This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 13: Strange commission 13


There was a cat cry at his feet. For an instant, Gu Huaiyu thought it was An Jiu, but unexpectedly, it was not An Jiu, but a kitten that looked a little like An Jiu.

Its eyes were aquamarine, and the faint green pupils looked straight at the man who had already died on the ground, looking extremely humane.

Then it did something that Gu Huaiyu hadn't expected.

The kitten walked forward, then leaned in front of the man's face, lowered his head, opened his mouth and bit at the man's face.

The picture looks extremely disgusting and terrifying.

The man's face was torn and swallowed by the kitten in a short while, and a few traces of blood could be seen on the pale bones.

Even though Gu Huaiyu was not afraid of these things, he still felt nauseous in his chest.

Finally, she turned her head, and stopped looking at the next thing, only the sound of chewing things came from her ears.

After the sound ended, Gu Huaiyu turned back to look at the place where the man had lay down.

The man's corpse was only left with a pile of jagged bones, which appeared to be laid loose and messy on the ground.

The kitten seemed very satisfied. It licked the tips of its own paws and smoothed its fur. Finally, it stood up and looked at the only remaining bones on the ground before leaving. Seeing that there was nothing worth taking away, it did so. left.

After the kitten left, Gu Huaiyu approached the pile of bones, and stopped at the words written by the man with all his strength.


She had some guesses about this word in her mind, but she was not sure.

Finally, Gu Huaiyu stroked the blood stains on the wall with his hand and sighed, "If you weren't too greedy, how could you have fallen to this point."

As soon as the voice fell, the scene in front of Gu Huaiyu's eyes began to be blurred and distorted, and when she saw it again, the scene became standing at the door of the hotel.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the sign that was hanging in front of the hotel, Kotel Hotel, and there was a sign next to the sign that said, “Cotel Hotel is a 20% discount today.

There was the sound of a car parking behind her, and Gu Huaiyu turned her head to look, and saw a young and lively girl getting off the taxi, carrying a suitcase in her hand, and she looked very happy.

It's like, who's going to go to the appointment.

Gu Huaiyu had seen the girl in front of her, from the information sent by Daojun Fuze, the girl who died strangely on the rooftop.

Immediately afterwards, the picture began to blur again, and Gu Huaiyu knew very well that this was caused by the transition of time, so she waited patiently.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the picture to become clear again.

The only difference is that the happy girl who was smiling in front of Gu Huaiyu just now frowned, her mouth pursed and staring at the content on the phone, she looked a little unhappy, and she also brought some The tangled emotions are inside.

Finally she sighed, as if she had made a decision, and then tapped on the phone as if she was replying to someone.

The picture then changed, and then Gu Huaiyu saw an unexpected person in his dream, the twins, Henry and Cowen.

Henry and Cowen seemed to be playing hide-and-seek with the girl.

At the elevator entrance.

I don't know if it was Gu Huaiyu's illusion, she always felt that the two brothers wanted to lead the girl out of the elevator, and wanted her to go to the first floor from the safe passage.

It was as if I wanted her to leave here.

Gu Huaiyu raised his eyebrows, and sure enough, the two brothers must know some more important things.

The girl played with them quite cooperatively at first, but it didn't take long, nor did he leave the floor as Henry and Cowen expected.

After the girl finally said something to them, she returned to the elevator again and pressed a few keys casually.

Gu Huaiyu looked at the room number sign behind him, room 1404.

This is room 4 on the fourteenth floor, which is the room where Xu Lan lives.

I'm just not sure if the girl lived here at the time.

The girl pressed the elevator a few times. Seeing that the elevator did not close as she expected, she looked at the watch on her hand, as if time was too late, and finally she gave up the idea of taking the elevator and changed to a safe passage.

It's just that they didn't go to the first floor according to the ideas of the two brothers, but chose to continue to go upstairs.

After a while of dizziness, Gu Huaiyu's eyes lit up again.

Only this time on the rooftop of the hotel.

As if everything was destined.

The girl quarreled with a man in punk clothes. She seemed to disagree with some of the man's opinions.

Gu Huaiyu couldn't hear what they were arguing, but it didn't prevent her from reading lips.

"Jason, that's just a legend, it can't be true, don't be stupid." The girl yelled at the man hysterically.

The man grabbed the girl's wrist, his eyes were twisted and crazy.

"If we don't try, how can we know that it's a legend rather than the truth? All legends have their origins. Qiu Yi, let's try, please, we only need to try once." Although Jason said beggingly , But gradually tightened his hand, not allowing Qiu Yi to leave.

Qiu Yi looked at Jason like this as if he was watching a madman. She shook her head and said resistingly, "Jason, you are crazy."

This sentence was like the key to opening Pandora's box. After she said this sentence, Jason was in trouble.

He dragged Qiu Yi up to the water tower with brute force and pushed her head into the water. No matter how hard she struggled to resist, it was to no avail in the end.

Her movements were getting slower and slower, and finally the struggling hands were weakly slumped and put down without any more movement.

Gu Huaiyu looked at what happened before her indifferently, she was just an ordinary spectator now.

Jason looked at Qiu Yi, who was already motionless and obviously dead, a trace of regret flashed through his eyes, but his eyes soon became firm again.

He has no turning back.

Then Jason suddenly took out a slightly yellowed paper with some weird words on it, and started to read the words sweetly.

When Jason's voice stopped, a cat suddenly appeared silently behind him.

Gu Huaiyu recognized it. This cat was the one that ate the body of the former owner of the hotel.

But the cat's appearance has not changed the slightest, just like when Gu Huaiyu saw it before, not even the slightest change in body shape.


The sudden cat cry shocked Jason, who was a guilty conscience. But when he turned around and saw the kitten behind him, there was a glimmer of joy in his eyes.

He respectfully knelt down in front of the kitten, as if he was worshipping a god.

"Master Beelzebub, this is a sacrifice offered to you by your humble servant. I only hope that you will be able to give your humble servant some trivial rewards while enjoying it with satisfaction."

Beelzebub? !

This title surprised Gu Huaiyu. She didn't expect that it was just an ordinary commission that would have something to do with Beelzebu, one of the twelve demon gods of the Western Hell, who possesses the crime of gluttony.

Beelzebu looked condescendingly at Jason, who was kneeling on the ground and surrendering to him.