This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 104: Gu poison


"Where are the people?" Gu Huaiyu asked.

The woman's mouth trembled, and then she looked at the stone steps.

"In there."

Gu Huaiyu frowned, and then let the little green commander look seriously.

When Xiao Lu heard this, he immediately circled happily, and then ran to the woman on purpose, shaking back and forth, looking as if he wished that the other party had any plans, so that he could start.

When the woman heard Gu Huaiyu's words, she was still a little cautious in her mind, but now she stopped all of them, she didn't even dare to move.

After a few steps, Gu Huaiyu walked under the stone steps.

Although it is a stone step, in fact, it looks more like a short and wide column.

Gu Huaiyu looked to both sides, and when he found a place to go up, he immediately walked over there.

The closer to the stone steps, the inside seemed to have something, rubbing sounds and some strange-sounding sounds all rang, including the muffled sound from Xiaotian's enduring pain.

When Gu Huaiyu heard this, he quickened his pace and walked up in twos or twos.

As a result, when I went up and looked at it, my eyes instantly turned red.

Without saying anything, he jumped directly into the place like a deep pit and hugged Xiaotian, who was surrounded by poisonous snakes and other poisons.

Gu Huaiyu went immediately, and the poisons were like something terrifying. They moved directly from the middle position to the edge in twos and threes, looking like they would run away if they had a chance.

Gu Huaiyu looked down at Xiaotian, and saw that the opponent's face and limbs were bitten by poison, and his face became too pale.

So without saying anything, she fished the person out of it and walked to the woman. She suppressed her anger and said, "The antidote."

The woman shook her head violently in fright, and said with a trembling mouth, "This thing has no cure. These are Gu, and it is impossible to untie it if it enters her body, unless the owner of the Gu is found."

The woman didn't wait for Gu Huaiyu to ask, she said straightforwardly, "The Gu raiser is not obedient, and our master will deal with it directly."

So it's the same sentence, this is unsolvable.

"Really." Gu Huaiyu squinted at her dangerously.

The woman's tears were about to burst out, "It's true."

As soon as she finished speaking, Gu Huaiyu bit a poisonous snake that she had just picked up on the woman's body.

The woman was tied tightly, and she had no chance to resist. In the blink of an eye, she was bitten by a poisonous snake.

She looked at the wound on her body in disbelief. After a long while, she continued to curse Gu Huaiyu as if she had suddenly gone mad, which was different from the previous person who was greedy for life and fear of death.

"You must not die, I curse you..."

Before she could finish speaking, Gu Huaiyu let Xiaolu solve her.

Little Green's solution this time was different from the previous one.

The previous person still had a chance to survive, but the woman didn't even have a chance. In the blink of an eye, those curses could no longer come out of her mouth.

Gu Huaiyu threw her keel whip to the ground casually, then picked up Xiaotian, and glanced at Xiao Lu, who seemed to be unsatisfied.

"You come back first and let you come out to play later."

Xiao Lv is very good, although she still reluctant to give up to the outside world, but soon he obeyed Gu Huaiyu's intention and went back.

Gu Huaiyu looked at Xiaotian in his arms, tilted his head for a moment, and decided to find a place first to see how he was doing.

There were many guards in the dungeon, and Gu Huaiyu had to always take care of the people in his arms, so he couldn't be more careful.

Gu Huaiyu didn't know why. In the past, no matter who wanted her to help with things, she couldn't call her if she didn't order good things.

But when she saw Xiaotian, she felt a little softhearted and couldn't help but want to save her and comfort her.

After escaping the eerie and creepy place, Gu Huaiyu randomly found an inn on the side of the road and rented it temporarily.

After placing the person in the **, Gu Huaiyu hurriedly checked Xiaotian's physical condition.

As mentioned earlier, Gu Huaiyu opened a medical clinic for a long time before opening an antique shop. It can be said that those medical clinics such as the so-called old hundred names, I am afraid that she does not know much about them.

Putting his hand on the opponent's wrist, he probed it slightly.

After a while, he moved his hand away and looked at Xiaotian who was unconscious in a coma with complicated eyes.

Xiaotian's face now gradually spread in the direction of black and purple, as if Gu poison had finally spread to his face.

Gu Huaiyu could clearly know from the detection just now that the poison on Xiaotian's body was indeed Gu poison.

Although she knew how to detoxify the poison, she didn't have the most important thing.

The blood of the person who raises Gu.

If there is no such thing, no matter how much material is added, it will be a drop in the bucket.

Gu Huaiyu thought for a while, took out a small knife, then bleed himself again and let Xiao Lv come out.

Little Green didn't expect that she would come out soon after entering, and instantly happily made love to Gu Huaiyu in the air.

Gu Huaiyu: "..."

Then she opened Xiaotian's mouth, and then fed the blood to Xiaotian to drink, hoping to control some of it.

Her blood is only a threat to those Gu objects, but she doesn't know if it is useful to Gu poison.

Then she said to Xiaolu, who was buying and selling cute, "You try to see if you can suck out the extra things in her body."

Little Green squeezed, as if he wasn't happy, but due to Gu Huaiyu's order, she could only pinch her nose to suck.

After only inhaling for a short while, Xiaolu appeared black and red, looking a little scary.

And Xiaolu fell on the ground as if he had drunk fake wine, motionless.

Upon seeing this, Gu Huaiyu picked up the little green who was lying on her face. Seeing that it was nothing too big, but after not adapting to sucking this kind of poison, she relieved her heart, and then let the crying little green go back.

The drunk little green is even more annoying than usual, and what he doesn't dare to do usually is done.

Not only did he not listen to Gu Huaiyu's words and went back, but instead flirted with her upright.

Rubbing her arm for a while, rubbing her head for a while, playing so unhappily.

Gu Huaiyu: "..." I endure.

After Xiaolu sucked some Gu poison, and after drinking some Gu Huaiyu's blood, Xiaotian's face looked much better, but the long scar on his face didn't look better.

The scar stretched from the forehead to the cheek. In the cracked flesh and blood, there were some obvious black and corrosive things. It could be said that half of the face was ruined.

Look at the appearance of the scar, it should be the woman who used the keel whip to get it just now. If the whip was crooked a little bit, Xiaotian's eyes would be dangerous.

Gu Huaiyu asked people to take a pot of hot water in, and then carefully wiped the things from the scars on Xiaotian's face, and then wiped all the wounds on her body one by one, and finally stopped sprinkling the powder.