This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 38: Alice's music box 7


Ah Jian shook her hand, trying to make her not be so afraid.

Finally Xiaoxiao's condition was better. She looked up at Ah Jian and nodded her head insignificantly. Then she quietly placed her flashlight on the ground, and then followed Ah Jian back gently.

Just when they were moving, Xu You, who was originally attentive, suddenly spoke.

"If you leave, who will broadcast it."

Xiaoxiao was the first person who couldn't bear the psychological pressure and collapsed. She cried out in a collapsed voice, "Ah, let's go, there is a problem here, there is a problem here."

Because Xu You turned his back to them, Xiaoxiao and they couldn't see the expression on his face at all.

Just listen to him with a soft smile, "Of course I know there is a problem here, otherwise who will watch the live broadcast."

Obviously, Xu You knew that there was a problem from the very beginning. Although he didn't know how much he knew, he should know a lot when he looked so calm.

Xu You pointed to the camera, "Ah Jian, you are in charge of the camera, and Xiaoxiao will live the expedition as usual."

"And I..." Xu You's mouth turned up, "I will be responsible for finding something interesting for you."

Xiao Xiao shook her head fiercely, and said with a shiver, "I can't."

"You can." Xu You said without a doubt.

In the end, Xiaoxiao could only shake her body and walk towards the camera. As she walked past, she inadvertently encountered the rune she had put in her pocket, and she immediately felt relieved.

Ah Jian was silent for a moment, and finally took charge of the camera according to Xu You's words.

The moment the live broadcast room opened, nearly a thousand people swarmed in immediately.

But the weird thing is that despite the large number of people, no one brushes the barrage.

If it were the usual, Xiaoxiao would definitely find something wrong, but now she hasn't noticed it.

Xiaoxiao pulled out a smile that was uglier than crying at the camera, and according to Xu You's instructions, introduced the strange things in the live room with people around the walls.

"Today we, we came to an old factory in the famous city of S. I heard, heard that..." Xiaoxiao swallowed and continued, "I heard that a lot of human lives have been killed here before, but for unknown reasons, suddenly One day it went bankrupt."

"This plant closed down suddenly, as if something happened. Even the machinery or anything was not moved away, so it stayed."

She said that Xiaoxiao asked Ah Jian to focus the camera on the dusty machines behind her.

Then, Xiaoxiao continued, "Although there were many people attacking these abandoned machines during the period, I heard that..."

Xiaoxiao paused and looked at Xu You who was aside. Xu You looked at her blankly, making her unable to say a word.

"Continue." Xu You said.

Xiaoxiao had to smile at the camera and said, "After I heard that there have been more murders here, and all of them were bizarre deaths."

When Xiaoxiao said that more homicides had occurred, the originally quiet screen was immediately covered by a reward.

Fans’ rewards are all set by the anchor. Since Xiaoxiao likes stuffed animals, she basically sets up cats and dogs.

Originally, Xiaoxiao felt a little comforted when she saw the reward, but when she saw the reward, her eyes were full of horror.

Jian saw that something was wrong with her, so he turned on the live broadcast of his mobile phone to see what was going on, only to find that the mobile phone had no signal at all, and it was directly displayed overseas.

Seeing that he couldn't get on the phone, he Jian directly watched it in the live broadcast room. As a result, he only felt that the goose bumps all over his body were getting up.

It turned out that the feline and canine rewards in the live broadcast room were gone, and I don't know when it was replaced with a phantom currency paper money.

Ah Jian was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly seemed to react, and quickly took out the phone he had put back in his pocket before.

Ah Jian tried to make phone calls and send text messages, but they were all displayed overseas.

Ah Jian's hand shook, and he looked at Xiaoxiao's mobile phone, which can still broadcast smoothly, in disbelief.

Suddenly he had an idea in his mind, whether it was a person or something else watching the live broadcast.

Just when he thought so, music suddenly sounded in the empty factory.

"...The bird in the cage..."

"...I want to run out all the time..."

"...On the night of dawn..."

"...The moment when the white crane and the tortoise are unified..."

"...Who is facing you behind..."

The sound of music sounds like a childlike voice from the machine Kaz Kaz, which sounds quite strange in such an environment.

The music circulated twice and suddenly stopped.

"...Who is facing you behind?" a little girl's immature voice repeated.

Ah Jian and others froze, even Xu You, who was not quite right before, froze.

They turned their heads mechanically and looked at the sound coming from behind them.

When she saw the situation behind them clearly, Xiaoxiao covered her mouth with her hand, and her tears fell instantly because of excessive panic.

Standing not far behind them, there was a little girl in a gray tutu with a little bear in her arms.

The little bear looked tattered, as if he had been scratched by someone.

The little girl tilted her head, looked at the three people in front of her, and repeated the sentence again.

"...Who is facing you behind?"

Xiaoxiao couldn't control her fear anymore and screamed.

Together with Ah Jian and Xu You, both of them were scared back several steps by this strange little girl who appeared suddenly.

Seeing that no one answered her, the little girl pursed her mouth a little unhappy, and immediately afterwards, she disappeared in place.

Seeing the little girl disappear, the three of them were even more frightened.

Xu You, who had always been calm and complacent before, was frightened and shivered.

"I, I haven't heard of these things here, Daliang, Daliang, he never told me about it."

Ah Jian, what they didn't understand when they heard it was that Da Liang and Xu You partnered to scare them.

Although they knew what was going on now, but what was going on with the little girl they just saw

The little girl who suddenly appeared behind her, and then disappeared in front of them.

"Now, sister. Who is the one facing you behind?"

Behind Xiaoxiao suddenly came a little girl asking her.

She turned around so scared that she took a big step back, and the little girl no longer stood where she was, but walked towards her.

Xiaoxiao originally wanted to turn around and run, but what is strange is that her feet are not her own at the moment, standing still and unable to move. In the end, she can only watch the little girl get closer and closer to her.

Xiaoxiao opened her eyes in horror and looked at the hand that was getting closer and closer to her.

"Now, sister, you haven't told me yet." the little girl said.

Just when she was about to touch Xiaoxiao, the rune of Xiaoxiao's body suddenly started to burn, and then slowly burned.

As if touching something annoying, the little girl put her hand back in disgust, snorted angrily, and then turned and disappeared.