This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 108: Complaint Pot [①]


Gu Huaiyu noticed that Meng Xiaotao's paintings were in a state of looking down, proving that she had seen this scene from a height at the time.

Meng Xiaotao thought for a while, "It should be standing on the bridge. I remember that there was a bridge, but it was a bit bad. The bridge seems to have been there for many years."

Gu Huaiyu didn't ask anything more, because she could see that Meng Xiaotao really didn't seem to want to talk about that year.

So she once again told Meng Xiaotao that there might be a visitor tomorrow, and then walked away.

But the next day, Boss Xu, who had said that he was coming to find her, did not have the above, and he did not have the above for several days.

Seeing that the other party hadn't come, Gu Huaiyu guessed that the other party's matter might be resolved, so he didn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, a few days later, the other party not only came over, but also ran over all the way in embarrassment.

At that time, Meng Xiaotao was boring to look at the store, and from time to time she turned over the books she had read before, and was always ready, waiting for the boss Gu to ask her questions again.

As a result, just after reading two pages, the bell behind the door rang, and it rang very quickly, as if someone suddenly slammed the door open.


Meng Xiaotao looked up, and was saying a skillful welcome line, "Welcome...Come here?!"

She looked at the other party's body dirty, and was already thinking about whether the other party came to do business or came to smash the shop.

Boss Xu put the business card Gu Huaiyu gave him on the table, panting roughly, his eyes looked a little scared, he asked, "This is Boss Gu's shop, am I not wrong?!"

Seeing the business card he handed over, Meng Xiaotao instantly understood in her heart.

"You are the boss Xu that you have agreed with our boss before."

As soon as Boss Xu heard that the other party could say his surname, the boulder in his heart fell instantly, his legs felt a little weak, and he almost fell down.

But fortunately, Ji Chun just passed by and took one handily.

"My friend, my body is a bit weak." Ji Chun said jokingly.

As a result, Boss Xu nodded his head unexpectedly, and said with a sad face, "After this, it will be worthless." He sighed deeply, and now he still feels that his heart is beating wildly, and the whole person is still Some trembling.

"Let's listen." Gu Huaiyu's voice came from the inner hall. At this moment, she was holding a cup of steaming milk tea in her hand, which seemed to have just been brewed.

As soon as Boss Xu saw Gu Huaiyu's face, tears burst into his eyes and he almost cried in his arms.

He almost gave up hope the other day, thinking he was going to die in that place.

Fortunately, I was lucky and escaped.

After Meng Xiaotao made him a cup of tea, she took Ji Chun and sat not far away, looking like preparations for daily eavesdropping.

Ji Chun took out a large amount of melon seeds from his pocket and placed it on the table, and asked, "Well?"

Meng Xiaotao patted him on the shoulder, "Friend, you are very experienced." After saying that, she picked up the melon seeds and licked with happiness.

Don't enjoy eating melons while eating melon seeds.

Gu Huaiyu glared at them secretly, and after seeing them lower their heads as much as possible, he barely let them go.

Boss Xu saw them like this, his face was also quite embarrassed, but he can be said to be quite anxious about this, so he didn't care about it, and after drinking a large cup of tea, he whispered.

He first explained the reason why he missed the appointment at that time.

"At that time, boss Gu and I decided to come to the store to look for you the next day, but when I was going to look for you, there was a problem with my project. Because of the distance, I wanted to see it. At the last glance, I came to you directly without any major problems. Unexpectedly, something happened."

Boss Xu sighed, recalling what happened that day, he was still a little frightened.

"When I followed the workers to see the place that day, one of the workers' head was hit by an excavator, and he was killed."

"When the incident happened, although other workers called the police quickly and called an ambulance, they waited for a long time and neither the police car nor the ambulance came. They dragged on for a long time, and the worker who was hit to the head couldn't hold it. "

"Finally, when the police cars came over, I heard that the road was blocked by stones. The police cars also waited for the road to be cleared before they could drive over. At that time, because I was the person in charge there, I had to cooperate with the inspection, and all the things that came and went were wasted that day."

After listening to Gu Huaiyu, he drank a mouthful of sweet milk tea, and asked without hesitation, "May I ask, what do you mean by Mr. Xu, the project?"

Boss Xu took out his business card from his pocket and handed it to Gu Huaiyu, and said, "I am in charge of the real estate sector. In recent years, the business in this area has been pretty good, so I made a little profit."

Gu Huaiyu took the business card and asked after taking a look, "The workers were building houses at that time?"

Boss Xu shook his head, "No, although I have taken that piece of land, but because there is a large pond, I need to fill the pond to cover it."

"That is to say, when the workers happened, it happened when the excavator filled the soil close to the pond?" Gu Huaiyu said faintly, "What if this is just an accident."

Boss Xu shook his head violently, with a look of fear in his eyes, "No, that was not an accident, it was a real problem."

"How to say?"

Boss Xu didn't hide it, and explained the cause and effect of the incident. "At that time, the workers took a break for lunch. Even the master who drove the excavator was also resting, so there was no one on the excavator."

"And the worker who died at that time was the master who drove the excavator."

An excavator without human control actually smashed the head of the excavator master very accurately. No matter what, this is quite a memory.

"Is it possible that the excavator is malfunctioning?" Gu Huaiyu raised a possibility.

Boss Xu’s face was bitter, “After the accident, I immediately asked the maintenance staff to inspect the excavator, but they said there was no problem at all, and the last maintenance was only a week away.”

Gu Huaiyu knew it, and was sure that this thing really didn't look like a human could do it.

"Something like this happened that day, but you didn't come here until today?" Gu Huaiyu tapped the tabletop.

Boss Xu was almost crying when she said that.

"Boss Gu, to tell you the truth, it's not that I don't want to come, but that I can't come at all."

Boss Xu cried and explained what was going on.

"Originally, after the matter was settled by someone, I could come over. But that night, the worker gave me something that looked like a jade pot, saying it was found on the construction site."

"I saw that the thing looked like an antique, plus that it was really good-looking, so I had it cleaned up and put it in my room."