This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 60: Dinghai Temple


"Don't care? I think you care about it very much." Daojun Zefu said with a hum.

Master Fuxiu was speechless for a while, and had to scratch his bare head awkwardly.

Daojun Zefu snorted twice and didn't care about him.

"I originally planned to finish the work at Dinghai Temple, so I stopped by the Taoist monarch to watch. Since the Taoist monarchs are here, I won't give up the two things." Gu Huaiyu said at the right time.

Gu Huaiyu spoke, and Daojun Zefu let go of Master Fuxiu.

"What does Boss Gu need my help?" Daojun Zefu asked.

Gu Huaiyu nodded slightly, "There is something." Then she took out the long nail engraved with runes.

This long nail was nailed to the ancient locust tree by Meng Xiaotao before, and then the spirit on the ancient locust tree died out, and this long nail was useless.

Because the source of the spike is a bit weird, even Cong Yao doesn't know its origin.

Gu Huaiyu felt a little strange, so she stayed here, and wanted to ask Master Fuxiu and Daojun Zefu.

Not to mention that Master Fuxiu is often stupid, but he is also the favorite to study those weird books in Dinghai Temple.

But because Daojun Zefu often walks in the world, he has seen a lot of things, and maybe he will know the origin of this long nail.

Daojun Zefu took the long nail over, and Master Fuxiu hurriedly moved his head forward and carefully looked at the long nail in his hand.

"The material of this long nail should be just ordinary material, and the only special place is the rune engraved on it." Daojun Zefu observed carefully, "but I always feel familiar with the rune on it."

Master Fu Xiu glanced at him, "Have you not seen the rune above?"


"Just the last time I went to your gym, I borrowed the book on your shelf while you were away, and there is this rune on it." Master Fu Xiu said with certainty, "I still remember that because of this, you It hurts to punch me."

Gu Huaiyu glanced at the Master Fuxiu silently, and it seemed that the bald had learned a lesson.

"But I haven't finished reading that book. I planned to borrow it in two days." Master Fu Xiu whispered.

Daojun Zefu's face was not good, he looked like, "Are you borrowing it? Are you planning to come back to my gym again?" His voice raised a little.

Master Fuxiu closed his mouth and said that he would not say anything.

Daojun Zefu snorted angrily, and then returned the long nail to Gu Huaiyu.

"This bald man is right. The rune above is indeed from a book in our Taoist temple. I just took a look at it accidentally. I didn't look at the details. If Boss Gu needs it, I will have two days later. send to you."

When Master Fuxiu heard this, his face changed drastically, "You are old and stubborn. I asked you to lend you and refused. The boss of Renjiagu hasn't spoken yet. You just send it up. I don't care. I haven't finished reading the book yet. It depends!"

Daojun Zefu glanced at him, "If you have a picture of Fuchun Mountain, I will send you that book."

Master Fuxiu was stunned.

Recently, his collection is about to be emptied, so he has just made up so much in these two days, but every time Boss Gu comes, his collection is empty again.

Master Fuxiu: As if the body has been hollowed out. Jip.

Gu Huaiyu has always been adhering to the essence of goose plucking and the principle of hollowing out wherever you go.

But this time she rejected Daojun Zefu's kindness.

"The Daoist only needs to tell me the content of the rune above, and there is no need to give me all the books." Gu Huaiyu paused, "After all, I don't understand what it means."

When Master Fuxiu heard it, he was overjoyed, "Give me the book and I will explain it to you."

Daojun Zefu ignored him and said with a little disappointment, "That's okay, we will talk on Fetion at that time." He shook his phone and pointed to the green pattern on the screen.

Gu Huaiyu nodded in response.

Daojun Zefu was somewhat unwilling to give up, "Boss Nagu, you see what you want, as long as you are willing to give away the Fuchun Mountain Residence, everything else doesn't matter."

Gu Huaiyu looked at him with a little regret, "I really can't do this now."


"Originally, that painting was only something that someone else had deposited with me, but I met the owner of the painting in the past two days, and it is estimated that I will be asked for it in two days." Gu Huaiyu waved his hands, indicating that he was powerless.

Daojun Zefu's lips trembled, as if he couldn't believe it was true.

After a while, he shuddered, "Boss Gu, what you said is true? Didn't you say that the owner of the painting is gone before?"

"I wasn't there at that time, but now it's not necessarily." Gu Huaiyu said, and then she caught a glimpse of Meng Xiaotao, who was lying on the window, trying to eavesdrop on what was said in the room.

Gu Huaiyu seemed to have thought of something, and a slightly nasty smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, "But wouldn't it be better? You buy it directly through the original owner of the painting."

When Daojun Zefu heard it, he instantly felt that what she said was reasonable, so he hurriedly asked who the original owner of the painting was.

Without any hesitation, Gu Huaiyu pointed directly to Meng Xiaotao who was lying on his stomach outside the window, "Her old lover."

Daojun Zefu saw that it was Meng Xiaotao. He was silent for a while. After a long time, he was uncertain and asked, "Which old lover is her?"

"Meow hahaha." An Jiu listened to the roll with a smile, and gave Daojun Zefu a thumb, although he couldn't tell where his thumb was.

"Zefu Daojun, you are the person I have ever seen who speaks best to my heart." An Jiu exclaimed.

Master Fuxiu and Gu Huaiyu were also smiling on the sidelines, just not as obvious as An Jiu's smile.

Meng Xiaotao, who was lying on her stomach outside the window, saw them smiling so happily that she wanted to rush in immediately and join their topic.

But before Gu Huaiyu entered the room, she asked her to stay outside, saying that she was going to talk about topics that children could not hear.

Thinking of this, Meng Xiaotao pursed her mouth in dissatisfaction.

In terms of age, she was still a bit older than An Jiu, but Gu Huaiyu let An Jiu in instead of her, saying something, "Pets are not considered old."

Originally thought that An Jiu would fight against Gu Huaiyu, the guy actually gave her a triumphant wink, and then flung his tail in.

Meng Xiaotao became more and more angry, so she quietly lay on the window, wanting to hear what they were talking about.

As a result, the soundproofing of the room was too good, and she could only hear some intermittent words, and could not hear the others, only vaguely heard the words of the old lover.

Daojun Zefu felt that he had never been so embarrassed.

He had met Meng Xiaotao, and even though he had to count it carefully, he was probably older than himself.

But when it comes to age in the state of mind, Meng Xiaotao is definitely not as mature as him.

As far as he has seen in the past few years, although he has not counted the people who are interesting to her, there are roughly dozens of them, so he asked that question unsurely.

Gu Huaiyu was questioned by him, and he thought about it carefully, "If it is an old lover who is true, there may be only one, and the others are not counted."