This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 30: An Jiu 1


Qiu Yi said with some embarrassment, "Because I can't leave here, my mother plans to immigrate to country c."

"That's fine." Gu Huaiyu said, "When the fit between your body and the Witch Gu doll improves in the future, you can always accompany your mother out for a walk."

Qiu Yi said in surprise, "Boss Gu, can I go out?" Then she felt wrong and changed her words, "Well, I mean, I can accompany my mother on a trip or something?"

Gu Huaiyu said, "There is nothing wrong with it, but you can't be so far away from me before you and Wu Gu's body are completely fit."

Qiu Yi, who unexpectedly learned that he could still travel around with his mother, couldn't stop the smile on his face.

An Jiu, who was on the side, couldn't bear to interrupt Qiu Yi's smile, walked to Gu Huaiyu's side, and whispered in her ear, "Boss Gu, is this okay?"

An Jiu knows that if Qiu Yi wants to travel around without restrictions, it is not that simple at all, and some of the restrictions are extremely harsh.

The most important one is not to be too far away from the host.

Gu Huaiyu smiled undiminished and replied in a low voice, "It's okay, as long as Qiu Yi wears the things I use frequently by her side, it will be fine to come back within the specified time limit."

Although Gu Huaiyu's words were simple, An Jiu still felt that there was something wrong.

But he thought about it, but he couldn't remember what was wrong.

Finally, he thought, anyway, Qiu Yi's fit with the Witch Gu doll was still very weak, so he wasn't in a hurry.

An Jiu hesitated, and said the question he most wanted to ask when he saw Gu Huaiyu, "Boss Gu,...are you okay?"

Gu Huaiyu was taken aback for a moment, his eyes darkened a bit, and a moment later he still forced a smile.

"What can I do? I should have gotten used to it."

The smile is uglier than crying.

An Jiu opened his mouth, wanting to say something comforting.

But seeing her Gu Huaiyu like this, he still took back the comforting words.

For so many years, I’m afraid I’ve heard a lot of such comforting words...

The business of antique shops is normal, and there are a lot of strange shops on Folk Street, but the antique shops on the contrary have no special features.

A full week has passed since the day Gu Huaiyu came back, during which no guests came to the house.

Meng Xiaotao lay on the table lazily, "An Jiu, what do you say, the antique shop will no longer be able to survive this way."

An Jiu turned her back to her, lying on the other side of the counter, his tail swaying leisurely, "You think too much, the money of boss Gu, buying half of the folk street is not a problem."

Meng Xiaotao was a little unconvinced, "I'm not planning for a rainy day." She also gave an example, "The colleague opposite our store before has been doing good business, but then it hasn't fallen."

Speaking of the opposite shop, An Jiu showed some interest, "I remember it used to be an antique shop just like us, but now it seems to be renovated and opened."

"Well, when I was out for a stroll yesterday, I took a look at it by the way, as if I was planning to open a hotel." Meng Xiaotao said.

"Hotel?" An Jiu asked.

Meng Xiaotao said, "It's a hotel, but I think it's more like a homestay." Then she said what she had previously felt strange.

"The owner of that store seems a little weird."

"Why is it strange?" An Jiu's interest was completely aroused.

Meng Xiaotao shook her head, "I don't know, I just feel a little strange, and besides that the owner is strange, her hotel is also very strange."

"When I watched it, the sign on it was written the name of Wangyou Inn. The ones at night always glowed with coquettish red light." Meng Xiaotao thought for a while, "but I heard the neighbors say that the name doesn't seem to be this. ."

"what is that?"

"It seems to be just an ordinary hotel that can no longer be used to stay in an ordinary hotel."

When Meng Xiaotao said so, An Jiu was a little eager to try, and planned to go out to meet the strange homestay that Meng Xiaotao said.

However, An Jiu's eagerness to try was directly stopped by Meng Xiaotao, "An Jiu, the moon is full today. Gu Meiren wants me to watch you and cannot let you go out and run around."

Upon hearing this, An Jiu froze.

After a while, he hummed and slumped back to his position with some excitement, looking even less energetic than before.

An Jiu muttered a few words in a low voice, "It's daytime now, and there won't be any problems."

"Yes, there won't be any problems." Meng Xiaotao said coolly on the side, "but when there is a problem, it is a big problem."

Now An Jiu closed his mouth and didn't dare to complain anymore.

In fact, Gu Huaiyu can't be blamed for not letting An Jiu go out. This is entirely because An Jiu is a cat with a conviction.

It was a long time ago, and it was a long time ago that Gu Huaiyu had just met An Jiu.

At that time, Gu Huaiyu made some promises with An Jiugang, and An Jiu agreed to stay by her side.

At the beginning, Gu Huaiyu didn't know much about Anjiu, and he didn't even know what kind of creature Anjiu was.

It happened on that full moon day.

At that time, even though Gu Huaiyu knew that An Jiu could not leave the place outside the restrictions when the moon was full, he kept arguing that An Jiu wanted to go out to play, and because it was still blue at the time, he didn't stop him, but just told him. Be sure to come back before the evening.

At that time, An Jiu agreed well, but turned his head and disappeared from the cat.

Until dark, Gu Huaiyu did not see An Jiu come back.

So uneasy, she went out to look for it.

But fortunately, she went out to look for it. Otherwise, I'm afraid An Jiu would have become a dish on other people's tables.

Until then, Gu Huaiyu didn't know.

It turned out that it was true that An Jiu said that when the moon is full, his body will become bigger.

But in fact, it is only larger than the cat's shape, and looks closer to the body shape of a dog.

An Jiu's body has grown bigger, but at the same time he has also become extremely weak.

Because he must control his body shape and must ensure that his body can withstand the power that the full moon brings to him.

In this way, An Jiu's body is inevitably weak and weak.

And An Jiuhui almost fell into someone else's dish, because he was on the way out to play, and he saved a little girl and saved her from being attacked by wild beasts.

But when the little girl's father saw the wound on the little girl's body, he directly asserted that it must be the beast that ran down from the mountain.

So with the encouragement of the little girl's father, other village names also felt that it was time to get rid of the beasts on the mountain.

And An Jiu is so unfortunate. When he was going down the mountain to go home, he encountered villagers who came to drive away the beasts...

The villagers saw the soft and smooth fur on his body, and after An Jiu became bigger, he looked a little like a mountain leopard in the mountains and forests.

An Jiu, who was lying innocently, was captured in this way.

At that time, Gu Huaiyu was still looking for Anjiu, and people passing by said that a villager had caught a mountain leopard.

In the end, Gu Huaiyu spent a lot of money to buy An Jiu back.