This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 26: Fan Wujiu 2


Seeing this, Gu Huaiyu frowned.

Then, as if confirming something, he repeated Ma slip again.

Seeing Gu Huaiyu's brows, Xianglian frowned, and her heart followed closely.

After a while, I saw that the joss stick's cigarette still only circled the yellow symbol, and then dispersed. In the end, Gu Huaiyu could only sigh helplessly, and muttered in a low voice, "This is in trouble."

Xianglian on the side looked at her nervously, "Boss Gu, has something happened?"

Gu Huaiyu hurriedly smiled and shook his head, "It's nothing big, but I don't know if this is good or bad for you."

Karen asked, "What is going on?"

Gu Huaiyu thought for a while, "Your brother is neither a lone soul nor a wild ghost. He didn't listen to my call. There is only one situation, that is, he has been reborn." I just don't know if he is reborn.

Xianglian was stunned, she had never thought that there would be such a situation.

She has been thinking about the agreement between her and her brother in her heart.

But I didn't expect the other party to choose reincarnation long ago.

Xianglian laughed, but this smile was mixed with a lot of bitterness, "I didn't expect that my brother would have been reborn a long time ago."

Gu Huaiyu: "..."

To be honest, she felt a little bit unbearable when she saw Xianglian, plus she also accepted the other party's things...

Gu Huaiyu sighed for a long time, stretched out his hand and pinched the other's face, "It's not pretty to put on such a face so young."

Karen: "???" Young? She really has to be hundreds of years old...

"Aren't you about to reincarnate? I'll help you see which household your brother invested in. Maybe you are still the same one." Gu Huaiyu said.

These words gave Xianglian hope again, "Can this be checked?"

"Well, you can." Gu Huaiyu whispered, "It's just more difficult."

Meng Xiaotao, who had been eavesdropping for a long time, had already prepared things. When Gu Huaiyu saw the pile of things that had been prepared, she gave Meng Xiaotao a rare admiration.

Meng Xiaotao immediately smiled embarrassedly.

"By the way, how about Qiu Yi? Why didn't I see her." Gu Huaiyu, who was about to do it, suddenly asked.

Meng Xiaotao said, "I went out to buy groceries early in the morning. It is said that I want to show it to us."

"Oh." Gu Huaiyu knew clearly, "Xiaotao, you go to the door and wait. See Qiu to tell her not to come in for the time being, so as not to have trouble."

Although Meng Xiaotao didn't know what was wrong with Qiu Yi coming in, she still listened to Gu Huaiyu's words honestly, moved a bench and guarded the door.

Gu Huaiyu picked up his mobile phone, rummaged in the address book, finally found the phone he wanted, and then pressed the dial key.

Xianglian stared at her nervously, until Gu Huaiyu accidentally clicked on the PA button, and after the transfer sound came from inside...

"Huangquan Communication is very happy to serve you. Please press 1 to make an appointment for the time of death, press 2 if you need to be picked up when you die abroad, press 3 for postponing the time of death, and press 0 for Huangquan customer service."

Gu Huaiyu directly pressed 0 without hesitation.

To be honest, pressing the phone is the most embarrassing thing every time you find Xiao Hei Xiao Bai.

She didn't understand it at all. It was an ordinary Huangquan phone, and she did so many bells and whistles.

While waiting for the call to be connected, Xianglian said in a low voice, "Huangquan is so tall now."

Very good... Now even Xianglian understands the meaning of being tall.

It was not that Gu Huaiyu looked down on her, but that in the conversation with the other party just now, there was no feeling of modern people's way of speaking. I didn't expect that a phone call would actually connect Xianglian with modern society.

Gu Huaiyu just wanted to explain, but then the phone was answered.

"Hello, Huangquan Service is very happy to serve you, what do you need?" The one who answered the call was a lady customer service.

To be precise, it should be a female ghost customer service...

Nowadays, people have to work when they die, so they are really dedicated.

"Tell Fan Wujiu, please help me, let him come to the 414 antique shop." Gu Huaiyu said.

"Okay, we will relay your words to you. Is there anything else I need to help?"

Gu Huaiyu said, "Nothing."

After hanging up the phone, the air in the store was embarrassing for a moment.

In order to alleviate this embarrassment, Gu Huaiyu explained, "Now the communication on the underworld has not been done well, and the only way to make calls or something is to tell."

Xianglian nodded with a vicissitudes of life, showing that she understood.

Then the shop became silent again.

But fortunately, Fan Wushou came quickly and broke the silent atmosphere.

Fan Wujiu didn't walk in through the door, but suddenly appeared in the store, between Gu Huaiyu and Xianglian.

The atmosphere is no longer silent, but there is always an inexplicable embarrassment.

In the end, Fan Wujiu took the lead and said, "Ah, boss Gu, you need to find me in any urgent matter."

Only then did Gu Huaiyu react, "Oh, yes. I'm looking for you for something." As she said, she pushed out Xianglian, who was dumbfounded.

"I need to trouble you, and help find out where her brother was born." Then Gu Huaiyu pointed to the gold, silver and paper treasures on the table next to him, "All these things will be burned to you afterwards."

Fan Wujiu was unavoidably moved when he saw the gold, silver and paper treasures on the table.

But he couldn't do what Gu Huaiyu asked. He struggled for a moment and said, "This is not something we can find. Neither I nor Xiao Hei can do it. Only a judge can do it."

Fan Wujiu explained to Gu Huaiyu why he couldn't do a little bit.

Because he and Xiao Hei are only responsible for escorting some evil spirits, and things like this kind of life and death book can only be checked by the judge.

After Gu Huaiyu and Xiang Lian listened, they stared at him straightforwardly, staring at Fan Wujuu so hard that he couldn't bear it.

"Okay, I'll call the judge for you. I'm not sure if he or she agrees by that time." After speaking, he proceeded in the same way as Gu Huaiyu, dialed the phone, and followed the same steps. .

When the judge appeared in the antique shop from the underworld, he stared at Fan Wujiao from two pairs of eyes, but now he had three pairs of eyes staring at the judge.

The judge frowned and looked at Fan Wujiao, "Xiaobai, you said you want to call me for something, what's the matter?"

So Fan Wujiu told the whole story again, and the judge glanced at the gold, silver and paper treasures on the table, and refused without thinking.

"This is not something that can be checked by investigation. You know the rules of the underworld." The judge rebuffed everyone, and when he was about to leave, he was suddenly stopped.

"Xiao Yu?"

The judge froze, and Fan Wujiao tried to hold back his laughter, trying not to let himself laugh out loud.

On the other hand, Gu Huaiyu knew this expression on his face, and his face was full of helplessness.

That little sentence was called out by Meng Xiaotao, who was guarding the door.

Meng Xiaotao felt bored because she couldn't wait for Qiuyi outside, so she lay on the glass door to see what they were doing.

When she saw Fan Wujiu, Meng Xiaotao didn't find it strange, because she knew Fan Wujiu's identity.