This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 55: Alice's music box


An Jiu quietly bit her ear at Gu Huaiyu, "Boss Gu, what should I do now, will she be particularly angry?"

Gu Huaiyuyao said that she didn't know, but in any case, she still had to be prepared to prevent the other party from suddenly attacking.

Xiao Qian sobbed softly, carefully packed the ashes on the ground, and hugged the jars tightly.

"You don't even want me anymore." Xiao Qian said softly, not knowing whether to tell it to herself or to the ashes in the jar.

Xiao Qian stayed in place for a long time, when Gu Huaiyu began to wonder if the other party had any plans, Xiao Qian suddenly turned and left.

Gu Huaiyu:? ?

She was ready to control her if the other party went violently, but she never expected that she left without saying a word.

When Xiao Qian was walking toward the dark depths of the factory building while holding the jar, a very harsh scream came from outside the factory building.

The voice sounded irrespective of gender, and it sounded rather angry.

"It's the old tree, it's angry." Xiao Qian's voice trembled a little, "What did you do?"

Gu Huaiyu just wanted to say that he hadn't done anything, but immediately remembered what he had told Meng Xiaotao before he came in.

"...I didn't do anything, just let someone give it a gift." Gu Huaiyu, the second word for gift, was a little vague.

Following the angry cry from outside, the factory building also trembled, and the whole factory building looked like it was about to collapse.

Gu Huaiyu just wanted Xiao Qian to follow him out, but in a blink of an eye, the other party disappeared.

"Boss Gu, I think you might as well worry about yourself if you are worried about her. If you don't go out, I'll probably get cold in both of you." An Jiu reminded.

The two sides reached an agreement, turned their heads and ran outside the factory.

Because there was no block from Xiao Qian this time, they quickly left the factory.

The next moment they left the factory, a loud rumbling sound came from behind them.

An Jiu covered his little heart and said, "Mada, fortunately we ran fast, otherwise it would really be cold." Then he laughed meowly, "I don't know what Meng Xiaotao did. It actually made such a big movement."

The factory building collapsed, revealing what was hidden underneath.

The tangled roots of the tree were revealed, and they seemed to be able to swing flexibly.

The evidence is that there is one under Gu Huaiyu's feet. She just stepped on it accidentally because she couldn't stand firmly, and she almost didn't get shackled.

"Tsk, it seems that we got the big guy this time." Gu Huaiyu said with disgust.

Having said that, Gu Huaiyu walked in the direction where the scream came as soon as possible.

Although I walked very carefully, because there are too many roots, I will step on one or two from time to time, which greatly lengthens the time to reach the destination.

However, no matter how difficult the road is to walk, it will still reach the destination.

Unsurprisingly, Meng Xiaotao had already been recruited. She was hung upside down by the vines, and she was firmly tied up. She was covered with her mouth. It seemed that she didn't intend to make her speak out.

Xiao Qian was standing under the locust tree, looking at the dirt on the ground, not knowing what he was looking at.

When Meng Xiaotao saw Gu Huaiyu, her eyes lit up, "Mmm, Mmm!" Gu Meiren, save me!

Seeing her new look, An Jiu immediately smiled and couldn't find Bei.

"Oh, meow, quack! Meng Xiaotao, you have today, quack!"

The corners of Gu Huaiyu's mouth couldn't go down at all. Although she wanted to give Meng Xiaotao some dignity, it was so funny that she couldn't control it.

Seeing this reaction of the two of them, Meng Xiaotao's eyes flashed with desperate tears, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!"

Smile back to laugh, but people still have to save.

Sometimes there is still a gap between ideas and reality.

For example, Gu Huaiyu wants to maintain his cold style and save people calmly.

But in fact, she herself was hung upside down by the vines that quietly moved to her feet the next moment.

Of course, An Jiu in Gu Huaiyu's arms is no exception.

Two people and one cat, hanging upside down in rows.

I can’t believe that this is reality. An Jiu has been struggling. It may be that he is struggling too much. Originally, he was just hanging upside down next to the tree vine, and there were more tree vines, and the extra one. , Is used to smoke him.

Meng Xiaotao saw her, tears of laughter burst out, and across the tree vines, she could clearly hear her almost distorted laugh.

Gu Huaiyu began to doubt himself.

It was the first time that she wandered the rivers and lakes for so many years, like being hung upside down.

If this matter is known to those old immortals in the group, maybe they will laugh at the splits.

Although I have thought about things a lot, the most important thing is to find a way to break free.

Originally, Gu Huaiyu intended to ask Xiaolv to help, but if she was not injured, Xiaolu would not come out.

Moreover, her hands, feet, and mouth were all tied up tightly, and she couldn't do anything to take it out of her pocket.

Just when Gu Huaiyu tried to break free, the vines that bound them moved, moving them all to the position of the tree body, and then the tree body suddenly squirmed, and soon human faces appeared.

And there is not only one human face on the tree, but the entire tree is full of human faces. There are males and females, and several of them are the faces of security guards that Gu Huaiyu had seen in that memory.

Reminiscing about the strange and inexplicable shadows in the original factory, Gu Huaiyu had some guesses in his heart.

"Whoever gave you the courage, just a few of you little bugs, dare to do something to me!" The voice was strange, sounding quite angry.

Then the old locust tree screamed and laughed, "Surely you provoke me first, don’t blame me for turning you into my fertilizer." After speaking, the soil under the roots of the locust tree turned up and it was clearly visible. The bones that were hidden under the tree.

Xiao Qian kept staring at the soil under the old locust tree until one of its broken bones was turned over.

She seemed crazy, trying to dig out the stitched bone.

"Mine, mine, and mine." Xiaoqian kept digging with her hands crying.

"Xiaoqian, do you think it's useful to dig out your body? You forgot that our souls are already connected together, let go of these useless things." The human faces on the tree scrambled to say.

Xiao Qian wiped away the tears with her hand, and continued the movement of her hand without saying a word.

The old locust tree didn't stop her, anyway, the other party couldn't separate it from it. It was just a useless bone. As far as it was concerned, Xiao Qian was doing useless work.

Seeing that it was about to be buried in the soil, it turned into spring mud to protect the flowers.

Gu Huaiyu gritted his teeth and became cruel, feeling that he could not continue to sit and wait for death. When he was planning to kill one thousand enemies and harm himself by eight hundred, a miracle happened.

The movement of the old locust tree stopped, and the human faces on it seemed to have been hurt, and the screams kept ringing one after another.

"It's him, it's him!" The face screamed, "Why did he appear again!"