This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 35: Alice's music box 4


Cong Yao was a little puzzled, "What the hell is going on with Jiang Yi's leg?"

Gu Huaiyu frowned and said nothing.

After a while, he said, "After I find Xiao Tao, I will check again if it is what I thought."

Cong Yao replied, and looked at the moon that was already in the middle of the sky outside, "What do I need to prepare here?"

Gu Huaiyu shook his head, "No, you just stay here." Then she thought for a while and said, "You help me stare at that Jiang Yi, I always think she has a problem."

"Okay." Cong Yao responded.

At first, Cong Yao planned to go with Gu Huaiyu, but Gu Huaiyu refused her.

Cong Yao is different from her sister, Chang Yan, because Cong Yao's mother is just an ordinary human, while Chang Yan's mother is Shan Jing.

Unfortunately, Cong Yao only inherited her mother's gene and a few genes from her father's side.

So in fact, she is no different from ordinary humans, but lives longer than ordinary humans.

In order to avoid having to take care of Cong Yao, Gu Huaiyu didn't plan to take her with him from the beginning.

Cong Yao agreed, but doubts were still unavoidable in her heart.

"Huaiyu, what's the problem with Jiang Yi?" She wondered why Gu Huaiyu wanted her to stare at Jiang Yi, who was just an ordinary human being.

Gu Huaiyu said lightly, "What if I say that she is not an ordinary human?"

Cong Yao was stunned, and asked incredulously, "What do you mean..."

Gu Huaiyu said, "It means literally."

Cong Yao was stunned, turned his head and looked in the direction where Jiang Yi had left.

There was no one there.

"Okay, I'll talk about it when I come back." Gu Huaiyu sighed, "It's a bit troublesome, you go back first."

After Gu Huaiyu finished speaking, he didn't take anything, but left the hotel with the white small bag that he carried, leaving Cong Yao alone in place.

It's already past eleven o'clock in the night, and although there are many businesses around, because of the small passenger flow, most of them closed early, and the streets can't help but look a little deserted.

The cool breeze blew slowly, blowing Gu Huaiyu's scattered hair.

She stood on the street and looked around. After confirming the direction, Gu Huaiyu walked directly to the place written on the information without any hesitation.

After walking for dozens of minutes, there was no smell of people around, and there were no houses around, only weeds on the road.

It's a weed, but it's half a person tall. In the night without street lights, it looks a little bit oozing.

But just separated by a road, like dividing two worlds.

On one side is a world full of bustling lights, and on the other side is a dead silence, without a trace of light, just barely illuminate this dark world by the full moon hanging high in the sky.

Gu Huaiyu pushed aside the weeds in front of her. Although she was already trying her best to walk the way people walked by, the lush weeds could always cover those traces easily, so Gu Huaiyu didn't walk easily.

After a while, she finally reached the weird old factory that Cong Yao said.

Gu Huaiyu looked at the crumbling and precarious factory building in front of him, and did not directly speak around calling Meng Xiaotao's name, but carefully looked around.

When she saw a place less than ten meters away from the old factory building and set up a few tents that seemed to have just been erected, her eyes sank.

Gu Huaiyu walked gently to the edge of the group of tents, and five or six young people sat in front of the tents.

They started a fire in the middle of the tent, talking and laughing.

"Ah Jian, he bet with us. If he doesn't dare to enter this place with us, then he will be blamed for being too cruel and slaughter you." A sunny youth said with a smile.

The one who was called to do Ah Jian was a dull looking guy. When he heard the young man say this to him, he immediately became a little unhappy.

"You, you dare not enter this place, I, I, I tell you, here, myself...I can do it all by myself."

The friends around him suddenly burst into laughter, I don't know if it was Laughing Jian's stuttering or laughing at him pretendingly.

Seeing him say this, the young man inevitably got bad thoughts, so he spoke.

"That's okay, if you dare to go in alone for one night tonight, I promise that I will listen to you what you say in the future." Then he turned his head again, "Of course, if you don't dare, then forget it. ."

The young man laughed and said, "Anyway, you are so courageous. We all know this."

Ah Jian seemed to be irritated by his words, his eyes looked a little reddish under the light of the fire, because he was short of breath, he could talk and not stutter anymore.

"Zhang Jinliang, this is what you said, don't do that..." Ah Jian swallowed before continuing, "Don't regret it again."

The young man called Zhang Jinliang didn't care, he still smiled, but the smile was inevitably a bit permeable in the orange flame.

"Of course I count the words." He said word by word.

A girl next to Zhang Jinliang saw something was wrong, so she pulled the sleeve of Zhang Jinliang next to her.

"Daliang, forget it. This place is too oozing." The girl looked around and said, "If it wasn't for the live broadcast, I wouldn't plan to come here."

There was darkness all around, and the sound of insects cried one after another in my ears.

Since Gu Huaiyu was afraid that they would find herself, she simply hid in the shadow of the tent from the beginning, so when the girl looked around, she did not see Gu Huaiyu who was hiding in the dark.

Hearing their conversation, Gu Huaiyu frowned tightly.

She didn't want to be in such a place where there were weird feelings everywhere, but also to protect this group of young people who died looking for excitement for live broadcast.

"If you're afraid, don't go in. Anyway, this time we have our Ah Jian." Da Liang said with a smile, "Anyway, he will go in. It's better to leave the live broadcast to him, and he likes you so much. , What's the point of doing something for you."

Da Liang's words suddenly made a few people around him dare not say anything.

Ah Jian likes Xiaoxiao, everyone knows this.

But Xiaoxiao didn't like him. In order to avoid embarrassment, Xiaoxiao didn't even have any contact with Ah Jian, and the two of them only maintained a little friendship on the surface.

Ah Jian's face flushed, and Xiaoxiao's face was a little pale. She raised her head and glanced at the young man who had been silent next to Ah Jian.

Seeing that there was no response from him, she finally lowered her head and pressed her lips tightly, fearing that she had said something she shouldn't say.

When Daliang saw this, he became a little excited. His eyes looked bright, as if it were caused by over-excitement.

"Why don't it be like this, Ah Jian is here to say everything in your heart, if you say, forget the bet just now, and I will follow the previous bet and listen to you..." Da Liang hasn't finished speaking yet. , The person suddenly fell to the side.