This Antique is Haunted

Chapter 73: Taoyuan Wild Interesting Picture [③]


The next day, Gu Huaiyu took Qiu Yi and sat on the plane heading to S City under the reluctant gazes of Meng Xiaotao and An Jiu.

This is the first time Qiu Yi has traveled far since that incident. He couldn't help but feel a little nervous, but he was more excited.

"Boss Gu, is it okay for me to come out like this?"

Gu Huaiyu looked at her and asked puzzledly, "What's the problem?"

Qiu Yi grabbed the corners of her clothes with sweaty palms, a little nervous and a little bit like she was dreaming, and said, "Didn't you say before that I can't leave the store too far, so is it okay to come out like this now?"

"It doesn't matter if you come out now. You weren't allowed to go too far before, because you and the Wugu doll have not been long since you merged, and now there are no such problems." With that, Gu Huaiyu took out a slap-sized witch. Gu doll.

"What you said reminded me." Gu Huaiyu handed her the Witch Gu doll. "You should keep this for yourself. Find a reliable place. If you want to travel far, you'd better carry it next to you. Don't It's gone."

Gu Huaiyu had thought of handing over this Witch Gu doll to Qiu Yi before, but sometimes it was easy to forget when there were too many things.

She deliberately brought this Witch Gu doll when she went out this time, just to find an opportunity for her.

Qiu Yi’s soul has long been perfectly integrated with this Witch Gu doll. The reason why she was able to travel far away was also dependent on Gu Huaiyu bringing the Witch Gu doll out. Otherwise, she was not far away, and she would have felt it a long time ago. Comfortable now.

Qiu Yi took the doll up in disbelief. She swallowed, "It really doesn't matter to me?"

Gu Huaiyu glanced at her strangely, "What's the matter, you must remember to bring it with you when you go out to do errands, otherwise, people won't be able to do it before the door is far away."

Qiu Yi felt a little bit like a dream.

Because she never thought that Gu Huaiyu would give her her stand-in doll.

Her hands were trembling slightly, and she held the doll's body tightly, her eyes were red, she looked very excited, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing her like this, Gu Huaiyu frowned, unavoidably exhorting a few words.

"The doll's body cannot be damaged in any way, otherwise your body will also have problems at that time."

Qiu Yi just awakened at this moment, and quickly let go of his hand.

Seeing that she didn't hold the doll tightly anymore, Gu Huaiyu nodded in satisfaction. On the way to S City, he also told her something about Witch Gu dolls.

"... The other is nothing, but there is only one I don't have to remember." Gu Huaiyu solemnly emphasized again and again, "You must never fall into the hands of others, otherwise it will mean that your life falls in the hands of others."

"If something happens to the doll, your soul will feel pain accordingly, and in serious cases, the soul may no longer exist."

"Because of various reasons, it is impossible to send you to reincarnation. The only way I can reluctantly use this method can I bring you out of that place."

Gu Huaiyu said that the cold sweat on Qiu Yi's forehead was a few more drops. In the end, she even felt that what she was holding in her hand was not the place where her soul was, but her life-giving charm.

Qiu Yi wanted to hand over the doll to Gu Huaiyu for safekeeping, "Or the doll should be kept with you, so I can rest assured."

Gu Huaiyu shook her head and rejected her.

"Sooner or later you have to get used to bringing a doll, and you can't stay in the store all the time."

Qiu Yiyi heard that she could not stay in the store all the time. The whole person was shocked, and her tone was a little flustered, "Is it because I did not do well? You can tell me directly, I can change it, boss Gu, don’t you Don't want me."

Qiu Yi's tone was very flustered, like a child about to be abandoned, tightly grasping the weak hope, wanting to show his usefulness.

Gu Huaiyu didn't expect her random words to make the other party so nervous. She was silent for a while, and her tone sank a little, "What I said just now is serious. You are different from Xiaotao and the others. They are objects that need to be restrained. you do not need."

"After this matter is over, I plan to have a good chat with you."

Qiu Yi froze, with an ugly smile on his face, and asked in a weak tone, "What are you talking about? No need."

Obviously, Qiu Yi was evading Gu Huaiyu's next topic.

Gu Huaiyu shook his head and said, "You don't need to be restricted, and you don't need to be restricted. This is a good thing for you."

"You can go wherever you want, and you can experience the feeling of being a human again. If you stay in the store, you will never have this feeling. I hope you can live a life of your own. At that time, if you are still willing to stay in the store, then I welcome you back at any time."

Qiu Yi silently listened to Gu Huaiyu's words. When she heard Gu Huaiyu say that she could go wherever she wanted to go, Qiu Yi's mind flashed through a place that had always been buried in her heart and dared not touch it.

She responded softly, "I see, boss Gu."

Qiu Yi seemed to finally stop struggling, "When you come back, boss Gu, you can't leave me alone."

After hearing this, Gu Huaiyu faintly said to her, "If I can, I really hope to kick Meng Xiaotao and the others out of the antique shop with you, so that I can go out and experience life as a person."

Qiu Yi didn't hold her back, and laughed out loud.

"Why do Xiaotao and the others need to be restrained?" Qiu Yi asked.

Gu Huaiyu sighed, with a tone of hatred for iron and steel.

"Just let them out and you will be able to see them on TV in less than a week."

"Ah? Why?" Qiu Yi puzzled.

Gu Huaiyu glanced at her and thought of an accurate statement, "It is not accurate on TV. To be precise, it is the Animal Channel. XXX appeared ancient rare and exotic animals."

"Gudao Store is not only an ordinary store, but also a place to restrain them."

"If you leave for too long, something out of control will happen."

"In order to maintain this scientific and civilized world, it is too difficult for me." Gu Huaiyu thought of the two time bombs she left in the store, and the whole person became worried.


Qiu Yi felt that the most unscientific was probably Gu Huaiyu in front of her.

It is extremely mysterious, knows everything, and it is said that he is much older than Meng Xiaotao, and it does not conform to the core values of socialism at all, let alone unscientific science.

On the road, Qiu Yi asked some of his previous questions.

Gu Huaiyu answered if he could answer, and sighed if he couldn't answer, and looked at her with that faint helpless eyes, stupefied Qiu Yi stuffed those strange questions back.

It was the first time that she was so close to Gu Huaiyu.

Although she doesn't know when, she will set off on an unknown journey, but she has a home to come back.

In the bottom of his heart, Qiu Yi quietly defined that small ancient shop as home.