This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 114: Complaint Pot [⑦]


Xu Tianyu's phone was still on with the screen on, and he turned his head slightly to look at the place where Gu Huaiyu's voice came from.

"What did you just say?" he asked.

Gu Huaiyu's laughter came over, and she said lazily, "I said, I may need you to move later."

"What are you moving?"

Gu Huaiyu's words were slightly malicious, and she said, "You look up."

Unknown Xu Tianyu raised his head and looked up according to Gu Huaiyu's words.

"Fuck, what the hell is this!" Xu Tianyu was terrified, and quickly backed up a few steps, accidentally tripped by something, and fell directly to the ground, while the phone was left in the same position just now.

Xu Tianyu's heart felt like it was about to jump out of his throat. He had never seen such a stimulating scene before, and it was a lifelong memory.

He just looked up at Gu Huaiyu's intention.

Because the screen of the phone was on, he could clearly see what was on the top.

I saw a figure that looked like a human, with his head stretched out and no facial features, just hanging upside down from the ceiling, as if looking at his mobile phone.

Seeing that picture, if it weren't for Xu Tianyu's fast reaction, I'm afraid the face without facial features would be put on his shoulders.

The human skin monster seemed to have no bones. Not only did it stick to the ceiling, but even the thinly skinned hand stretched out tentatively, looking in the direction as if he wanted to touch Xu Tianyu.

Xu Tianyu was so frightened that he lost his voice in an instant, his eyes opened slightly wide, and his mouth opened and closed, as if he wanted to speak, calling for help or something.

He tried his best to ignore the monster that was getting closer and closer to him, his eyes kept gazing towards the floating window sill, wanting to ask Gu Huaiyu to save him.

But when he saw that Gu Huaiyu was still drinking red wine in a leisurely enjoyment, he didn't know where the anger came from, so he closed his mouth tightly, but didn't say a word for help.

He tried to move his body, but because he was so scared, he didn't move at all. He could only watch the monster getting closer and closer to him.

Just when the monster was less than a finger distance away from him, it disappeared in the next moment.

At the place where the monster was originally, Gu Huaiyu, who was still drinking red wine, stood.

Xu Tianyu watched standing in front of him, watching the light coming through the window hit her, he seemed to hear his own heartbeat, one after another, as if telling him.

—You are done.

"Tsk, I can actually hold back not calling for help." Gu Huaiyu muttered a little dissatisfied.

She just wanted to teach the other party a lesson, and didn't intend to really hurt him.

However, it was unexpected to her that a person who seemed rather courageous could really hold back not calling for help.

Xu Tianyu tremblingly supported the wall and slowly stood up. The blood that had been frozen in his body gradually flowed toward the limbs, and his whole body slowly recovered.

He hesitated and said, "Are you really a liar?" As if he couldn't believe that he had misunderstood the other party.

Gu Huaiyu raised an eyebrow and smiled, "Did you just see it? Didn't you see it clearly just now? Would you like me to let it out to play with you?"

"No, no more." Xu Tianyu tactfully refused.

"Turn on the light." Gu Huaiyu said.

After speaking, she went straight to the door and opened the door directly when people outside the door did not react.

In an instant, the two people who were peeping quietly outside the door could not stand firmly, and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, they all held on to the wall in time, but there was no embarrassment.

"Does it look good?" Gu Huaiyu looked at the two Meng Xiaotao with a smile.

"... It looks good." Meng Xiaotao replied slyly.

"Then you know how to deal with this?"

Meng Xiaotao shook her head violently, her voice aggrieved, "I don't know, I haven't seen it clearly just now."

Because Boss Xu is fatter, although the two lie on one side of the door, she is squeezed and can only see a small amount of things, that is, she sees something like human skin moving.

On the contrary, it was Xu Dafu who saw more things. He hesitated and asked, "Boss Gu, what on earth does that thing come from, and how does it look like...human skin."

Regardless of its skin tone or texture, it looks like a piece of skin that has been peeled off. There are limbs and everything, but it looks soft, like no bones.

Gu Huaiyu nodded with a smile, "Yes, that's human skin."

Xu Dafu's expression is quite complicated at the moment.

"Well... why did it appear in my room?" He asked the question he most wanted to ask.

After being confirmed by Gu Huaiyu that it was human skin, Xu Dafu couldn't say the word human skin, and he always felt a little weird.

"About this..." Gu Huaiyu said, and then took out the jade pot that was specially placed in a specific position, "It got out of it."

In order to determine whether the strange thing Xu Dafu said before, Gu Huaiyu had anything to do with this jade pot, she deliberately placed the jade pot closer to Xu Tianyu, while she was observing the jade from a distance. Pot changes.

As she expected, this matter really had something to do with this jade pot.

At that time, she was sitting in front of the floating window sill. Although she was sipping red wine in her mouth, she was actually carefully observing the situation of the jade pot.

A little black thing spread out, and then spread to the ceiling. Finally, it formed a feeling like being hung upside down. Gu Huaiyu was not sure what it wanted to do.

Until Xu Tianyu turned on the phone, she saw the true face of the thing.

It can be said that it was really beyond her expectation.

She had never seen such a thing.

The thing stretched out its hand towards Xu Tianyu, as if it wanted to touch the other person's face.

Actually, it's not quite right. It should be said that the monster was heading towards Xu Tianyu's face, and looking at the long fingertips, it was more like peeling off his face.

"But we took a torch and looked at it carefully this morning, there is nothing here."

Xu Dafu's hands trembled a little, and he couldn't believe that the monster really got out of here. When he thought that he had been so close to the monster, he even tentatively stuck his fingers in.

Gu Huaiyu weighed the jade pot in his hand, and couldn't tell why for a while.

"I don't know this, I need to ask someone who understands this."

She can only tell whether the thing is genuine or not, and how old it is, but she only knows a little about other things.

"That monster...will it appear again?" Xu Tianyu felt a little difficult when he said this, as if he was reluctant to ask.

Gu Huaiyu gave him a meaningful look and said, "I haven't done anything to it, of course I will come out again."

"... I'm looking for you to play."