This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 32: Alice's music box 1


"Sister Cong Yao, I'm hungry." Meng Xiaotao looked at each other pitifully.

Cong Yao looked at her kindly with a smile, and touched her head by the way, "Hey, our little peach is hungry, my sister will take you to eat delicious food."

"You two have such a good relationship, then I just leave her to you." Gu Huaiyu said coolly from the side.

When Meng Xiaotao heard it, she looked at Cong Yao with expectant eyes.

Cong Yao's face suddenly turned blue, and after a moment he said with a trembling, "How can it be, this little peach was entrusted to you by someone else, so it would be too hard for you."

"Don't force it, don't force it." Gu Huaiyu said with a smile.

When Meng Xiaotao heard it, his face was slightly red because of the excitement, and there was a subtle splash of water on the corners of his mouth.

She wiped the corners of her mouth, raised a smile to please Cong Yao and looked at Cong Yao, "Sister Cong Yao, I'm very easy to raise. You only need to feed regularly every day."

At this time, Cong Yao not only turned blue, but also trembled a little.

Meng Xiaotao’s appetite is not something she can raise, and she also likes to pick expensive ones...

Thinking of this, Cong Yao became firm again.

She twitched the corners of her mouth, trying to be as natural as possible. "Xiao Tao, didn't you just say you were hungry. When I came over, people were ready to eat, and you can still catch up with the hot meals now in the past."

After Cong Yao's voice fell, Meng Xiaotao didn't hesitate to ask her where the restaurant was.

From the Folk Street to here, the journey was so long and there was no stop in the middle, Meng Xiaotao was already hungry and fainted a long time ago.

As a result, as soon as I heard something delicious, I went straight to my destination without saying a word.

In the hotel room, only Gu Huaiyu who was watching a good show and Cong Yao who wiped himself a sweat.

"Little Tao is very easy to raise, are you sure you don't let her stay here?" Gu Huaiyu said, "I think you have a good relationship. Every time you meet, you are called Sister Yao and Sister Tao."

From Yao sitting next to Gu Huaiyu, he said helplessly, "Xiao Tao has a good personality, but it's so edible, it's not something a small store like me can raise."

Gu Huaiyu smiled, "Small shop? A few hundred square meters?"

Cong Yao said, "Compared with you, isn't it just a small shop."

Gu Huaiyu was silent for a moment, and converted the area that he could see in his antique shop and the part that was hidden.

Thinking about it this way, I instantly felt that Cong Yao's hotel was indeed a small shop.

Gu Huaiyu patted her shoulder sympathetically, and said, "It's not easy for you."

Cong Yao was so comforted by her, her face was distorted for a while, but it quickly returned to its original shape.

Cong Yao decided not to talk about this topic with Gu Huaiyu any more, and she was afraid that she would be hurt seriously.

She took a handbag she was carrying with her, searched in it, and finally found what she wanted.

Cong Yao put a piece of paper with content written in black and white in front of Gu Huaiyu.

"The one I showed you before is not complete. Before you came over, I found some old local employees in the store to understand the situation, and I found a strange thing." She said, she typed the information. After opening it, I turned to the page I was talking about.

"I tried to find out what happened at the beginning of the factory, but I could only find some information about the business downturn before it closed down. The neighbors in the neighborhood all said so... But I don't think so."

Gu Huaiyu picked up the materials that Cong Yao had put in front of her, "Why don't you think so? I remember when this factory was opened in the 1980s. At that time, people didn't trust these emerging factories."

"So it's not surprising that it will go bankrupt."

Cong Yao denied Gu Huaiyu's statement, "Although what you said is very reasonable, you have overlooked one thing, that is, that this factory can be opened under such conditions, then it proves that the factory has resources."

"So how can a factory with resources go bankrupt for no reason, and in just three days."

Gu Huaiyu raised her eyebrows and integrated what she had just read. She found that Cong Yao's words were not unreasonable. She agreed, "What you said makes sense, but no one of us can determine what the facts are."

"This is what I'm going to say next." Cong Yao said, pointing her fingertips to the time when the factory was last opened. "Everything must start on April 5th, and also from that day when the factory's weirdness began. It happens frequently."

"Weird thing?"

Cong Yao thought for a while, and felt that it was not accurate to describe it as a strange thing. "It should be said that since that day, employees in the factory have been injured continuously."

"In the beginning it was just a few scratches or something, but it didn't take long before it got worse."

Cong Yao took out the bottom information, which were photos that had been copied and printed.

Gu Huaiyu took it and studied it carefully.

The content of the photo is very bloody and terrifying.

The first one is just a small wound with some abrasions on the edge of the arm, and the following ones are similar. But after the fourth picture, the style of painting changed suddenly.

After the fourth picture, it was not a slight abrasion, but a man whose left hand was crushed by a machine with four fingers breaking his bloody hand with his other hand, and on the machine in front of him, except for the whole floor. In addition to his blood stains, there are four fingers left on his head.

It looks disgusting and terrifying.

If crushing a finger is a serious matter, then in the next few photos, what happened on it is even more serious than crushing a finger.

If the finger is crushed and connected, it can still be used barely, but if it is directly hit on the head by the machine that accidentally fell, then there is no way to recover it.

The next few photos, without exception, were all caused by the sudden drop of the machine, or because the screw was loose, the machine could not bear the gravity and fell, causing death.

Every death is extremely terrifying.

Gu Huaiyu was not scared by the photos, but stared at the photos more carefully.

Suddenly, she seemed to find something in the photo. After seeing the last photo, she re-read the previous photos.

It seems to be deciding something.

After carefully studying and viewing the previous photos again, Gu Huaiyu was finally able to determine that what he saw was not an illusion, but something that shouldn't exist but existed.

Seeing what Gu Huaiyu had discovered, Cong Yao quickly moved his head to see what she saw.

But Cong Yao studied for a while, and found nothing wrong, so she asked, "Huaiyu, what did you see just now, but I didn't see anything."

Gu Huaiyu thought for a while, and took out the last photo. "Look at this place, it doesn't look like a child who is only about one meter tall is next to him."

The last photo was of a worker whose head was cut in half. Apart from this bloody scene, looking at the place Yao pointed to by Gu Huaiyu, he saw a small black thing as expected.