This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 15: Strange commission 15


Probably the more Xu Lan said later, the more unbearable it became, and An Jiu felt uncomfortable.

He groaned, "It seems that Xu Lan doesn't intend to keep hiding anymore."

Gu Huaiyu shrugged meaninglessly, "I didn't force her, it's because she can't bear the psychological hints."

Yesterday, after seeing the three cards Xu Lan randomly drew, Gu Huaiyu began to consciously make psychological hints to Xu Lan.

If Xu Lan has no problem, then naturally there will be nothing, and vice versa.

An Jiu was a little surprised, "When did you give the hint, why don't I know."

Gu Huaiyu sneered, "If it's so easy for you to see, what hint would I give?"

In the conversation with Xu Lan yesterday, she mentioned the bracelet on Xu Lan's wrist many times, and unconsciously mentioned the material of the bracelet.

If it hadn't been for Xu Lan to worry about her being discovered, she would not come to her door today, and it was such a crazy gesture.

"But to my surprise, I didn't expect her to come so soon."

Gu Huaiyu directly ignored Xu Lan, who was slapped crazy outside, and sighed.

"The mental quality of young people nowadays is not good."

An Jiu hummed, "It's just your age."

In the end, An Jiu, who was honest, was repaired by Gu Huaiyu.

I don't know if it is because Gu Huaiyu's spirit of killing and not opening the door is grateful to Xu Lan. After Xu Lan patted the door for a while, she finally gave up and turned away.

He just smiled weirdly at the cat's eye before leaving.

Through the cat's eyes, Gu Huaiyu noticed that Xu Lan had already gone away outside the door, and then he let go of his heart.

"I originally planned to solve Xu Lan's matter today, but the things that need to be used haven't arrived yet, and now it's a bit hanged."

Gu Huaiyu sighed and said to An Jiu, "The young people nowadays are really speechless." Obviously she remembered the words Xu Lan said by the way when she was shooting the door.

An Jiu was about to laugh at Gu Huaiyu's old age when the door of the locked room suddenly clicked, and it was obvious that someone outside the door opened the door with a key card.

Gu Huaiyu and An Jiu became alert for an instant.

Even the fur on An Jiu's body was erected because of guard, and he looked like he was a circle larger.

Unsurprisingly, the one who opened the door with the room card was Xu Lan who had just shot the door and cursed Gu Huaiyu.

Xu Lan pushed the door open, with a weird smile on his face, shaking the room card in his hand in front of Gu Huaiyu.

It was obvious that she had just left to get a spare room card at the counter downstairs.

An Jiu looked at Gu Huaiyu with some worry, but Gu Huaiyu was not as guarded as he had imagined, but rather at ease.

"If you can think of getting a spare room card, you are much smarter than I believe." Gu Huaiyu looked at Xu Lan, who was holding a knife in his hand, and hesitated, "Your knife, the shape looks a bit unique."

Xu Lan walked in the direction of Gu Huaiyu step by step, and finally stopped in front of Gu Huaiyu.

"You think this knife is not bad, too." Xu Lan swung the knife in her hand in front of Gu Huaiyu twice, then smiled and said, "This knife was given to me by my father, and it was the only thing he gave me."

The person Gu Huaiyu looked at, "You are not Xu Lan."

'Xu Lan' raised her eyebrows, "You can see that I am indeed not my sister."

With that, she sat on the chair leisurely, obviously she didn't think that Gu Huaiyu could threaten her.

"My name is Xu Ran, and I am Xu Lan's sister." Xu Ran said, "This time, it is really thanks to my sister, otherwise I still don't know what's going on."

When Gu Huaiyu heard her say this, Feng's eyes narrowed slightly, and Xu Ran looked up and down, and finally his eyes stayed on the bracelet he had seen before.

"Sure enough, it's because of this thing."

Xu Ran shrugged and did not deny, "Doctor Gu, I have warned you many times before and told you not to be nosy, but why do you still have so many nosy, and I have to deal with you now."

As he said, Xu Ran covered his mouth and laughed. It seemed that this action was a little fake, "But don’t worry, Doctor Gu, you are not the only one who disappeared in this hotel. You will definitely not be alone in the future, as long as you stay forever. Stay with us."

Gu Huaiyu raised her eyebrows, and then righteously refused Xu Ran's invitation, "A fortune teller said that my horoscopes are not compatible with hotels and are not suitable for long stays."

It was probably Gu Huaiyu's words that shocked Xu Ran too much, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

After a while, the expression on Xu Ran's face became distorted, "Do you think you still have a choice now!"

With that, she got up from the chair, took a knife and stab in Gu Huaiyu's direction.

Gu Huaiyu looked calmly at Xu Ran who was stabbed by her.

Because her attention had always been on Gu Huaiyu's body, she did not guard An Jiu who was sitting by the bed.

Just when the knife in Xu Ran's hand was about to pierce Gu Huaiyu, An Jiu rushed forward, opened his mouth and took a bite into Xu Ran's hand holding the knife.

At this time, An Jiu is no longer the kitten that I saw before. At this moment, his figure has exploded several times, and the black fur on his body has some faintly visible golden streaks, which looks like it contains something, streamer. Colorful.

When An Jiu's mouth went down, Xu Ran's hand was bitten and a lot of blood shed.

But this is also the case when An Jiu didn't kill him.

If An Jiu really bites him to death, let alone bleeding, it would be no problem to break an arm.

The pain caused Xu Ran's knife to fall to the ground, and then Gu Huaiyu picked up the knife in one step before she had time to retrieve it.

"You're a rare knife, it's a rare knife with a fierce aura." Gu Huaiyu sighed, took the knife in front of him and observed it carefully.

After Xu Ran's knife fell to the ground, An Jiu had already retreated to Gu Huaiyu's side, watching her vigilantly, in case she had any other movements.

Xu Ran clutched his bloody hands, staring at her fiercely, no longer speaking, but from time to time his eyes swept around to see what could be used.

"The blade is like a pistol, with a few silver beads inlaid on the side. Well, this is a murderous knife from the Middle Ages. If I remember correctly, it should be called Blood Amber."

Xu Ran said with a pale face and mockingly, "It seems that Doctor Gu is really knowledgeable, not just psychology, but also a lot of antiquities."

"Fortunately, I just know a little bit more than you, and learn a little bit more than you." Gu Huaiyu said modestly.

Seeing her like this, Xu Ran was probably shocked by Gu Huaiyu's cheeky skin. She tightened her lips, "Then do you know the origin of this knife?"

Gu Huaiyu turned the blood amber in his hand, "I don't know much."

Xu Ran grinned with her bloodless lips.