This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 119: Complaint Pot [12]


Version 119

When Xu Dafu talked about the scene at the time, he couldn't help but wiped the cold sweat from his head.

"It was just a little bit worse at the time. If it weren't for my quick response, I guess I would have to fold both of them." Xu Dafu said.

Gu Huaiyu squinted his eyes and thought, "Then what about the girl you picked up halfway?"

Xu Dafu shook his head and said sadly, "It's gone, it's gone after a car accident."

Gu Huaiyu nodded, indicating that he was clear.

"Then Dad, since you are okay, why did you come to the hospital?" Xu Tianyu couldn't help asking.

Xu Da sighed, "I'm fine, but your Uncle Fang is okay. He heard the doctor say that he hit his head in a car accident and is unconscious now. I have to wait for his family here."

Looking at this situation, I have to wait in the hospital for a while.

Seeing that the matter was not resolved so quickly, Meng Xiaotao told what she knew.

She looked at the jade pot Xu Tianyu was holding and said, "Boss Gu, I should know what is going on with this thing."

Gu Huaiyu raised her eyebrows, "She told you?"

Meng Xiaotao nodded slightly, "We talked a lot last night and know a little bit."

Upon seeing this, Gu Huaiyu asked her to tell what she knew.

Meng Xiaotao didn't start to explain, but looked at Xu Tianyu and said to him, "You give me this jade pot first. I'm afraid that after I finish talking, you won't hold it firmly for a while and you will break it."

Xu Tianyu was stunned for a moment, and then handed the jade pot to Meng Xiaotao in a hurry.

At the beginning, he was too taboo about this problematic jade pot, but then Gu Huaiyu forced him to take it. In addition, his old man suddenly called and said that he was in the hospital. I forgot about the pot.

Now that Meng Xiaotao said that, he immediately reacted, as if he had thrown away the hot potato, and even felt that the part of his body that had just touched the jade pot was cool, and the whole person was uncomfortable.

Meng Xiaotao lightly touched the edge of the jade pot before slowly telling the source of the jade pot.

"The original purpose of this jade pot was to suppress those women in the pond who didn't want to leave." Meng Xiaotao sighed and continued, "Ah Yao said, I don't know when the pond was full of resentful ghosts. More and more, everyone was unwilling to die with such a name on their backs, so one day, things finally broke out..."

"I haven't done this before, I really haven't! Please let me go." The woman is like a caged beast, constantly trying to pull away the cage that imprisons her.

But even if her hands were dripping with blood from pulling the cage, the cage that imprisoned her still stood still and lifted her to the pond intact.

Anything a woman does is of no avail.

Her defense, her pleading, and even confession of her own mistakes, even if it was not true.

But none of those people wavered, and they didn't even give her a look, as if she was just an insignificant animal, about to be consecrated by them to Lord Water, praying again for a year of good weather.

However, how the woman cried, how unwilling to be, her fate was already doomed by the group of people.

Under the pretext of seducing neighboring villagers, she sank her into the pond.

"You are all looking at my lonely family and the elders of my family are all dead, so that you can do such a conscienceless thing." The woman yelled at the men who carried her to the edge of the pond through the pig cage. .

The water gradually overflowed her body, and the woman's eyes only left despair. Her lips murmured, and the next moment she felt like she suddenly lost her heart, hysterical, cursing them desperately.

"I curse you. From now on, you won't be able to sleep well every night, and you won't be able to die from life to life. I want you to atone for what you have done!"

The woman looked like a ghost. After staring fiercely at everyone present, she finished her words to curse them. Without waiting for the pig cage to sink, she bit her tongue and killed herself.

The red blood, like a curse word, slowly drifted away in the pond, like a weeping flower, gradually withering.

They heard a lot of curses like this, but no one cared at all at the time.

But after that, the people in the village, one by one, lived as they were cursed by that woman. When the night fell, the cry of resentment and hatred would always be accompanied by the wind.

At first everyone thought it was who was playing the prank, but what happened after that made them think about it no more.

In the beginning, the people in the village fell ill in just two days, and at the same time, even the animals in the family were melancholy all day long and lacked any energy.

Secondly, according to the past, as long as the women who have lost their virtues are provided to the Lord of Water, then the next year, the whole village will be smooth, and even the crops will be better than other times.

But this time it was different.

Not only did the weather go smoothly, but even the crops were hit by a plague of locusts that was rare in decades, and everyone didn't even leave a small bag of grain.

I don't know since when everyone believed in the curse of that woman before her death, they couldn't help feeling guilty.

To be honest, it is that they did not do it authentically.

After placing a name for a woman who has no relatives at random, she just contributed her to Lord Water...

After the strange thing happened, everyone blamed all the mistakes on the person who brought it up.

But this person can be considered capable.

Seeing that Dajia had blamed himself for the mistake, he didn't get angry, but rather kindly found a capable Taoist priest.

As soon as the Taoist priest came, there was no need for everyone to say, as if he knew the source of the strange incident, he walked straight to the only pond in the village.

After holding the peach-wood sword at will, after doing two rituals by the pond, the bones of the woman who cursed the villagers were picked up and burned into ashes to make her look like a jade pot, so that she could never live longer. .

The people in the village listened to the advice of the old way and picked a few daring fish in the pond.

But over the years, too many women have been used by them to supply the Lord of Water on various excuses.

They all confine them with pig cages, and then let them die in despair.

There are too many, and they are all the same, and everyone is in trouble in a moment.

At exactly this moment, I don’t know who said, “Since they are all the same, just burn them to ashes. Mix the ashes together so that you won’t miss that.”

Perhaps everyone was frightened by these things, and without even thinking about it, they immediately agreed to this approach.

Perhaps it was their luck. After they did these things, no strange things happened in the village anymore, and even the crops were restored to their previous appearances.

Except for the sad cry of the woman who always accompanies them to sleep every night.

But after getting used to it, no one takes it seriously anymore.