This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 44: Alice's music box


When Xu You and the others said this, Xiaoxiao, who seemed a little happy, became silent. After a while, he suddenly said in a calm voice, "You don't like this house?"

Xu You A Jianjian instantly became ashen, is this a damn house? !

The two looked at each other for an instant, adhering to the philosophy that a dead dao friend is not dead, Xu You immediately said, "It's okay, it's okay. That is, Jian doesn't look like he likes it very much, right, Jian."

Xu You immediately gave A Jian a wink, and when A Jian heard it, his face turned green.

Holding his breath, he took a deep look at Xu You, twitched at the corner of his mouth, and said, "How can it be, what our Brother You likes, of course I like it too, right Xu You."

Ajian gave Xu You a wink, meaning that if you do the fifteenth on the first day of the junior high school, it will be a big deal together.

Both sides felt desperate for the other's behavior, but Xiaoxiao saw that they both liked it here, and laughed again.

It's just that the saliva-filled tongue, Bai Sensen's teeth, and the exposed flesh and blood make people look scared.

'Xiaoxiao' patted them on the shoulder, and comforted, "Don't be afraid, I won't treat you like I did to them, after all, you are pretty good to me."

Hope rose again for the two.

"I will eat you bit by bit, and it will be gone if you don't taste it like before. That would be too bad. And I will definitely absorb your souls together, so that we can be together forever. ."

Xu You Ajian took a few deep breaths at the same time, feeling that being a person is still not able to hold dreams, and dreams are used to break them.

Just like just now.

They have gone through hope and despair and hope and despair again.

Now they are no longer full of dreams and hopes, just thinking about whether they can be lighter when the other party's mouth is down.

There are thousands of ways to die, and dying without pain is the most beautiful.

But obviously, the other party didn't even give them this last thought.

"Although it may make you feel painful when I take my mouth, I heard that souls full of pain and fear are the most delicious to eat, so I may have to ask you to die a bit more painful then."

When the other party confided that they would be more painful when they died, the two only felt desperate for this malicious world.

Xu You and A Jian looked at each other quickly, and they both spoke at the same time between the sparks and flints.

"Then you see who is right first? I think Xu You Ajian is very good."

It seemed that neither of them wanted to die so early, and both wanted to struggle a bit, in case it was their turn, someone would be rescued.

This kind of thing still has so little hope.

They asked about "Xiaoxiao" on this topic.

'Xiaoxiao' looked at Xu You from the left and Ajian from the right, looking a little tangled.

"I think you are all delicious, and anyone who eats first thinks it's unfair to the other side."'Xiaoxiao' sighed.

The two wanted her to struggle a little longer, but obviously, if one thing was tangled and unable to make a decision, then another method would be adopted.

'Xiaoxiao' suddenly squatted down, dug in the soil for a long time, and was finally dug out by her.

A coin full of patina.

'Xiaoxiao' stroked the small coin carefully.

This is her treasure.

He took out the rusty coin, carefully patted all the soil on it, and after a certain look, Xiaoxiao said softly, "Which side do you choose?"

The coin is divided into words and flowers, and the probability of each side being random is half.

So when there is no way to make a decision,'Xiaoxiao' will use the coin in her hand to make the decision.



Xu You Ajian spoke at the same time.

As a result, when I heard that the other party chose differently from my own, I immediately retransmitted.



This time it was deadlocked again.

But this time'Xiaoxiao' didn't let them continue to struggle, but chose her own choice.

She pointed to Xu You, "Word." Then she turned her finger and pointed at Ajian, "You are a flower."

So whoever takes the word and who takes a moment is decided.

'Xiaoxiao' tossed the coin into the air. After spinning around in mid-air, the coin landed firmly on the back of her hand.

Xu You Ajian stared at the back of her hand, which was covered by her hand.

'Xiaoxiao' paused, and took away the hand covering the coin, only to see a side with words appearing above.

Xu You's face instantly turned pale, and the whole person was a little trembling.

When'Xiaoxiao' saw this, the corners of her mouth curled up, "You are lucky." She said this to Ajian.

A Jian was indeed relieved.

But then the sad mood of the rabbit and the fox rose again.

He is lucky right now, but if the opponent starts Xu You, then he should be the next one.

When I thought of this, Ah Jian's relieved faces were screwed together again, looking a little strange.

'Xiaoxiao' rubbed the coin in his hand, then carefully buried the coin in the place where it was dug out just now, and made the soft soil firm.

Make sure no one will see it.

After finishing all this, Xiaoxiao looked at Xu You, and then walked to him step by step under Xu You's expression full of horror.

'Xiaoxiao' put her head in front of Xu You, as if she was smelling it carefully.

If this action is performed by a young girl with a good-looking appearance, it may make people feel a little excited.

But in front of Xu You, it was not a young girl, but a half-head left, able to see the tongue coating on the upper head and the saliva of the other party's coveting.

Such a horrible scene appeared in front of Xu You, and Xu You couldn't wait to pass out immediately.

'Xiaoxiao' sniffed carefully, and finally stopped in front of Xu You's left.

The blood vessels on the ground are the fewest, and the flesh is the strongest.

It seems that the other party really intends to slowly enjoy the big meal in front of him.

Xu You closed her eyes and kept trembling in her mouth, saying, "Don't eat me, don't eat me..."

Ah Jian tilted his head to the other side, obviously not willing to see the next scene.


When Xu You was trembling and chanting,'Xiaoxiao' snapped down.

Although the meat did not fall off, it left a deep mark. You only need to bite a little bit harder to see the blood.

I don't know if it's because the opponent only has the chin left, and he doesn't have a good focus, and he can only keep biting in the same place.

Seeing blood soon.

Xu You was so painful that he couldn't speak, and could only gasp for breath.

At the beginning, he could still cry and beg the other party to let him go. Seeing that the other party was still biting and biting, he instead cursed A Jian on the side.

He thought with grief in his heart, he had known that he would run away at the beginning, and who else would he save.

Just when Xu You had begun to look back on his life, Gu Huaiyu appeared.