This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 27: Fan Wujiao 3


But when he saw the judge who appeared suddenly, Meng Xiaotao's eyes lit up, and the next second he forgot Gu Huaiyu's instructions, opened the door and ran in.

After Meng Xiaotao confirmed that the person in front of her was really the Xiaoyu she had known since she was a child, she immediately leaned on each other's shoulders with excitement, looking like a good brother.

"Xiaoyu, I haven't seen you for a long time." As he said, Meng Xiaotao patted his shoulder twice.


The pen in the judge's hand was broken by him.

Seeing his pen broken into two paragraphs, Meng Xiaotao said with emotion, "Xiaoyu, you really haven't changed at all, you are still so powerful."

Gu Huaiyu and Fan helpless: I want to laugh! But hold it back!

The entire faces of Gu Huaiyu and Fan Wujiu turned red because of their suffocation.

Contrary to them, the judge's face was green.

He gritted his teeth and said word by word, "Meng Xiaotao, I told you not to call me that!"

When the judge said so, Meng Xiaotao immediately remembered that she had promised not to call so...

Meng Xiaotao smiled embarrassedly, "It's been a long time since I haven't seen you, I'm a little excited."

The judge was originally named Cui Yu, and they met when Meng Xiaotao was still a little peasant.

I don't know what Meng Xiaotao fancy to him, he will inevitably go to the judge to play when he is free on weekdays.

At that time, the judge was not a judge, but also just a newly hired kid, Cui Yu, unlike the current judge Cui in the underworld.

At that time, the two of them always liked to make trouble. Although they had a good relationship, Cui Yu was always dissatisfied with Meng Xiaotao calling him Xiaoyu.

So after all kinds of bribery, Meng Xiaotao finally agreed not to call him that.

The last time Cui Yu and Meng Xiaotao met was when Meng Xiaotao was sent by her mother to Gu Huaiyu for discipline, while Cui Yu was busy examining civil servants in the ghost world.

This is the first time we have seen each other since that time. No wonder Meng Xiaotao was so excited.

Gu Huaiyu recalled that when Meng Xiaotao and her mother handed her over to her, she also specifically asked Meng Xiaotao not to see the ghosts as much as possible, for fear that she would cause trouble.

It turned out that she was afraid that she would see judge Cui.

It was probably Meng Xiaotao's words that really came to judge Cui's heart.

"Why are you here?" Cui judge asked.

Meng Xiaotao scratched her head in embarrassment, "It's not that it was too skinny back then and was exiled by my mother here."

Gu Huaiyu's expression is a bit complicated, exile? When she is here in the frontier and bitter land.

About noticing the change in Gu Huaiyu’s expression, Meng Xiaotao immediately started to remedy it, “I thought so at first, but then I found out that my boss is a very good person who treats me very well, so I stayed there later. Do things and learn here."

Meng Xiaotao said two very good things in a row, it can be said that the desire to survive is very strong.

Seeing that Meng Xiaotao would continue to chat with the judge reminder, Gu Huaiyu interrupted directly.

"If you have anything to talk about later, I have some business matters to deal with." Gu Huaiyu said.

Meng Xiaotao finally reacted when she said this, and then immediately spoke to help, "Ah, you are here, everyone is so familiar, so please help me."

After speaking, she winked playfully at him.

Cui Yu: "..."

Fan Wujiu was stunned at the side. It was the first time he saw his facially paralyzed boss blush.

Seeing this, Gu Huaiyu immediately gave Meng Xiaotao an admiring look, indicating that she did a good job.

Meng Xiaotao smiled immediately, showing her little tiger teeth, looking very cute.

As a result, the old acquaintance Cui Panguanyu who had come here was entangled, and finally he picked up a pen to check it out.

"North of Guanyang City, the 72nd Zhang family is in sequence."

Karen was a little stunned to learn where her brother was reborn, and then she turned over the number plate for her reincarnation.

In addition to the fifteen days countdown, there is also an address.

To the north of Guanyang City, the 72nd household Zhangjia.

She went to see it a few days ago because of her curiosity. There was a seven or eight-year-old boy in the family. When she saw the other person, she was only surprised that the other person looked a little like her brother, but she didn't expect it to be like this...

Xianglian clenched the number plate in her hand, her brother did not break his promise.

"Boss Gu," Xianglian said suddenly.


"For this matter, thank you for accepting my entrustment, otherwise I am afraid I will leave with regret." Xianglian said with a smile.

This is the first time she laughed since entering the antique shop.

The smile was a little green, but it was very beautiful. For the first time, it reminded me of her age when she left, but she was only 28 years old.

Xianglian then thanked everyone present one by one, and then left the antique shop with the number plate in her hand.

The antique shop fell into silence for a while.

It was probably because the judge's face with a paralyzed face made Fan Xiaobai unable to resist. After hesitating for a moment, he still said goodbye to Gu Huaiyu and the others.

"My judge, now that the matter here is resolved, then I will go back and work on my work first."

A discerning person knew this was just an excuse. When did Fan Xiaobai be diligent? Had it not been for Xie Xiaohei, his job would have been cold.

Judge Cui raised his eyes and looked at him, "Go."

He got the pardon right away, like a wild horse running into the wild, and he got out of stiffness.

Only before leaving, Fan Xiaobai secretly glanced at the pile of gold, silver and paper treasures on the table.

Since judge Cui made the shot this time, these things have nothing to do with him.

Hum, so sad.

No matter how sad or reluctant to give up, Fan Xiaobai can only drag back with regret.

Seeing that the business was over, Meng Xiaotao immediately pushed the judge Cui towards the inner hall.

As he walked, he turned back and said to Gu Huaiyu, "Gu Meiren, I haven't seen Ah Yu for a long time. I may have to ask for a leave today. I want to reminisce about the past with him."

Gu Huaiyu originally thought that judge Cui would reject Meng Xiaotao, but he didn't expect the other party to take two steps forward without being uncomfortable. Obviously, there was no sign of reluctance.

Seeing that Gu Huaiyu didn't stop Meng Xiaotao, after the two of them disappeared in the inner hall, Gu Huaiyu smiled and shook his head.

"This girl..."

Meng Xiaotao and judge Cui went to retell the past, and only Gu Huaiyu was left in the antique shop.

But soon, the bell behind the door rang suddenly.

Gu Huaiyu knew who was coming in without raising his head.

"Qiu Yi, have you bought something?"

Because she signed a contract with Qiu Yi, she knew everything about Qiu Yi.

Qiu Yi nodded in embarrassment, "I've bought it."

Although she said she was going to buy groceries this time, she wanted to see the outside world more.

Qiu Yi has lived abroad since he was a child and belongs to Chinese descent. Although I can speak Chinese, I am not so fluent, and it sounds a bit awkward.

She went out this time and spoke to people in the antique shop for the first time.

For the first time since that day, she left the place where she was imprisoned and touched the world again.

Although some conditions were paid, it was much better than when I was at the Kotel Hotel.