This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 72: Taoyuan wild fun map


The little fat man continued to think about what the bodyguard said to him at the time, "The one who went on patrol was a short bodyguard. According to the procedure, they would enter the room every half an hour to make sure that nothing was missing. Or someone steals."

"But the bodyguard never came out after entering. Their captain felt that something was wrong, so he went into the room to look for it, but no one was seen."

"Later, more and more people disappeared, and I felt that I couldn't help it. The captain of the bodyguard approached me and asked to see the surveillance."

Speaking of the content of surveillance, the little fat man’s face showed an expression of horror, “Because this is impossible for me. How could it be possible for everyone to go in and disappear, so I followed to watch and monitor. ."

"What's in the surveillance?" Gu Huaiyu asked.

The little fat man shook his head, "There is nothing in the monitor, but those people are really real and disappear suddenly in the room. They are a big living person standing there motionless, waiting for you to blink, and then disappear. NS."

Gu Huaiyu knocked on the armchair, "Are you so sure that the painting made them disappear?"

"I didn't know it at first, but later I ran into little brother Ji, and he told me, so I knew." The little fat man had a frown on his face, "I didn't believe it when he said it, and then I went to see him. At the time of that painting, there were suddenly a few more people on it for no reason."

The little fat man felt a little panicked when he thought of seeing the painting. "The people in the painting are all wearing modern clothes, but my painting is an ancient painting, and the extra people on the painting match the number of people who disappeared in the room."

After the little fat man finished speaking, Gu Huaiyu had a general understanding of the situation.

"Your cannibalistic painting is a bit interesting. What you said before is this painting?" Gu Huaiyu asked.

The little fat man nodded shyly, "This is the painting, Brother Ji said, if I don't want this painting in the future, I can sell it to you."

Gu Huaiyu thought for a while, and agreed.

Hearing what the little fat guy meant, even though Ji Chun took the job, he couldn't guarantee that he could handle it well, so he asked him to come and find him.

If nothing unexpected happened, Ji Chun should also be in the painting.

I asked where the little fat man lives, and then calculated the time.

Finding that I had nothing to do for the next ten days, I made an appointment with the other party and agreed where to pick up people.

The little fat man lives in the center of the next city.

City S is different from City Z.

Z City is mainly a heavy industry zone, and there are not many places like Folk Street.

But S city is different. It is an important development city in country C. The main coastal area around S city, some foreign goods come through here, so the price of S city has also risen.

Not to mention that in the downtown area of s city, a random single apartment is already three times the price of z city.

From this point of view, this little fat man does have a lot of money.

Meng Xiaotao and An Jiu hid far away, watching Gu Huaiyu doing business with people, and even the two of them even made a bet.

"I bet that boss Gu will take me out this time." Meng Xiaotao said with certainty.

An Jiu glanced at her and laughed sneerly, "Where do you have such a big face, you always go out for food. If you want me to say, Boss Gu will definitely take me as a right-hand man out." Then, An Jiu stiffened his chest.

Gu Huaiyu glanced at them and said, "You shouldn't bring either of them, show me the store honestly." After a pause, he added, "You can't open the store. This is the last warning."

After An Jiu and Meng Xiaotao stay together for a long time, a chemical reaction will occur.

As long as she is not there, these two people can always make all kinds of meaningless bets, but they both belong to the ranks of Lao Lai, even if they lose the bet, they don't admit it.

Later it gradually developed into a pinch.

When pinching, regardless of place or time period, as long as you don't follow the other party, you can beat him to death.

Meng Xiaotao was so peaceful that she couldn't believe her ears.

"Boss Gu, who would you take if you didn't take us?" Meng Xiaotao couldn't believe it, she was rejected.

"Boss Gu, I can understand if you don't take Xiaotao. After all, it's useless. But if you don't take me, I can't understand." An Jiu walked around angrily, and finally walked in front of Gu Huaiyu and sat down. , Looks like a big reason.

"With me, I can help a lot, and I eat less and don't like to run around. It's completely different from Xiaotao." An Jiu said with a serious face.

Meng Xiaotao was also frightened when he heard him say this to him next to him, "Xiao Jiu, what do you mean by this? What does it mean to be different from me, what's wrong with me."

An Jiu waved his claws, listing all the misfortunes Meng Xiaotao had done before.

"Who is in the valley when the boss needs help, is still busy shopping through the streets and alleys, who is procrastinating when he should be doing business, just to read more novels..."

When Meng Xiaotao heard this, she hurriedly defended herself, "I walked through the streets to buy what Boss Qigu wanted. The reason for reading novels was because Boss Gu said it was not in a hurry. It doesn't matter if you go later. !"

Seeing that the war was about to escalate, Gu Huaiyu hurriedly interrupted.

She was afraid that they would continue to quarrel, and she would have to go through a lot of old calendars.

"Don't quarrel, I will not bring either of you." Gu Huaiyu looked at Meng Xiaotao with a serious face, "After I come back, if I still ask questions, you still can't answer, I will tell your mother. NS."

Meng Xiaotao froze.

She thought Boss Gu had forgotten about it, but she didn't expect it to be remembered.

Then Gu Huaiyu looked at An Jiu again, "I don't need to tell you what will be the next half month. You still want to run out, right? It's better to see how the world is going."

An Jiu also froze.

He was a little too excited to play this time, but forgot that for the next half month, his body was going to be uncontrollable again.

"Then who will accompany you, I don't worry about boss Gu being alone." An Jiu said unwillingly, "When the big deal comes, when someone asks, you can tell others that you have a Labrador."

When he said that he looked like a Labrador, An Jiu's tone was a little aggrieved.

It seemed that he didn't want to admit it at all.

The size of An Jiu's getting bigger is indeed somewhat imagined with that of Labrador.

Gu Huaiyu sneered, "Is it a Labrador that looks like a big cat."

An Jiu's form is more like a growing black panther than a Labrador.

Gu Huaiyu's words instantly blocked An Jiu's next words, and then the words that followed made him even more uncomfortable.

"This time I will not take either of you two, I will take Qiuyi."

Gu Huaiyu's words were similar to thundering, and he didn't react to Qiu Yi's attention when Quiet Mimi was watching them.