This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 129: Complaint Pot [22]


Version 129

Lily of the valley's heart was cold, like a lake in winter, a biting cold came out of it when the tentacles touched it.

In the end, she slowly sank into the icy pond under the expectant gaze of the group of people.

The water of the pond instantly soaked her whole person, the wound on her body was still aching, and the abyss was deep beneath her.

There was something under the pond, which wrapped her in layers, slowly tightening her bit by bit.

Suzuran thought to herself, she was probably dead.

With such thoughts in her arms, she didn't have the slightest struggle, letting those silky strips tighten her in circles.

'Want to take revenge? '

A weird voice suddenly sounded, whispering in her ear like a demon whispering, the thin strip that entangled her brushed her face and continued to tempt her.

'...Hate them? '

'Give you a chance. '

'only need to… '

Suzuran heard the words behind her, and she opened her mouth slightly, choking the water in her mouth to float upward in the form of bubbles.

She said, "Okay."

Strange things happened in the village. In just one night, as many as four or five people were involved in the night, and they were all men who were responsible for taking people to worship the Lord of Water.

These people are all strong and strong, but their current situation is extremely miserable.

The skin on their bodies was peeled off alive, and the ground nearby was full of traces of their struggle.

Seeing this scene, the first to panic was Li Han and the village chief who had escaped.

Because he sacrificed people to the Lord of Water yesterday, Li Han could not help but go to the village chief for a drink after he was physically and mentally relieved, greeted the brothers and left.

Later, when he was drunk, the village chief simply let him deal with him in the guest room for the whole night.

They often do this, and people in the village chief’s family are all used to it.

It was because of the village chief's stay that Li Han escaped a catastrophe.

When he saw that the skins of those people were completely peeled off alive, Li Han's heart immediately throbbed.

Because of this tragic situation, it was exactly the same as they had to that stinky girl in Suzuran before.

But except for a few of them, even the village head didn’t even know the people who knew about it. Could it be that the stinky girl’s adoptive parents avenged her

Li Han shook his head, knowing it was impossible. Judging from the fact that Linglan’s adoptive parents sold her, let alone avenging her, even the things they did that day did not stop him. If you want revenge, you will do it as early as that meeting.

The village chief looked at the whole person whose skin had been completely peeled off with a gloomy expression.

In fact, if they insist, they don't even look like humans at all.

They are still alive, but there is not even a single piece of skin left on their bodies, as if a person with great skill quickly peeled off their skins.

Because of the excellent technique, except that the skin on the body is gone, there is no other damage. Even the gaps in the body are caused by rubbing on the ground due to excessive pain.

The evidence is that there are some minced meat rubbed off by them.

The men are dying, and after struggling all night, they can only breathe more and less air, and it seems that they will not be able to hold on to death for a long time.

Seeing this, Li Han hurriedly stepped forward to help the person closest to him, but as soon as he saw the red flesh and white fat on his body, his extended hand stopped there instantly.

When the man saw that his hand, which was only a few distance away from him, retracted, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Li Han.

After the man laughed a few times, he stretched out his finger to Li Han, "You can't escape, you can't escape, she's back, she's back to seek revenge from us." After he said this, the corner of his mouth was strange. Smiling, looking at the villagers who surrounded them, no one started to rescue them.

"You can't escape!" After he shrieked the last sentence, he fell to the ground in a daze, staring at Li Han in front of him.

Several other people were the same as this person. After talking nonsense in their mouths, they fell directly to the ground, motionless, but what they had in common was indeed a weird smile at the corners of their mouths. Others only felt oozing when they saw it. Panic.

The village chief looked at the dead men without saying a word. After a while, he told Li Han beside him, "Find all their skins."

He didn't believe what these people said at all. If those who were taken by him to offer sacrifices to the Water Lord wanted revenge, it is estimated that they would have done it 800 years ago, and they would not have done it until today.

The skin of the men was peeled off, but the peeled skin was not seen around, most likely it was hidden.

Li Han felt his calf trembling, and he knew who she was in their mouths.

Don’t look at him playing crazy, but like the whim of last night, taking a knife to peel off the skin of that stinky girl was actually the first time he did it, mainly because he saw that his arm was cut long by her. I didn’t know what to think at the time when I saw one of my wounds, but the anger didn’t come out.

Thinking of revenge in his heart, just when he saw Suzuran's fairly delicate skin, he suddenly had the idea of peeling her off.

But now when he saw this scene, he suddenly felt like someone was standing behind him. She held something sharp like a sharp weapon in her hand, piercing into his flesh little by little, as if it only needed so much. With a light pick, his skin will be picked off.

Li Han thought of this, and suddenly looked back nervously.

But besides the group of people who came to watch, there was no one he had guessed.

Seeing that Li Han hadn't listened to his instructions, the village chief felt dissatisfied instantly, frowning, and said in a bad tone, "What are you thinking about? Find out where their skins are."

He said that he didn't know what he thought of, and snorted coldly.

"I still don't believe these are really haunted."

After Li Han calmed down, he immediately responded.

In his heart, he really hopes to be able to tell the village chief that it is man-made rather than haunted.

Because this time the matter was a bit big, after discussion, everyone unanimously decided to find out the missing skins first.

Li Han looked at Linglan's adoptive parents for the first time. They all looked terrified and seemed to know something.

He planned to search their home first. He felt that the most likely people to do these things were the adoptive parents who had raised Lily of the valley for more than ten years.

Hearing that Li Han was going to their house first, the couple changed their faces immediately, and directly stretched out their fingers to swear at Li Han's nose.

"Well, Li Han, I haven't said anything about what you did last night. What you said to sacrifice to the Lord of Water, I think it is you who are cheaper!" After the adoptive mother spit on the ground, she continued.

"How miserable my Xiaolan was last night, pity me with old arms and legs, I can't stop you beasts at all." As he said, the foster mother pretended to rub her hands under her eyes.