This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 71: The 71st Taoyuan Wild Interesting Picture


Seeing that Mr. You Hun had never answered, she flipped through the group chat messages bored.

It turns out that the Wandering Soul King is not only Ai Te, but also a few people connected to it.

But it is estimated that they are busy, except she asked what's wrong, no one else showed up.

Guess what may have happened to the other party and need help.

Gu Huaiyu had a few times with Wandering Soul Lord again, but the other party never replied.

Gu Huaiyu wrinkled her nose, and finally put the phone down, no longer entangled in this matter.

If you really need help, you should reply after seeing her message.

Two days passed in a flash, the Wandering Soul Lord did not reply, and did not send any more help.

The antique shop is deserted every day, because only a few people can see this shop.

But today is a rare encounter with a businessman who came to do business.

The man was shorter and fatter, but his face was white, he had a beer belly, and he had a little glasses on his face, and his hair had a Mediterranean trend.

It is the kind of very common businessman.

Meng Xiaotao led people to the tea table and made a cup of tea for them.

"Boss Gu, I've been admiring your name for a long time." The little fat man greeted Meng Xiaotao kindly.

The little fat man only saw Meng Xiaotao when he came in, thinking that she was the mysterious boss of Valley mentioned by the introducer.

Meng Xiaotao's face became stiff, and then he laughed happily, "Mr., you have admitted the wrong person. I'm just in charge of the chores in the store."

"Huh?" The little fat man didn't react.

It happened that Gu Huaiyu came out at this moment, holding the censer from before.

Seeing a visitor, she glanced at Meng Xiaotao, and Meng Xiaotao immediately leaned to her ear, and read the information about the little fat man in front of her.

"Boss Gu, he is just an ordinary person. He seems to have a little money at home. If he can find this place, someone should recommend him, but I don't know who it is."

Ordinary people, rich.

These two words are so beautiful for Gu Huaiyu.

This means that there will be a lot of money to be credited in the store.

Gu Huaiyu nodded reservedly, "Well, I know." Then she handed the incense burner she was holding to Meng Xiaotao.

"If you have time, help me take it to the sun, one month after the sun."

Meng Xiaotao took it and gave her an ok sign, then took the incense burner outside, found a good angle, and sunbatheed.

Gu Huaiyu sat next to the little fat man and continued tea for him.

"Are you the boss of Gu?" After the little fat man had just admitted the wrong person, he used a questioning tone this time.

Gu Huaiyu nodded, "I am, I don't know how to call your husband."

The little fat man took a handkerchief and wiped his sweat, with a friendly smile on his face, "It's fine for Mr. Gu to call me Xiao Li."

Of course it is impossible for Gu Huaiyu to call her client that way. She sipped her tea, and then looked at the little fat man who was hesitant to speak, "I don't know where Mr. Li heard about this small antique shop of mine."

The little fat man scratched, wondering if he should say it.

Gu Huaiyu glanced at him, "The person introduced you, and he must have said something else."

Seeing that Gu Huaiyu had guessed it, the little fat man didn't hide it.

"Boss Gu is really smart, so I won't lie to you about this." The little fat man had a smile on his face, looking a little festive.

"But it doesn't matter."

The little fat man nodded, "To tell the truth, a brother who helped me before asked me to come to you. He said that only you can save him and solve this matter."

"Aren't you here to collect antiques?" Gu Huaiyu's brows were almost erected.

She thought that the other party was an antique, or an old one who wanted to make a deal but was not good at making a deal.

The little fat man hurriedly said with a smile, "There is indeed an old stock who wants to sell, but there are some problems with that product. If you sell it rashly, I am afraid that you will have something to do."

"What's wrong with that product?"

"Well, look at your side..." The little fat man looked uncomfortable.

After all, he said that the matter was big or not, and it was not small.

If it spreads out, it will be a big deal.

At least for him.

"I'll talk about it first. I will collect the goods. I will help you deal with the aftermath, but these must be counted separately." Gu Huaiyu explained the matter to the face.

In previous years, she could choose not to accept these dispensable things, and it didn't matter if she had money or not.

But it doesn't work now.

She has a fancy item, which will be auctioned next month. The price is a bit expensive. If she doesn't prepare more, she is afraid that she won't be able to take it.

When the little fat man heard that Gu Huaiyu was so easy to talk, he nodded hurriedly, "This is a trivial matter, so easy to talk about, as long as you solve the painting problem for me."

Gu Huaiyu didn't ask about the painting, but suddenly asked, "Who asked you to come and look for me? Was it a guy with dyed hair that didn't look like a normal person and asked you to look for me."

When the little fat man heard this, he was startled, "Boss Gu, do you still know Brother Xiaoji?"

When Gu Huaiyu heard that it was him, the expression on his face became a little strange.

"Know, quite familiar."

The little fat man immediately let go of his heart, "Just know it, just know it, I'm afraid I'm looking for the wrong person."

Gu Huaiyu remembered the message that the wandering soul sent her two days ago, and has not replied yet.

"Ji Chun said to you personally, asked you to find me?"

The little fat man nodded and said affirmatively, "Brother Xiao Ji asked me to come and find you, and he wrote me the address by himself." He paused, "But he told me three days ago, he said If he doesn't show up after three days, let me find you at the address above."

Gu Huaiyu was a little strange, "What did he do?"

Having said that, the little fat man was a little embarrassed. Seeing that Gu Huaiyu had agreed to take the matter down, he didn't hide it.

"Brother Xiaoji is going to help me process a painting." Thinking of the painting, the little fat man couldn't help shaking the fat on his body.

"Oh, cannibalism?" Gu Huaiyu became interested when he heard it. "Why do you say that the painting cannibalize?"

The little fat man's face was a little tangled, thinking how to explain it better, after a long while, he spoke again.

"Actually, I was not the first to know about this. A bodyguard I hired told me." The little fat man swallowed. "In the beginning, it was an aunt who was in charge of cleaning. After going in and cleaning, she never came out again. The bodyguard searched the house many times, but couldn't find it. I thought it was my own illusion."

"But it appeared for the second time soon. This time it was a bodyguard in charge of patrolling." The little fat man was afraid that Gu Huaiyu could not understand, so he explained to her, "The bodyguards I hired are all those who came to visit my collection. Antiques are basically things that are priceless."

Gu Huaiyu nodded, expressing that he could understand.