This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 127: Complaint Pot [20]


Version 127


"Grandpa San, Grandpa San, open the door!" Suzuran slammed the door and shouted quickly, "Sister Hua'er will be dragged by the village chief to worship Lord Water."

There was the sound of things colliding in the room, and after a number of collisions, the closed door finally opened.

The man called the third grandfather opened the door with a face full of disbelief. He asked in a shivering voice, "Xiao Lan'er, what did you just say?!"

Suzuran hurriedly said what she had just said again, and said what she had overheard.

"I heard the village chief and they said that they are going to take Sister Hua'er to worship Prince Shui, saying that there is no one in Sister Hua'er's house, and you are the only one." Suzuran swallowed and continued, "They Said that you will leave sooner or later, when Hua'er sister will have no relatives in the village."

Grandpa San's mouth was trembling for a long time before he tremblingly took out his crutches from the side, and said as he walked, "I'm going to ask the village chief for more details."

Upon seeing this, Suzuran hurriedly walked to the side of Grandpa San, watched him carefully from the side, and tried to clear away some stones blocking the way.

Soon they walked to the village chief's house.

They stopped at the door of the village chief’s house. Grandpa San suddenly turned to look at Lily of the valley. After a while, in the puzzled eyes of Lily of the valley, he slowly said, “Xiao Lan’er, you go back first. Think of it as not knowing."

As he said, his dry, wrinkled hands pushed the lily of the valley, which was supporting him, to one side.

"But Grandpa San..." Suzuran was worried, and wanted to say something.

Grandpa San shook his head at her, "Don't tell anyone what you hear." After saying this, he waved to her, and after he knocked on the door, he heard it inside. After the sound of letting him in, he pushed the door in.

Suddenly, Suzuran looked at the door that was closing in front of her, and suddenly felt a sudden shock in her heart for some reason.

She gritted her teeth, turned around and went to see Sister Huaer without saying a word.

But she looked around and didn't catch the second sister Hua. When she went back, she happened to ran into the third grandfather who had returned to the village chief's house.

Upon seeing this, Suzuran hurried forward and asked, "Grandpa San, how is the matter with Sister Hua'er, what did the village chief say?"

Grandpa San stopped, then looked at Lily of the valley with a complicated expression, and said after a moment, "Your sister Hua'er is okay, and the village chief has promised not to choose her to sacrifice to the Lord of Water."

When Suzuran heard it, she instantly became happy.

Sister Hua'er is her favorite person in the village. When she heard that Sister Hua'er was okay, Lily of the valley's eyes curled up with a happily smile.

"Sister Hua'er is fine." Lily of the valley said happily.

Grandpa San looked at Suzuran's smiling face, his mouth trembled, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything, just reached out and rubbed Suzuran's head, and said, "Sister Hua'er these days. If everything is wrong, don't go and play with her."

Lily of the valley responded crisply, "Okay, then I won't look for Sister Huaer these days."

Grandpa San looked at her with complicated expressions for a long time, and finally he sighed, then crouched and walked away with his crutches.

Although Suzuran felt that today's third grandfather was a bit strange, she only regarded it as scared by the matter of Sister Hua'er.

At night, lily of the valley was lying on the left and right sides of the baby and couldn't fall asleep, always feeling a sad feeling in her heart.

After turning over several times, she still couldn't fall asleep, so she had to get up from her sex and sat on the edge of the bed, thinking that she didn't understand why the village chief would choose Sister Hua'er.

When Sister Hua'er was very young, her father left, and her mother was given an excuse by the village chief, so she stuffed it directly into the pig cage and drowned.

Suzuran curled her lips and said something about offering sacrifices to the Lord of Water. According to her, those people must have done this for what she had never believed in.

Suddenly, the crowing of chickens rang out in the yard. It sounded like someone came in, and then the chickens were disturbed.

Suddenly, Suzuran's heart tightened, and slowly fumbled out of the bed. After putting on her shoes, she picked up the sickle behind the door, and then opened the door cautiously.

As a result, I saw the light of torches outside, and it seemed that there were quite a few people coming.

Suzuran panicked. She wanted to close the door for the first time, but the people outside the door pushed the door open as if they knew she was awake.

Lily of the valley had little strength, and within a short time, the door was pushed open.

She looked at the people outside with a look of horror.

The village head and those who advocate offering sacrifices to the water prince.

Suddenly there was a guess in her mind. She thought of the appearance of Grandpa San after he came out of the village chief's house today.

Suzuran couldn't believe it and said, "What do you want to do?"

The village chief glanced at her, did not talk too much nonsense to her, but raised his chin to the two people around him, "Take her away."

Upon seeing this, Suzuran kept backing away, and said, "What do you want to do, my parents won't let you do this."

Seeing that she was still confused about the situation, the village chief sneered, "If you are your father and mother’s biological daughter, it’s okay, but you just picked it up, plus they have sons, daughters or something, of course. You can handle it whatever you want."

Suzuran couldn't believe it and shouted in the room, "Daddy and mother! Help me, the village chief and them are crazy."

But the people who were just separated by a wall showed no signs of being disturbed, and even the lights in the entire room were blown out immediately after she screamed.

Suzuran finally realized that she had been abandoned.

Seeing that her adoptive parents didn't have the slightest plan to save her, Lily of the valley gritted her teeth, and finally decided to do nothing, picking up the sickle in her hand as if killing her.

First, she scratched the two people who came to catch her with a sickle, and then rushed out without saying anything. She waved the sickle, as if anyone would dare to stop her.

But just two steps away, she was grabbed by the person who was scratching her back by her hair, and then slammed her to the ground with force.

With this shake, not only did the sickle in Suzuran's hand be shaken off, even Suzuran herself was dizzy and wished to faint immediately.

She fell so hard that she couldn't react for a while.

But she could hear what they were talking about.

The person who was scratched by her said, "Damn, this little girl is fierce enough. If I don't fix her today, Li Han will be nothing but nothing."

As soon as the voice fell, Suzuran felt her wrist being stepped under the foot, and the other party deliberately crushed it a few times. She only felt a pain and couldn't help but screamed.

Not only did her scream fail to let these frantic people let her go, but it aroused their cruel mentality.

The village chief looked aside and didn't stop them from attacking Lily of the valley. He just said indifferently, "Don't cause death, you will bring me to sacrifice to the Lord of Water tomorrow."

When the people who did it heard it, some couldn't help but blow their whistle with excitement, rub their hands, and then cooperated with the others to take off Lily of the valley's clothes.