This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 21: Strange commission 21


No matter how wronged the things in the magic box, the vines will only become tighter and tighter. In the end, it can only hold back the breath and gradually calm down.

Beelzebub: "..." This thing sucked a lot of his blood just now, so it was easily killed? !

Beelzebub's face was full of complex colors, and the eyes looking at the magic box were not as scared as before, but with a sense of disgust.

The magic box stopped, looking quietly like everything that happened before was an illusion.

The vines entwined above dragged the magic box to Gu Huaiyu's direction, and put the magic box in front of her with some meaning of inviting credit.

She took the magic box, her tentacles felt a little cold, and the patterns on it were complicated and gorgeous, and she looked like magic.

Gu Huaiyu said, "Little Green, you did a good job this time. Come back and rest first."

Vine rubbed her face reluctantly, and then turned into a group of faint green light spots in the next moment, slowly leaning against Gu Huaiyu's body, and finally disappeared in her body.

An Jiu walked around the place two times with a little dissatisfaction, but his tail patted the floor twice unpleasantly, "Boss Gu, you know your physical condition, how can you let Xiaolu come out."

Gu Huaiyu waved his hand, "It's okay. After I go back, I can rest for two more days."

"It's not like taking two more days off..."

"It's really okay." Gu Huaiyu said.

An Jiu could only swallow the rest, but he was still very dissatisfied with Gu Huaiyu's way of letting Xiao Lv come out.

Angrily, he finally turned his back to her, expressing his silent protest.

"...Uh, that, I think you should stop arguing first, who seems to be running away." Kewen said weakly.

When Gu Huaiyu heard it, he immediately looked at the location of Beelzebub, and saw that his figure was beginning to be shrouded in black mist, as if he was about to run away.

So without saying a word, she threw a piece of the talisman paper floating in the air, and Beelzebub, whose original shape was about to disappear, changed back to its original shape at this moment.

Beelzebub, who was anchored by Gu Huaiyu, had long since turned back into a human form.

He stared at Gu Huaiyu with crimson eyes, his face flushed. It's just that the flushing of the face is because of anger or dryness.

"What are you doing, I won't be able to count as I lose this time!" Beelzebu said angrily.

There was no feeling of strategizing at all when I first met him.

Gu Huaiyu raised her eyebrows, "Did you forget something." She pointed to Qiu Yi, who was frozen behind her.

Beelzebub: "..." He endured!

Knowing what Gu Huaiyu meant, he took it out of his pocket, and finally took out a thumb-sized piece of wood from it, filled with strange words.

Beelzebub threw the wood block to Gu Huaiyu, "take it." He didn't believe that he would lose next time.

Gu Huaiyu caught the wooden block, and then asked An Jiu to show it to Qiu Yi. After asking her to confirm, then he removed the body charm.

Beelzebub, who had regained his freedom, scolded, but he didn't dare to say too much, because he was afraid that Gu Huaiyu would freeze him again.

Within a short time, Beelzebub disappeared.

The wandering spirits around saw that the person in charge was no longer there, so they happily went back to each house and went to each mother.

But before the Henry Cowen brothers left, Gu Huaiyu stopped them.

Discuss with them, wanting them to be like reincarnation, no longer subject to the control of this hotel.

Because Beelzebub temporarily lost the opportunity to control this hotel, Gu Huaiyu was able to propose that they should leave the hotel.

But after Henry and Cowen listened to it, he refused without hesitation.

"Big sister, thank you for your kindness. But we are waiting for someone, and we will definitely come to pick us up after an appointment."

Gu Huaiyu persuaded a few more words, but when he saw that they still insisted, he gave up.

The Beelzebub matter has been settled, so what is left is for Qiu Yi to sign the contract between them.

Gu Huaiyu fumbled for a while in his little bag, and finally found what he wanted in the messy little bag.

A little girl with braids on both sides.

Gu Huaiyu handed the puppet over, "As long as you put part of your soul in, the contract between us will be established."

An Jiu saw that she took out this puppet, but she was a little surprised, "You are willing to take this out, haven't you been reluctant to do it before."

The puppet that Gu Huaiyu took out was not an ordinary puppet, but a puppet used by ancient people for witchcraft.

And this one in her hand has a lot of background.

In the story of Jinwu Cangjiao, Chen Ajiao used to make Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty change her mind, and it was also the puppet she used to practice witchcraft.

Before, many people approached Gu Huaiyu to propose buying this puppet for some reasons, but she refused all of them.

I just didn't expect it to be used today.

Gu Huaiyu said, "This is more convenient, and it fits her soul better."

Without any hesitation, Qiu Yi directly sealed part of his soul in accordance with Gu Huaiyu's intention.

She knew very well that this was her only chance to leave this place, and if she missed it, she wouldn't know if there would be such an opportunity in the future.

After Xu Lan's and Qiu Yi's affairs were resolved, Gu Huaiyu picked up the phone and notified Lan Yadan.

When Lan Yadan hurriedly arrived, Gu Huaiyu had been waiting for a while.

Seeing Xu Lan lying in her sleep and not awake, Lan Yadan asked uneasyly, "Boss Gu, what happened to Xiaolan..."

Gu Huaiyu said, "It has been resolved."

The nervous expression on Lan Yadan's face finally let go, and smiled, "This time the matter is trouble with the boss, the little meaning is not respectable." She said that she took out a check from her handbag and handed it to Gu Huaiyu.

Gu Huaiyu glanced at the number on the check, but didn't immediately accept it, and said, "Where is the person I want?"

Lan Yadan smiled reluctantly, "About Mr. Wu... He left a few days ago."

The other party would have such an answer, as she expected, "Miss Lan, if you see Wu Yunsheng, please tell him, I have news he wants to know."

Lan Yadan was a little embarrassed and said, "This Mr. Wu left a few days ago... I don't have any trace of him on my side."

Gu Huaiyu said, "Just tell him that." Then she looked at Xu Lan, "Miss Xu still needs to take care of her for two more days, so she will stay here. I will take care of her. I need to make sure that there are no other problems."

"No need, after all, this is too troublesome for the boss," Lan Yadan said.

Gu Huaiyu didn't answer her words, instead he talked about another matter on his own.

"Miss Lan, when I was dealing with this matter, I met a girl named Xu Ran. She told me something. After listening to it, I thought it was quite interesting." Gu Huaiyu said with a smile.

"Xu... Xu Ran?!" The expression on Lan Yadan's face was a little flustered, but he quickly calmed down.