This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 45: Alice's music box


Maybe it was disturbed by others,'Xiaoxiao' was not in a very good mood.

She put Xu You in front of her behind her casually, her food protection skills were full, and it seemed that she didn't do this kind of thing less often.

When she saw who the person in front of her was, she mumbled, "Xiaoqian, that waste, can't even be solved by herself."

'Xiaoxiao' wiped the blood stained on the side of her mouth with her hand, and then returned it to her mouth.

Looking at Gu Huaiyu in front of her, she giggled, "Why, you also came to give me food?"

Gu Huaiyu raised her eyebrows, "Are you so sure that I am giving you food, not taking food from your mouth?"

"Xiaoxiao" couldn't stop laughing when she heard the word "Duo Shi", she stretched out her finger to the other person, "Only you? Or, on your half-dangling runes? Don't laugh to death."

When it comes to runes, Gu Huaiyu's face is not good.

She didn't expect that fellow Cong Yao would actually give her a fake. She also discovered this when she came to Xu You and the others.

In fact, to be precise, what Cong Yao gave was not a fake, but the effect was different from what she wanted.

For example, she wants to put the other party into the talisman, but she can only hold the other party simply.

Probably that kind of rune, only half the level of the rune.

It's uncomfortable to be laughed at, especially by the disgusting-looking woman in front of her.

Gu Huaiyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of his mouth raised, "Do you know that I have nothing else besides these?"

'Xiaoxiao' let out a mocking chuckle, and looked up and down Gu Huaiyu, "You are not the first to come here and say you want to solve us, but they are all lying here now."

'Xiaoxiao' pointed to the foot, and there were bones everywhere, overlapping in a mess, and the number seemed to be surprising.

"Of course, you won't be the exception." After saying this, the tongue of'Xiaoxiao' suddenly became alive, constantly growing, and flicking in the direction of Gu Huaiyu.

Gu Huaiyu looked at the white bones all over the floor with a blank face, and some of them were smashed skulls. It looked like someone wanted to eat the brain plasma in the skull before smashing the skull with a blunt tool.

Then I don't know when the tongue full of barbs slammed in the direction of Gu Huaiyu.

A stench came over the surface, but Gu Huaiyu remained motionless.

'Xiaoxiao' saw that she didn't do anything, thinking that the other party was frightened by herself, she couldn't help feeling a little proud.

Just when the tip of the barbed tongue was about to touch the opponent's neck, Gu Huaiyu smoothly grabbed the disgusting tongue.

'Xiaoxiao' was caught at first sight, without the slightest pause, the barbs above suddenly seemed to be alive, becoming sharper and denser.

If it is an ordinary person, and the hand is stabbed violently in an instant, the first reaction must be to retract the hand, and'Xiaoxiao' will take advantage of that time to launch a second round of attacks.

The barb pierced firmly into the palm of Gu Huaiyu's hand, but to Xiaoxiao's surprise, her hand did not retract, instead she grasped it tighter.

In an instant, blood slowly flowed from the palm of his hand, dyeing all the barbs red.

Seeing that she was difficult to deal with,'Xiaoxiao' wanted to withdraw her attacking tongue and prepare for the next round of attack.

Soon, she discovered that something was wrong.

The other party grasped very firmly and couldn't take it back. No matter how many dense and sharp barbs there were on the tip of her tongue, the other party was still motionless, letting her struggle.

What frightened her the most was that the blood flowing out of the palm of the opponent's palm, as if it were alive, began to flow toward the base of the tongue.

And where the blood ran through, not only did the barbs disappear, but there was also a feeling of scorching hotness.

'Xiaoxiao' was frightened, she wanted to escape, but Gu Huaiyu seized the key and couldn't escape at all.

The other side looked at her blankly, causing her heart to shrink tightly.

She suddenly had a strong hunch that if she were to be careless today, the bones under her feet would be her future.

The weak eat the strong.

This is the concept of Xiaoxiao all the time. In her eyes, those who are weaker than herself should be eaten by herself and make herself stronger.

But when it was her turn, she inevitably became scared.

"Sorry, I was wrong, please, let me go."'Xiaoxiao' pleaded bitterly with an unclear voice.

Gu Huaiyu still looked at her blankly, and the blood under her was about to extend to the base of the opponent's tongue.

She saw the other's weakness from the beginning.

The weird tongue tight in her hand is the other's weakness.

"I ask you if there is a little girl here tonight."

'Xiaoxiao' didn't know who the little girl she was talking about, and shook her head violently, "No, no, I haven't seen it."

Seeing Gu Huaiyu's unbelief, she continued, "I really haven't seen it. I only met a little girl a week ago. At that time, at that time..."

She swallowed, and continued in a vague voice, "I saw that she looked good at the time, so I kept her."

Obviously, staying here is not really staying as a guest, but staying in this place forever.

The skin was stripped, the meat was eaten, the blood was drunk, and even the bones were ground into powder and discarded at will.

And the person she started with was Xiaoxiao who was replaced by her impostor.

Hearing that it was a week ago, Gu Huaiyu's heart relaxed a little.

But after hearing her unfinished words, Gu Huaiyu began to exude air-conditioning.

'Xiaoxiao' knew very well that if the other party did not let her go, her tongue would be destroyed, and she would be finished.

So she begged desperately.

"I didn’t do anything wrong, I just ate a few people. Is it wrong for me to eat when I’m hungry? Just like you humans, kill chickens and eat ducks, and eat the weak. I didn’t do anything wrong, just to fill my stomach. That's it."

'Xiaoxiao' saw that she didn't have any reaction, and hurriedly said, "It's a big deal I won't eat anymore. Anyway, I can't die when I'm hungry. It's just a little uncomfortable."

"Just like you said that the weak and the strong eat, your life and death are also in my hands, there is nothing to be unwilling to do with you." Gu Huaiyu, who had been listening to her pleading, said, his voice sounded a little cold.

'Xiaoxiao' shook her head sharply, "Please, don't kill me, I don't want to die yet, I still have things I want to do."

"Then when they beg you, why didn't you let them go." Gu Huaiyu pointed at the messy white bones on the ground.

"When they knelt down and begged you, when they ran away desperately, telling you that they still had something to do, you let them go again?"

Every word of Gu Huaiyu's words seemed to punish her, and every word fell into her heart.

'Xiaoxiao' turned her head slightly and looked at the bones that she would discard randomly after eating.