This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 3: Strange commission 03


Sister Lan unconsciously covered her wound.

The wound hadn't healed for a week and it became inflamed during the period. No matter how she went to the hospital, the doctor couldn't figure out the cause. At most it just said that her wounds healed slowly.

"What's the problem with the wound?" Sister Lan hesitated, "Mr. Wu also asked me to clean the wound with glutinous rice water, but I was busy during that time, so I forgot about it."

Gu Huaiyu took a sip of the tea, "It's not a big problem, don't think about it so much, it's just an ordinary bacterial infection."

Sister Lan opened her mouth, wanting to say something.

She knows very well that ordinary bacterial infections cannot cause this situation. And the doctor couldn't find out the cause at all.

But in the end she still didn't ask anything. It might be better not to ask about some things.

Sister Lan put down her sleeves, "Since Miss Gu said so, I'm relieved. It's just my daughter..."

She sighed and said helplessly, "I don't know how she became like this, and I'm not sure she is still staying in that hotel well now."

Gu Huaiyu paused for a while with the cup in her hand, and then placed the cup on the table.

"You tell me in detail what happened." Gu Huaiyu said.

Sister Lan was about to speak when a bell rang suddenly in the store.

The door was pushed open.

The two looked at the door at the same time and saw that it was not a guest who came in, but a pure black kitten with golden eyes.

A small bell is tied around the kitten's neck, and the bell is densely packed with strange symbols.

When the kitten does not act, the bell will make a crisp sound.

"An Jiu, come here."

The kitten looked at Meng Xiaotao, who gestured to him at the counter.

Several actions of Meng Xiaotao made An Jiu understand that the Dongchuang incident had happened.

So he, who has always been arrogant, is also honest this time.

An Jiu walked up to Gu Huaiyu, looked up at her, and made a soft cat cry in his throat.


Gu Huaiyu:...

There is no denying that she felt softened.

On weekdays, An Jiu is too arrogant and reluctant to approach anyone. It's just close to her, but she actually likes the soft and fluffy fur on An Jiu very much.

As a result, every time An Jiu and Meng Xiaotao get into trouble, An Jiu comes out to commit the crime.

Because they knew it was impossible for Gu Huaiyu to be really angry with An Jiu's appearance.

An Jiu walked up to her obediently, Gu Huaiyu hadn't reacted yet, but Sister Lan, who was sitting next door, reacted quite strongly.

"Hi...Don't let the cat approach me." Sister Lan looked like she was very afraid of cats, she stood up, and only a little bit relieved after some distance from Gu Huaiyu and the others.

An Jiu tilted his head innocently and looked at Sister Lan.

Maybe it was because she realized that she was rude, Sister Lan smiled embarrassedly.

"I'm sorry just now, because I've been afraid of cats since I was a child, and I'm allergic to cats, so I just..." Sister Lan waved her hand helplessly.

Gu Huaiyu expressed his understanding, "An Jiu, you go and prepare with Xiaotao. We will go out tomorrow."

An Jiu seemed to be shocked by Sister Lan's reaction. The whole cat looked a little surprised, looking back at Gu Huaiyu step by step.

Finally, under Gu Huaiyu's ruthless instructions, he could only go to pack up his belongings and prepare for tomorrow's work.

After An Jiu left, Sister Lan relaxed and sat back in her place again.

It may be that the sale just now made her feel a little embarrassed. Sister Lan uncomfortably sorted some of her hair with her hands, and only after confirming that there was no mess in her hair, she put her hands down.

"Just... sorry."

Gu Huaiyu shook his head, "It's okay, you can tell me the specific situation now."

Sister Lan sorted out her thoughts, so she spoke to Gu Huaiyu one by one.

After sending Sister Lan away, Meng Xiaotao became a little bit curious, and approached Gu Huaiyu’s side and asked, "Gu Meiren, what's the matter with the wound on Sister Lan’s wrist. ."

Gu Huaiyu flicked her forehead angrily.

"You shouldn't ask so much. If you have time, go and help An Jiu tidy up things." Gu Huaiyu said, "You will stay alone in the store tomorrow. You are not allowed to break the store's things, and the tea bowl that you broke before. Pack those up for me and bring them."

Seeing that Gu Huaiyu did not answer her question, Meng Xiaotao muttered a little dissatisfied, "Ask two sentences what's wrong, don't you usually tell me to learn more, ask and read more, now you will not let me ask if you ask a couple of sentences." ."

Gu Huaiyu laughed at such Meng Xiaotao's anger, "Your mother put you with me at the beginning to let you learn gossip? I don't ask good herbal medicine questions, but ask these gossips."

But speaking of it, Gu Huaiyu will answer her as long as it's not too much or something that can't be said.

"The wound of Sister Lan just now is evil. If you don't solve it sooner, you will get a serious illness sooner or later." Gu Huaiyu said.

"I remember the usefulness of glutinous rice in the book I asked you to memorize. How much do you remember now?"

Suddenly Meng Xiaotao frowned, thinking carefully.

After a long while, she was like an eggplant beaten by frost.

"I don't remember much." Meng Xiaotao said very quietly, but Gu Huaiyu still heard it clearly.

Gu Huaiyu was not surprised that Meng Xiaotao did not remember this question.

Because she believed that as long as she asked Meng Xiaotao about any other herbal medicines, she probably didn't know.

Gu Huaiyu said angrily, "I wouldn't teach you this if it wasn't for the favor of your mother."

Before Gu Huaiyu opened an antique shop, he opened a medicine shop for a long time.

When it was opened, it is estimated that it will be traced back a long time ago. If you check the history, you may still be able to see traces of her.

"It can manage the blood accumulation in Rongwei and relieve the poison of coriander. In addition to the effect of daily consumption, glutinous rice can also eliminate evil spirits. Although the effect is average, it is just right for her situation." Gu Huaiyu explained.

When Gu Huaiyu said this, Meng Xiaotao also remembered that there is a record in the herbal scriptures. At that time, she also complained about how glutinous rice could have such an effect. It seems to be true...

Meng Xiaotao's face was a little red, she didn't expect Gu Meiren, who didn't read all the year round, remembered more clearly than her.

So Meng Xiaotao squeezed and squeezed, "Na Gu Meiren, your medical skills are so good, why open an antique shop."

Gu Huaiyu picked up the cigarette stick on the table and tapped Meng Xiaotao on the head twice.

"Of course it's antiques to make money." Then she threw the pipe to Meng Xiaotao and exhorted, "Give it to me."

After the explanation, Gu Huaiyu turned and went back inside.

Meng Xiaotao scratched her head in confusion, "Is boss Gu still short of money?"

She finally returned to the counter, who didn't understand, and put Gu Huaiyu's pipe away.

Gu Huaiyu has a habit of picking up a cigarette stick whenever something upsets him and smoking it out.

However, the smoking time is generally not long, so Meng Xiaotao does not care to put the cigarettes away.