This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 7: Strange commission 07


Gu Huaiyu took the pen and hooked up on the place that caused the girl's death.

The cause of death was suffocation by immersion in water.

Gu Huaiyu turned a few pages back and found that everyone who had stayed in this hotel had basically suffered more or less strange casualties.

There is one exception.

Gu Huaiyu had already noticed this.

The age of the people involved in the accident is basically between sixteen and twenty-five, regardless of male or female.

"That's interesting." Gu Huaiyu took the electronic pen and poked the phone a few times.

She ticked a few more on the information about the Kotel Hotel, and then she withdrew from the information about the Kotel Hotel and clicked on the information about Mr. Xu and Miss Lan's family.

Gu Huaiyu didn't fully believe the facts that Miss Lan told her. Perhaps what Miss Lan said was true, but Gu Huaiyu believed that the other party must have concealed a lot of facts.

To be safe, when she asked for information about the Kotel Hotel, she conveniently asked for another information about her employer.

Randomly read the general information, a family of three.

Xu Jiangtao, Lan Yadan, Xu Lan.

Click on the first data, which is Xu Jiangtao's data.

Xu Jiangtao is Miss Lan's husband.

Xu Jiangtao has a Zhou Zheng face, looks like a stubborn person who will not follow other people's suggestions.

Gu Huaiyu's electronic pen tapped Xu Jiangtao's face a few times.

"An Jiu." Gu Huaiyu slapped An Jiu in his arms.

"I see."

An Jiu lazily raised his waist, shook the fur on his body, and started working after finishing himself.

I saw An Jiu put his paw on the phone screen. Because the screen was too small, his paw was enough to occupy one-third of the position.

Then An Jiu closed his eyes, and then made a snoring sound from his throat, which sounded like a kitten's voice when he was acting like a baby.

When An Jiu's voice stopped and he opened his eyes again, the original golden pupils seemed a little different.

It looks weird.

After a while, this feeling gradually disappeared.

An Jiulei lay on Gu Huaiyu's legs and stretched out his claws for comfort.

Gu Huaiyu also helped him lift his paws as he wished.

"How about it."

"Well, it's not a real person in front of me, I can only feel a general idea."

An Jiu said tangledly, "Xu Jiangtao gave me a strange feeling. I clearly felt that there were two people connected to him by blood, but one of them was looming, as if the second was my illusion."

"There are two bloodlines connected." Gu Huaiyu murmured.

Now there is an indistinct thread in her mind. She only needs to know a little more and she can connect things together, and then she will decide whether to send it away or destroy it.

It's not that Gu Huaiyu didn't believe the information given by Daojun Zefu, but when he saw the information of Xu Jiangtao, he felt that something was wrong.

Some simple facial techniques that she knows a little bit are so simple that she can only understand each other's family situation.

As for those whose fate is changing, she can't do it.

When Gu Huaiyu saw the information of Xu Jiangtao, he knew that the other party should have two children, but he saw only the information of a family of three.

So she felt something was wrong and asked An Jiu to check it.

The result was similar to what she had guessed.

Xu Jiangtao did have two heirs, but one of them must have gone wrong, and the traces of the other's existence must have been artificially concealed.

Putting this doubt aside, Gu Huaiyu continued to look down.

Xu Jiangtao is a typical self-made man.

At first he was just an ordinary contractor, but he was ambitious, and his head turned fast. Although he was a bit stubborn, it was this stubbornness that made his fortune once accumulate to an astonishing number.

But three years ago because of a failed investment, the capital chain was broken, and the company fell into a crisis.

Until later, a huge accident insurance successfully brought his company back to life, which can be said to be a miracle.

The owner of the accident insurance was a sixteen-year-old girl. Because she died suddenly and she had no other relatives, the money fell to Xu Jiangtao.

Xu Jiangtao went smoothly for two years, until this year there was another problem.

However, Gu Huaiyu felt that the biggest problem should be Xu Lan, a girl who lives in 1404 next door to her.

Since Xu Lan stayed in this hotel, she never returned home. No matter who came, the result would be the same. If she was forced to leave, she would be crazy and hurt the people around her like crazy.

Her crazy behavior made the people around her feel scared, and Miss Lan was also bitten by her.

In the end, Miss Lan had no choice but to let her stay in the Kotel Hotel.

Became a long-stay guest.

Gu Huaiyu took a look at the rest of the information. There was no other difference, so he didn't continue to look at it. He just circled the points that he cared about.

Nights abroad always come earlier.

Gu Huaiyu came out of the bathroom and wiped his hair wet with moisture with a towel.


The door was knocked vigorously with fingertips a few times.

Hearing this movement, An Jiu, who was lying on his face, immediately became energetic, and looked at the door with scorching eyes.

Gu Huaiyu glanced at An Jiu, then walked directly to open the door.

But what she expected when she went out was that she originally thought it would be Xu Lan who knocked on the door, but she didn't expect it to be two little boys who looked exactly the same.

The little boys are like native children in M country, with brown curly hair on their heads, brown eyes, two small dimples on both sides of their cheeks, and small suits and trousers of the same color. They look very cute.

Except for their pale cheeks and bright red lips.

"Sister, let's play." The little boy said simultaneously.

Gu Huaiyu paused for a while, then squatted down and stared at them.

"What is your name and where do you live?"

The little boys looked straight at Gu Huaiyu and saw that she didn't respond with any fear, so they spoke unwillingly, "We live here, my name is Henry Isaac, and his name is Covin Isaac."

"Now that we have finished introducing, sister, can you play with us?!" Henry and Kewen said at the same time.

Gu Huaiyu raised her eyebrows, "What game to play?"

"Hide and seek." Henry and Cowen laughed strangely.

Gu Huaiyu glanced at the corridor lights that had been extinguished for unknown time.

Dark corridors, strange children, requests to play games.

Gu Huaiyu looked at them with a smile, and at the same time patted their little heads, as if his mother was telling her children.

"It's very late today. The kids go to bed too late but they don't grow up tall. Those who play games or something will come and play with me during the day."

After speaking, Gu Huaiyu ignored the shocked expressions of Henry and Kewen, and then closed the door in front of them rather ruthlessly.