This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 10: Strange commission 10


Henry and Kewen whispered to each other, and finally decided to make this bet with Gu Huaiyu.

In their opinion, it is impossible for Gu Huaiyu to be more familiar with this hotel than they do, and their advantage does not stop at this point.

It should be said that anyone who disappears in an accident at the Kotel Hotel will have one point.

That is, you can appear and disappear in the hotel at will.

As long as they are willing, it is absolutely impossible for Gu Huaiyu to find them.

And as long as the other party does not find them at that time, they can be left at their disposal for that long.

The two murmured, and then said, "We agree to make this bet with you."

Gu Huaiyu stepped forward and patted them on the shoulders, "Since the gambling game has already started, then we can start at any time."

Henry and Cowen glanced at each other, and then said in unison, "Then, the game begins!"

After the voice fell, Henry and Cowen ran in different directions on both sides.

Gu Huaiyu stayed in place without rushing or rash, and by the way, he gave them a hundred seconds to count down in a particularly leisurely manner. Obviously, he planned to set off after the countdown was over.

An Jiu snorted disdainfully, "Only those two idiots will make a bet with you."

"Seventy-two..." Gu Huaiyu paused the countdown, "I remember you bet with me before."

One sentence choked An Jiu, and he was so angry that he groaned for a long time, and he didn't dare to say anything more.

After Gu Huaiyu slowly counted down one hundred seconds, he set out to find the two brothers Henry Cowen who had disappeared.

Gu Huaiyu was not in a hurry, and first walked in the direction where Henry ran away.

Because of Xu Lan's affairs, there were no other people in the entire hotel except Gu Huaiyu and Xu Lan, and the waiter on the first floor.

The whole hotel was quiet, without a trace of noise.

Except for the footsteps from Gu Huaiyu.

Gu Huaiyu made a bet with the two brothers Henry, and An Jiu couldn't leave directly like this, and he was also curious about how long it would take Gu Huaiyu to find them.

The game lasted for about half an hour. While looking for Henry, Gu Huaiyu went to some remote places in the hotel by the way.

But to An Jiu's surprise, he originally thought Henry would hide more secretly than Corvin, but he didn't expect that he would be the first to be found.

In fact, Gu Huaiyu didn't notice it at first, but after searching in several other rooms, she noticed a series.

That is, every time she opens the door, she always feels a line of sight falling on her.

With a little bit of malice and other things.

Although Gu Huaiyu searched the room carefully, she didn't find it. She didn't notice it until she was sitting in a **** and raising her head inadvertently.

"An Jiu." Gu Huaiyu said with some wicked fun, "Let's get down the cowardly Henry, or we will have to cry for a while."

So before Henry ran away again, An Jiu climbed onto the top of the cupboard first, then pulled the two big boxes to the ground and threw them, and behind the boxes was Henry hiding.

Henry saw that the momentum was not good, so he turned and wanted to run away from the other side.

But Gu Huaiyu had been prepared long ago, and was already there to wait and see.

Henry was caught mercilessly by them.

After capturing Henry, Gu Huaiyu directly handed him over to An Jiu.

With Ann Jiu there, Henry didn't dare to move, because he was afraid that a kitten would accidentally be eaten by this kitten that made him feel dangerous.

An Jiu felt like a ferocious beast, staring at him eagerly.

"There is one more, it's really troublesome." Gu Huaiyu muttered.

Corvin hides better than Henry, and because he is less courageous than Henry, he is more timid and cautious.

After Gu Huaiyu made three full turns, he found him.

Hiding in front of a pair of oil paintings.

If she hadn't prepared in advance, it is estimated that she would definitely lose this game.

Because Kewen hid, to be precise, not just hid, but simply disappeared.

But what Kewen didn't expect was that Gu Huaiyu had already moved his hands and feet on him and Henry.

The sun is about to set, and the afterglow shines through the window.

Gu Huaiyu sat on the chair in the room, looking at the two Henry brothers who were unwilling to face him in time.

"Why, are you not convinced?" Gu Huaiyu asked.

Henry's face puffed up and he looked angrily, but when he saw An Jiu on the side, he immediately vented a lot of anger, "Why did you find me."

Gu Huaiyu didn't answer Henry's question immediately, but turned to look to Kewen, "Do you want to know too?"

Corvin nodded, "I'm hiding well. Henry couldn't find me so easily, so I'm curious how you can find me."

Gu Huaiyu raised his eyebrows, and then took out a small box from the small bag he carried with him, which contained some off-white powder mixed with other colors.

"Because this thing got on you."

The Henry brothers looked at the powder in the box in front of them, and couldn't remember when it got on it.

"We haven't touched this thing, it's impossible to touch us."

Gu Huaiyu smiled, "Are you sure."

When Gu Huaiyu said this, they were not so sure, until Kewen remembered that Gu Huaiyu had slapped them on the shoulder before the game started.

"You shot us before the game started. You must have got something on us at that time." Kewen said affirmatively.

Seeing that they remembered, Gu Huaiyu shook the box smoothly, then put it away.

"Since I have told you, then you should also tell me something about this hotel."

Henry and Covin were silent immediately.

Gu Huaiyu didn't feel anxious when he saw that the two of them had no suspicion.

"An Jiu."

Gu Huaiyu called An Jiu, and An Jiu immediately stood in front of them, grinning and threatening the Henry brothers.

Henry Cowan: ... It's terrible!

Finally Henry said, he hesitated, "It's not that we don't want to say it, but the convention here is custom, we can't say it."

Just when Gu Huaiyu was about to ask them what was the agreement in the hotel, the door of the room was knocked suddenly.

Gu Huaiyu turned his head and looked at the door. In this instant, Henry and Cowen disappeared immediately.

An Jiu meowed in a puzzled way, "How come it disappeared in a blink of an eye." He also deliberately ran to the place where the Henry brothers were sitting just now.

It was confirmed that there was no trace at all, and then the door was knocked again.

"If they can't run, don't worry." Gu Huaiyu hugged An Jiu, "Let's see who is outside the door."

After the door was opened, to Gu Huaiyu's surprise, it was a woman who knocked on her door.

Gu Huaiyu didn't have a big accident. On the contrary, An Jiu, as if smelling an unpleasant smell, kept covering his nose and sneezing twice from time to time.

Gu Huaiyu's response from An Jiu was the first time I saw him.