This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 12: Strange commission 12


But it was obvious that Chang Yan was running away from Wu Yunsheng, and he didn't even want to see him.

So Gu Huaiyu was actually quite curious about what happened between Chang Yan and Wu Yunsheng.

After Chang Yan left, Gu Huaiyu played with Mengshi, then glanced at the clock hung on the wall.

"An Jiu, it's late, rest early." After saying that, Gu Huaiyu made the bed, then lay down, placing the dream stone next to the pillow.

Before going to bed, Gu Huaiyu glanced at the Mengshi next to the pillow.

The dream stone radiated a little light blue light in the dark, looking very dreamy.

"It's a pity, it's useless this time." Gu Huaiyu said with some regret.

An Jiu jumped onto the bed lightly, then stepped on the other pillow of Gu Huaiyu, and after he found a suitable position, he settled down with satisfaction.

"What's a pity, anyway, Mengshi is left unused like this, and it will slowly disappear sooner or later."

An Jiu was right. In addition to being hard to find, Mengshi was also hard to keep.

If it is not carefully preserved, the dream stone will soon disappear.

But even if it was carefully preserved, it just made the dream stone disappear so quickly.

"Go to sleep." After Gu Huaiyu said this, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

An Jiu also went to sleep with her.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there was a person in the dark room.

An unknown breath began to fill the room.

The black shadow walked in the direction of Gu Huaiyu step by step, and every step he took, there would be a click on the floor, just like the sound of something soiled with water touching the ground.

And the sound of dripping water echoed throughout the room.

It's ticking.

In a quiet room, it sounds creepy.

Gu Huaiyu didn't have the slightest movement, but still slept sweetly.

An Jiu was a little restless in his sleep.

Because he seemed to hear some sounds, like a person who couldn't speak, trying to say the whole thing desperately, his insufficient throat kept hissing, full of breath sounds.

"Leave... leave... the rules... can't... break."

The voice was intermittent, and it sounded uncomfortable for him.

At this moment, An Jiu thought he was having a strange dream, and never thought that all of this was true. The wet hand that kept dropping water drops was about to touch him.

At this moment, the dream stone, which had always only exuded a light blue soft light, suddenly seemed to be stimulated, and the soft light suddenly became dazzling.

In the dark room, the area where Gu Huaiyu was located was illuminated.

So before the shadow touched An Jiu, a light blue light wrapped them in.

When the black shadow outside the light touched the light, it was like touching something hot, and a lot of white smoke came out of the fingertips.

The black shadow stabbed by the light withdrew his hand back, and in the end he could only have one person and one cat who was unwilling to look at the sex with resentment.

Seeing the light still expanding, the shadow disappeared after not long after seeing them.

So the room was quiet again before.

The room is quiet, but Gu Huaiyu's current state is not stable.

To be precise, Gu Huaiyu entered a dream, a dream with a montage effect, and she was just a bystander, who could not change anything.

The dreams are chaotic, intermittent, and basically not connected together.

She first saw the predecessor of the Kotel Hotel.

It was built by a Chinese man.

At first, the man just wanted a place to stay, and wanted to have a home that belonged to him, so the man built this house.

Later, the house was built, but the man also spent all his savings. In desperation, the man had to rent out a few rooms in the house.

In that era, most of the people who were able to rent a house outside were a group of businessmen who came on business trips.

The merchant is not bad for money, and the house is newly built and the facilities are good, so there are not many renters.

Later, the man saw that the house was so good to rent out, so he made a decision.

The man turned his house into a hotel that could be rented out.

This is the predecessor of the Kotel Hotel.

Everything was fine at the beginning, the house was easy to rent, and men didn't have to work hard for living expenses.

But human desires will continue to grow.

A man is no longer satisfied with the few rents he can collect every day, because the rent received every day is only enough for his daily food and clothing, but if he wants to be better, he can't do it.

So the man who is hard to fill makes a decision.

He reduced the cost of rent, and then attracted a large number of businessmen to come to move in.

When the businessman fell into a deep sleep, the man killed the businessman and took his property as his own.

In the end, in order to deal with the corpses, the man began to take the ill-gotten wealth, and then began to find someone to build the hotel.

Every night, when the workers of the extra construction left, the men tried their best to dispose of the corpses, and then stuffed them between the wet concrete wall and the floor.

After repeating this for more than a month, the hotel was finally added and the merchants disappeared forever.

After that, the man deliberately created a secret sloping passage, in order to deal with the place where the body will be used later.

Gu Huaiyu looked at everything the man did, and finally understood why a seemingly ordinary hotel would have space distortion.

It seems that there are too many dead souls, which leads to the emergence of multiple spaces.

Gu Huaiyu stared blankly at the man doing murder and seizing goods day after day.

Gu Huaiyu couldn't stop what the man did, because she knew very well that she was in the dream territory now, and everything she saw was a fact that happened a long time ago.

Men are killing more and more people, and even summed up a set of killing guidelines.

Most of the men killed were merchants from other places. Although someone reported that there was something wrong with the hotel, when the detectives came to investigate, they couldn't find out anything.

After a long time, there are no agents willing to pay attention to this matter.

The agent stopped investigating, but the man began to feel scared inexplicably.

Afraid of waking up at night, his neatness looks terrified.

In this situation, the man died soon after.

But his way of death is a bit strange.

To be precise, it should be a bit disgusting.

The skin on the man’s body seemed to have been completely peeled off. The blood and red flesh of the veins were all exposed, his eyes were round and his mouth was very large, and his tongue was cut off. It looked like See something terrifying.

The surrounding area was filled with traces of crazily scratching nails, and it seemed that the man had experienced extremely painful torture before he died.

On the wall, he used his own blood to reluctantly write a string of English.


Gu Huaiyu didn't know how the man died, only that it was extremely painful for the man to die.


Suddenly the cat's cry came from Gu Huaiyu's feet.