This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 107: Take the order


With the benefits, Gu Huaiyu's attitude towards the client is naturally much better.

She looked at the upstart who looked at her nervously and asked, "Since you are here, why don't you just ask Fuxiu to handle it for you?"

The nouveau riche wiped the sweat from his forehead and looked at Master Fuxiu. Seeing that the other party did not stop him from speaking, he said intermittently, "I was planning to find the master before, but the master explained that something is going to happen. I went far away and couldn't come back in a short time, so I found you."

Gu Huaiyu glanced suspiciously at Master Fu Xiu and said, "Why haven't I heard you say that you are going to travel far?"

"It's because Daojun Zefu invited me to help him deal with a tricky thing." Master Fuxiu explained.

Gu Huaiyu wanted to ask when the relationship between the two of them was good enough to make an appointment to deal with things, but she changed her mind, maybe their relationship was good at first, but it never showed it.

Gu Huaiyu thought about it casually, and suddenly remembered the book that Daojun Zefu was looking for that day, so she asked, "Daojun Zefu hasn't found the book on spells yet?"

"... I don't know." Master Fu Xiu said.

But he looked a little hesitant, I don't know if he is really unclear or concealed.

Upon seeing this, Gu Huaiyu curled her lips, somewhat guessing in her heart.

She pretended not to care very much and said casually, "Since I didn't find the book, then forget it. After all, it's not a very important thing."

As soon as Gu Huaiyu finished speaking, Master Fu Xiu was relieved.

Gu Huaiyu: "..." Can we fake it a little bit more! ! !

With a complicated look in her eyes, she glanced at Master Fuxiu, who had already been seen through, and sighed, not knowing what to say about him.

In the end, Gu Huaiyu didn't say anything, just before going down the mountain, he gave boss Xu a business card from the shop, and after he went down the mountain, according to the address on the business card, he would definitely be able to find the antique shop.

Boss Xu hurriedly stretched out his hands to pick it up, the expression on his face finally loosened, no longer as tight as before.

"I don't know when it is convenient for Boss Gu to go out?" Xu upstart asked cautiously.

Gu Huaiyu thought for a while. There is nothing special recently. If this single issue can be resolved as soon as possible, let's resolve it as soon as possible.

So she said, "There have been no arrangements in recent days. If your business is urgent, you can go to the store to find me tomorrow."

Xu nouveau riche immediately opened his face with a smile on his face, and nodded hurriedly, "Okay, OK, then I will go to your store early tomorrow morning."

Because he went for his purpose, Gu Huaiyu's journey back and forth was very short. Unlike before, he went back and forth while strolling.

After returning to the store, Gu Huaiyu told Meng Xiaotao about the possibility of a visitor coming tomorrow.

"Okay." Meng Xiaotao answered, then picked up the brush in her hand and continued to paint on the paper.

When Gu Huaiyu saw her painting back and forth on paper, and the range was quite large, she couldn't help wondering what Meng Xiaotao was painting.

So she walked closer to see what she was painting, and when she saw the content of her painting, Gu Huaiyu closed her mouth for questioning.

After a long while, seeing Meng Xiaotao still painting seriously, Gu Huaiyu finally couldn't help but ask.

"You paint a duck?"

In fact, Gu Huaiyu was considered to be a face because she said it was a duck. She still looked at the black thing with a duck-like mouth. And looking at the background, she guessed it was on the water.

Then came the conclusion of the duck.

Meng Xiaotao looked at Gu Huaiyu with a surprised look, and then muttered somewhat dissatisfied, "What kind of duck, I am a painted mandarin duck."


Gu Huaiyu took a closer look quietly and found that it was not a pile of black things, but two piles connected together.

"Are you serious about this?" she asked.

"Of course, mandarin ducks are obvious." Meng Xiaotao admitted naturally.

At this time, An Jiu walked out of the inner hall leisurely. Seeing that they were all looking at the painting in silence, he jumped to the table to see what the painting was for a moment of curiosity.

"Meow yeah, what the hell is he meowing? Black ball?" An Jiu was really taken aback by this picture. He had never seen such an abstract painting before.

Meng Xiaotao said angrily, "This is obviously a mandarin duck!"

"..." An Jiu was silent.

He looked at the painting carefully, and after a long time he suffocated the sentence, "If you look closely, it still looks a bit like it."

Gu Huaiyu wanted to refute him, no matter how long he looked at it, he couldn't recognize it as a mandarin duck.

"Why did you suddenly draw Mandarin Duck? Could it be..." Gu Huaiyu teased Meng Xiaotao.

However, Meng Xiaotao didn't understand Gu Huaiyu's suggestion at all, and said blankly, "This is a place I've seen a long time ago. It's rare that I dreamed of it last night, so I couldn't help but paint it."

An Jiu pointed a cat's claw to the things that stood up on the side, "What's the picture?"

"Grass, the one above is white clouds and blue sky." Meng Xiaotao pointed.

If you look closely at these two points, they really look alike.

As long as it is the weeds and the white clouds and blue sky, the paintings are somewhat abstract, which is really hard to recognize.

"What about this one?" Gu Huaiyu pointed to a small black mass under the two mandarin ducks.

Although they were all black, she always felt that the little black below this was different from the two above.

Meng Xiaotao took a look and said casually, "It's a dead person."

The atmosphere quieted down instantly.

Meng Xiaotao finally noticed that she had said something that shouldn’t have been said. She explained, “When I saw this, there was indeed a dead person and a woman.” She paused and added, “It’s because of being sunk. The woman in the pond."

"Then what did she do?" An Jiu asked.

Meng Xiaotao thought for a while, then shook her head, "Who remembers what happened for such a long time." She said nonchalantly, "There were too many women in Shentang at that time, and basically the reasons were the same. "

"Why hook up with a man? Why don't you obey women's way."

Gu Huaiyu heard her tone as if she was familiar with these things, so she asked, "Do you know this woman in the painting?"

Meng Xiaotao stopped with a brush in her hand, her tone sounded a little complicated, "I know, but I don't know him very well."

As she talked, she didn't have the mood to continue painting.

She felt uncomfortable when she suddenly dreamed about that scene last night. When she was in a bad mood, she drew it easily. She didn't expect Boss Gu and An Jiu to be interested.

Gu Huaiyu looked at the two big lumps and the small lumps of black round black balls.

The upper part is a pair of mandarin ducks, but the lower part is a woman sunk alone.

"From what angle did you see this scene."