are you alone? Where is your family?"

After asking this sentence, he was stunned for a moment.

It seems that he is also her family.

Gu Xiang didn't care, and said, "Everyone is busy, I have a little cold, so I'll come over for an infusion."

She glanced at the hanging bottle, "Hey, it's already been changed!"

Jiang Chi didn't speak.

Gu Xiang asked, "Why are you here? Aren't you busy?"

She wasn't narcissistic enough to think that Jiang Chi was here to see her.

However, in fact, he came down just for her.

After listening to her question, Jiang Chi said, "There's something wrong."

After he finished speaking, he walked away directly, still looking so cold, as if he didn't want to talk to her more.

Gu Xiang watched him go, and continued to lean on the sofa to infuse.

After a few minutes, the nurse came over, "Gu Xiang."

Gu Xiang opened his eyes and said, "Doctor, what's wrong?"

Miss Nurse stretched out her hand, took down the medicine bottle hanging on it, and said, "Come here with me."

Gu Xiang followed behind her, feeling inexplicable, but didn't ask.

In addition to the hall, there is also a special lounge in this infusion place. Miss nurse led her directly into the lounge with a hospital bed and said, "You can lie down here."

"It's so good!" Gu Xiang was a little surprised, and Miss Nurse made a special trip to her to find a place.

Gu Xiang lay down on the bed, of course it was much more comfortable than sitting on the sofa outside.

The little sister nurse covered her with a quilt and said gossip: "So you are a relative of Jiangyuan! I just said how did Jiangyuan come down today! He usually doesn't come down."

Gu Xiang was a little surprised: "Really?"

So, was Jiang Chi arranged for her

The nurse said: "Yes! He is busy, and he is not responsible here. Jiangyuan is a famous person in our hospital. He is amazing and handsome. I don't know what kind of woman such a man will be cheaper in the future. ."