This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 57: Alice's music box


Meng Xiaotao now wished that she immediately turned into a light smoke, which would dissipate as soon as the wind blows, so that there would be no need to face this situation.

She tugged at the ends of her hair awkwardly, "Long time no see, Yan An."

Yan An chuckled slightly, "Actually, it's not that long." For him, Meng Xiaotao was the last person he saw before going to sleep, but now he woke up, and the first person he saw was still her.

Obviously, Yan An ignored Gu Huaiyu and An Jiu on the side.

"Ahem." Gu Huaiyu coughed slightly, "Although I don't want to disturb your reunion, should you tell me now what's the situation?"

Gu Huaiyu pointed to the locust tree that had collapsed to the ground and lost its vitality.

At that time, one of her took it lightly and let this locust tree spirit occupy the vanguard, and now others casually rang two bells to settle the matter easily, Gu Huaiyu's heart was a little stubborn no matter how he thought about it.

Yan An looked at Gu Huaiyu and was silent for a long time. Just when they thought that the other party was not going to speak, Yan An spoke with a little apologetic tone, "Sorry, boss Gu. This happened because of me, and naturally it will be eliminated because of me."

Meng Xiaotao smelled other meanings in Yan An’s words, and after thinking about it carefully, the expression on her face became a bit horrified, "Gu Meiren, do you know Yan An?!" Otherwise, how could both of them have not introduced themselves. Know the title.

Gu Huaiyu raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her lips curled up, "I know." Then she remembered something, and said with a light smile, "Speaking of which, I only met him because of you."

Yan An laughed too, as if thinking of something.

Gu Huaiyu didn't intend to explain more about her acquaintance with Yan An. Instead, she paid more attention to the current situation.

She turned her head and looked at Yan An with a serious look, "You said this happened because of you?"

Yan An nodded, and the yin and parasol umbrellas in his hand made a crunching noise due to excessive force.

"I remember that Xiaotao buried me in the Huaichuan Mountains, but when I woke up, it was indeed in this place, and the location of my coffin was under the locust tree." Yan An felt a little guilty.

"The locust tree contaminated my yin and turned into spirits. Those people were basically made by the locust tree instructing the resentful spirits." Yan An said this, inevitably a little uncomfortable.

These killings, which he had not seen much before his death, would have caused such a result after he died now, and died without being stiff.

Gu Huaiyu shook his head, "I asked Xiao Tao to bury you in the Huaichuan Mountains. I went to see it later, and it was indeed in that place."

She looked at the high-rise buildings one after another, her eyes seemed to look through the houses, looking somewhere.

Gu Huaiyu stretched out his hand and pointed in the air, "The Huaichuan of the year was supposed to be in that place, and here is just an ordinary hill." She sighed, "You will appear here, it can only be artificial."

Although I don’t know who did it, it’s clear that the other party must want to do something against the sky. Chun, and also buried under the locust tree.

Wood ghost, Huai.

The locust tree is easy to incur evil, but the other party deliberately buried the coffin under the locust tree.

This causes the locust tree to produce sperm, and the locust tree will inevitably have evil nature.

Yan An sighed, thinking that he knew that he could not be blamed for this, but he was always a little bit troubled in his heart.

An Jiu leaned to Meng Xiaotao's side and bit his ears in a low voice, "What is your creditor's identity when he was alive? Why do I feel that he is not murderous at all, it is not the same as other Baizhang."

An Jiu only met by accident when Yan An was alive. At that time, he was just curious, wanting to know what a person who had the courage to like Meng Xiaotao looked like.

As for other identities, he didn't know anything about it. When he got news from the other party again, he had already settled into the land for peace.

For them, human beings are just a passer-by, and after sighing and sighing, they don't care about it.

When Meng Xiaotao heard the word creditor, she almost exploded like she was hit by a cat with its tail on her feet.

But the creditor is in front of her, she can't wait to disappear now, and she can't explode her hair.

She glared at An Jiu, and said disgustingly, "You have a problem with your nose, do you think he looks like those low-level zombies from Stiff bass." Meng Xiaotao increased her voice, "No bones, Yan An is No bones!"

An Jiu's jaw was about to fall, "He just woke up not long, how could it be..."

Yan An heard Meng Xiaotao mentioning herself, and turned her head slightly and smiled at her.

Meng Xiaotao immediately looked to the left and right with a guilty conscience, and said that she hadn't said anything just now.

An Jiu was shocked, and he insisted on pulling Meng Xiaotao and asking her to explain to herself.

Meng Xiaotao winked at An Jiu, saying that when he went back, he would tell him that An Jiu was a little unwilling to be honest, but his eyes were still bright and staring at Yan An.

Gu Huaiyu knows both An Jiu and Meng Xiaotao's small actions. Besides Meng Xiaotao knows most about Yan An, it is probably himself.

But now she didn't plan to explain to them, because Gu Huaiyu learned from the analysis just now that someone had done some incredible deeds secretly, and now, in order to get it all done once and for all, she decides to get them out.

After talking to Yan An, he learned that he didn't know what was going on very well either, so if you want to find someone who is secretly doing something, you have to start from the beginning.

Gu Huaiyu found it bothersome to think about it, and his face didn't look pretty either.

"By the way, boss Gu, this thing may trouble you." Yan An suddenly remembered something, picked up his bell and shook it twice, the next moment a small ball fell out of the bell.

The sphere is transparent, only the size of a thumb, and it contains the same Xiaoqian they have seen before.

Gu Huaiyu looked at the bell in Yan An's hand with a strange expression. The bell was not too big, but he didn't know how the other party put a thumb-sized ball in it.

Yan An gave the ball to Gu Huaiyu, and said with some embarrassment, "It may be troublesome for Boss Gu to super-duty. I am different now and I can't do this."

Gu Huaiyu took the ball and nodded clearly.

"The same price as before?" Yan An asked.

Gu Huaiyu thought for a while, and gestured, "You are a regular customer, I will give you a 20% discount."

"Okay boss Gu, I will deliver the things to your store later." Yan An responded.

Gu Huaiyu asked Meng Xiaotao to tell Yan An the address of the store, while he was holding the ball and planning to go to Super Du Xiaoqian.

Meng Xiaotao broke her face immediately, and walked forward slowly.

Overcome this matter, Gu Huaiyu will meet.

But after all, she is not a professional, so it may be a little rusty to do it.

In terms of professionalism, the group of bald men in Dinghai Temple is probably the most professional.

Thinking of this, Gu Huaiyu suddenly stopped and turned the ball in her hand. She decided to send Xiaoqian to Dinghai Temple, and let the bald guys come over and collect debts.